| Edmund Burke - 1800 - 614 pages
...MEN, high-minded MEN, With pow'rs as far above dull brutes endued In foreft, brake, or den, As beafts excel cold rocks and brambles rude; Men, who their...their rights, and knowing dare maintain, Prevent the long-aim'd blow, And crufh the tyrant while they rend the chain : Tbefe conftitute a ftate, And fov'reign... | |
| 1784 - 1048 pages
...minded MEN, With pow'rs as tar :bove dull brutes endued In forctt, brake, or den, As beafts excel coid rocks and brambles rude ; Men, who their duties know, But know their rigbis, and, knowing, dare maintain, Prevent the locg-aim'd blow, And ciuih the tyrant while they rend... | |
| John Almon - 1786 - 478 pages
...MEN, high minded MEN, With pow'rs as far above dull brutes endued In foreft, brake, or den, As beafts excel cold rocks and brambles rude ; Men, who their...rights, and, knowing, dare maintain, Prevent the long aim'd blow, And crufli the tyrant while they rend the chain: fbefe conflitute a State; And fov'reign... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament - 1793 - 742 pages
...MEW, high-minded MEN, With powers as far above dull brutes endued 111 foreft, brake, or den, As beads excel cold rocks and brambles rude ; MEN who their...know their rights, and, knowing, dare maintain.— If the prefent practice deviates from the principles of the Conftitution, he had furely a good light... | |
| John Bell - 1794 - 574 pages
...low-brow'd baseness wafts perfume to pride . No :— MEN, high minded MEN, With pow'rs as far above dull brutes endued In forest, brake, or den, As beasts...rights, and, knowing, dare maintain; Prevent the long aim'd blow, And crush the tyrant, while- they rend the chain : These constitute a State ; And sov'reign... | |
| 1708 - 586 pages
...MEN, HIGH-MINDED MEN, With powers as far above dull brutes endued, In foreft, brake, orden, As beafts excel cold rocks' and brambles rude : MEN, WHO THEIR...THEIR RIGHTS, AND KNOWING, DARE MAINTAIN; PREVENT THE LONG-AIM'D BLOW, AND CRUSH THE TYRANT WHILE THEY REND. THE CHAIN: THESE CONSTITUTE A STATE. The eleilor... | |
| 1798 - 458 pages
...men, high-minded men, With powers as far above dull brutes endued, In foreft, brake, or den, As beafts excel cold rocks and brambles rude : Men, who their...But know their rights, and knowing, dare maintain} Thefe conftitute a State, And fovereign law, that State's collected will, Prevent the long-aim'd blow,... | |
| Stephen Jones, Charles Molloy Westmacott - 1799 - 466 pages
...men, high-minded men, With powers as far above dull brutes endued, In foreft, brake, or den, As beafts excel cold rocks and brambles rude : Men, who their...their rights, and knowing, dare maintain ; Prevent the long-aim'd blow, And crufh the tyrant, while they rend the chain: Thefe conftitute a State, And fovereign... | |
| Apollo - 1800 - 224 pages
...MEN, high-minded MEN, With powers as far above dull brutes endued In foreft, brake, or den, As beafls excel cold rocks and brambles rude ; Men who their...their RIGHTS, and knowing, dare maintain, Prevent the long-aim'd blow, And crufh the tyrant while they rend the chain : Thefe conllitute a flate, And fovereign... | |
| 1800 - 620 pages
...MEM, high-minded MEN, With pow'rs as far above dull brutes endued In foreft, brake, or den, As beads excel cold rocks and brambles rude; Men, who their duties know, But know their lights, and knowing dare maintain, Prevent the long-aim'd blow, And crufli the tyrant while they rend... | |
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