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" He has visited all Europe,— not to survey the sumptuousness of palaces, or the stateliness of temples; not to make accurate measurements of the remains of ancient grandeur, nor to form a scale of the curiosity of modern art; not to collect medals, or... "
The New Universal Biographical Dictionary, and American Remembrancer of ... - Page 63
de James Hardie - 1802
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A Practical System of Rhetoric: Or, The Principles and Rules of Style ...

Samuel Phillips Newman - 1829 - 270 pages
...Burke has given the following biographical notice of Howard, the celebrated philanthropist. " He has visited all Europe, — not to survey the sumptuousness...of temples ; not to make accurate measurements of the remains of ancient grandeur ; not to form a scale of the curiosity of modern art ; not to collect...
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Memoirs of Howard, Compiled from His Diary, His Confidential Letters, and ...

James Baldwin Brown - 1831 - 388 pages
...remarking, that his labours and writings have done much to open the eyes and hearts of mankind. He has visited all Europe — not to survey the sumptuousness...of temples ; not to make accurate measurements of the remains of ancient grandeur, nor to form a scale of the curiosity of modern art; not to collect...
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Encyclopædia Americana: A Popular Dictionary of Arts, Sciences ..., Volume 6

Francis Lieber, Edward Wigglesworth - 1831 - 628 pages
...remarking that his labors and writings have done much to open the eyes and hearts of mankind. He has visited all Europe, not to survey the sumptuousness...of temples ; not to make accurate measurements of the remains of ancient grandeur, nor to form a scale of the curiosity of modern art; not to collect...
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Anecdotes, Religious, Moral, and Entertaining

Charles Buck - 1831 - 418 pages
...honourable actions." Mr. Burke justly observed of this great man, "that he visited all Europe (and the East) not to survey the sumptuousness of palaces or the...of temples ; not to make accurate measurements of the remains of ancient grandeur, nor to form a scale of the curiosity of modern art ; not to collect...
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Researches in Greece and the Levant

John Hartley - 1831 - 426 pages
...Mediterranean has not been omitted in the plans of Christian philanthropy. Men have gone abroad, like Howard, " not to survey the sumptuousness of palaces, or the...of temples — not to make accurate measurements of the remains of ancient grandeur, nor to form a scale of the curiosity of modern art — not to collect...
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Encyclopædia Americana: A Popular Dictionary of Arts, Sciences ..., Volume 6

Francis Lieber, Edward Wigglesworth - 1831 - 618 pages open the eyes and hearts of mankind. He has visited all Europe, not to survey the sumptiiousness of palaces, or the stateliness of temples ; not to make accurate measurements of the remains of ancient grandeur, nor to form a scale of the curiosity of modern art; not to collect...
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Encyclopædia Americana, ed. by F. Lieber assisted by E. Wigglesworth (and T ...

Encyclopaedia Americana - 1831 - 618 pages
...remarking that his labors and writings have done much to open the eyes and hearts of mankind. He has visited all Europe, not to survey the sumptuousness of palaces, or the statelmess of temples ; not to make accurate measurements of the remains of ancient grandeur, nor to...
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The philosophic alphabet, with an explanation of its principles; to which is ...

George Edmonds (of Birmingham.) - 1832 - 122 pages
...EXAMPLES. If YOU regulate your desires accordingto THE STANDARD of nature, you will never be poor. HE has visited all Europe-, not to survey THE SUMPTUOUSNESS...of temples-, not to make ACCURATE MEASUREMENTS of the remains [REMAINS] of ancient grandeur, nor to form A SCALE of the curiosity [CURIOSITY] of modern...
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The Book of Days: A Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in ..., Volume 2

Robert Chambers - 1832 - 846 pages
...Howard lived to hear them recognised, has never been superseded in grace and faithfulness : ' Ho has visited all Europe — not to survey the sumptuousness...of temples ; not to make accurate measurements of the remains of ancient grandeur, nor to form a scale of the curiosities of modern art ; not to collect...
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English Grammar, Adapted to the Different Classes of Learners: With an ...

Lindley Murray - 1832 - 222 pages
...euloprium of the philanthropic Howard. " He has visited all Europe, — not to survey the sumptuousness ol palaces, or the stateliness of temples ; not to make accurate measurements of the remains of ancient grandeur, nor to form a scale of the curiosity of modern arts ; nor to collect...
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