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" Strip the body, and rub it dry ; then wrap it in hot blankets, and place it in a warm bed, in a warm chamber. "
The scientific and literary treasury - Page 218
de Samuel Maunder - 1853 - 844 pages
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Manly Exercises: Containing Rowing, Sailing, Riding, Driving, Racing ...

Donald Walker - 1856 - 438 pages
...quickly for medical assistance ; but do not delay the following means. I. Convey the body carefully, with the head and shoulders supported in a raised position, to the nearest house. II. Strip the body, and rub it dry ; then wrap it in hot blankets and place it in a warm bed in a warm...
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Enquire Within Upon Everything

Robert Kemp Philp - 1856 - 372 pages
...assistance immediately, and in the meantime act as follows : — 1. Strip the body, rub it dry ; then rub it in hot blankets, and place it in a warm bed in a warm room. 2. Cleanse away the froth and mucus from the nose and mouth. 3. Apply warm bricks, bottles, bags...
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The Christian Pioneer, Volumes 10 à 14

1856 - 790 pages
...Nor rub the body with salt or spirits. Nor inject infusion of tobacco. 2-. Convey the body carefully, with the head and shoulders supported in a raised position, to the nearest house. 3. Strip the body, and rub it dry; then wrap it in hot blankets, and place it in a warm bed in a warm...
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The Retrospect of Practical Medicine and Surgery: Being a ..., Parties 32 à 33

1856 - 726 pages
...carefully, with the head and shoulders supported in a raised condition, to the nearest house. " 2. Strip the body, and rub it dry ; then wrap it in hot blankets, and then place it in a warm bed in a warm chamber free from smoke. " 8. Wipe and cleanse the mouth and...
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The Cottager's monthly visitor, Volumes 35 à 36

1856 - 806 pages
...salt or spirits; 6. Nor inject tobacco-smoke or infusion of tobacco. " 1. Convey the body carefully, with the head and shoulders supported in a raised position, to the nearest house. " 2. Strip the body, and rub it dry; then wrap it in hot blankets, and place it in a warm bed hi a...
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Mrs. Hale's Receipts for the Million ...

Sarah Josepha Buell Hale - 1857 - 730 pages
...assistance immediately, and in the mean time act as follows: 1. Strip the body, rub it dry ; then rub it in hot blankets, and place it in a warm bed in a warm room. 2. Cleanse away the froth and mucus from the nose and month. 3. Apply warm bricks, bottles, bags...
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The domestic management of children in health and disease on hydropathic and ...

Walter Johnson (M.B.) - 1857 - 494 pages
...tobacco-smoke or infusion of tobacco. To restore the apparently drowned. 1. Convey the body carefully, with the head and shoulders supported in a raised position, to the nearest house. 2. Strip the body, and rub it dry ; then wrap it in hot blankets, and place it in a warm bed, in a...
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Prone and Postural Respiration in Drowning and Other Forms of Apnoea Or ...

Marshall Hall (M.D.) - 1857 - 242 pages the Royal Humane Society : " To Restore the apparently Drowned. " 1. Convey the body carefully, with the head and shoulders supported in a raised position, to the nearest house. " 2. Strip the body and rub it dry ; then wrap it in hot blankets and place it in a warm bed, in a...
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The London Lancet: A Journal of British and Foreign Medical and ..., Volume 1

1857 - 590 pages
...396 DR. MÄRSBALL HALL ON THE TREATMENT OF ASPHYXIA. FORMER RULES. " 1. Convey the body «arefully, with the head and shoulders supported in a raised position, to the nearest house. 2. Strip the body, and rub it dry ; then wrap it in hot blankets, and place it in a warm bed, in a...
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The Sanitary Review, and Journal of Public Health, Volume 3

1857 - 536 pages
...spirits ; 6. Nor inject tobacco-smoke or infusion of tobacco. I. Convey the body carefully, on its face, with the head and shoulders supported in a raised position, to the nearest house. H. Strip the body and rub it dry; then wrap it in hot blanf kets and place' it in a warm bed in a warm...
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