Leave to the nightingale her shady wood; A privacy of glorious light is thine; Whence thou dost pour upon the world a flood Of harmony, with instinct more divine; Type of the wise who soar, but never roam; True to the kindred points of heaven and home! Macmillan's Magazine - Page 2161865Affichage du livre entier - À propos de ce livre
 | Thomas Shorter - 1861 - 438 pages
...ground ' Thy nest which thou canst drop into at will, Those quivering wings composed, that music still ! Leave to the nightingale her shady wood, A privacy...more divine ; Type of the wise who soar, but never roam ; True to the kindred points of heaven and home. WORDSWORTH. jlm % gtntle $ ark ! Lo ! here the... | |
 | George Washington Doane (bp. of New Jersey.) - 1861 - 652 pages
...sky-lark the best emblem of our aims and prayers ; and said, in two lines, all that we can ever say. " Leave to the nightingale her shady wood ; A privacy...more divine; Type of the wise, who soar, but never roam, True to the kindred points of Heaven and Home!"* \. It is our design, at Burlington College,... | |
 | James Fenimore Cooper - 1861 - 538 pages
...destined to control the jarring passions, deep deceptions, and selfish devices of men. CHAPTER II. ' Leave to the nightingale her shady wood : A privacy...dost pour upon the world a flood Of harmony, with rapture more divine ; Type of the wise, who soar, but never roam ; True to the klnJrcd point* of Heaven... | |
 | James Fenimore Cooper - 1861 - 530 pages
...destined to control the jarring passions, deep deceptions, and selfish devices of men. CHAPTER II. '' Leave to the nightingale her shady wood: A privacy...dost pour upon the world a flood Of harmony, with rapture more divine; Type of the wise, who soar, but never roam; True to the kindred points of Heaven... | |
 | Francis Turner Palgrave - 1861 - 356 pages
...might'st thou seem, p.oud privilege ! to sing Thrills not the less the bosom of the plain : All mdependent of the leafy Spring. Leave to the nightingale her...glorious light is thine, Whence thou dost pour upon the W01 . ]da flood Of harmony, with instinct more divine ; Type of he wise, who soar, but never roamTrue... | |
 | William Martin - 1861 - 380 pages
...will Those quivering wings composed and music still ? NATURAL HISTORY. Leave to the nightingale the shady wood ; A privacy of glorious light is thine,...dost pour upon the world a flood Of harmony, with rapture more divine. 'Type of the wise, who soar but never roam, True to the kindred points of heaven... | |
 | 1863 - 980 pages
...thee and thine a never-failing bond — Thrills not the less the bosom of the plain : Yet might'st thou seem, proud privilege ! to sing All independent...more divine ; Type of the wise, who soar, but never roam — True to the kindred points of Heaven and Home ! W. Wordsworth CCXLI TO A SKYLARK ' AIL to... | |
 | Francis Trevelyan Buckland - 1863 - 298 pages
...seem, proud privilege, to eing All independent of the leafy spring. " Leave to the nightingale the shady wood — A privacy of glorious light is thine,...dost pour upon the world a flood Of harmony, with rapture more divine. Type of the wise, who soar — but never roam, True to the kindred points of heaven... | |
 | Henry Gardiner Adams - 1863 - 330 pages
...'Twixt thee and thine a never-failing bond, Thrills not the less the bosom of the plain ; Yet might'st thou seem, proud privilege, to sing All independent of the leafy spring. Leave to the Nightingale the shady wood ; A privacy of glorious light is thine, Whence thou dost pour upon the earth a flood... | |
 | Charles Smith Cheltnam - 1863 - 176 pages
...('Twixt thee and thine a never-failing bond) Thrills not the less the bosom of the plain ! Yet might'st thou seem, proud privilege, to sing All independent...of the leafy spring. ''' Leave to the nightingale the shady wood— A privacy of glorious light is thine, Whence thou dost pour upon the world a flood... | |
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