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Livres Livres
" It is a good divine that follows his own instructions; I can easier teach twenty what were good to be done than to be one of the twenty to follow mine own teaching. "
Life in the Sandwich Islands: Or, The Heart of the Pacific, as it was and is - Page 252
de Henry Theodore Cheever - 1856 - 355 pages
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A Dictionary of the English Language: In which the Words are ..., Volume 4

Samuel Johnson - 1805 - 936 pages
...mind He is a good divine that follows his c»-n instructions ; 1 can easier tc.ich twenty whaf wert good to be done, than to be one of the twenty to follow Mly gwn tracking. Skjisftu:. If some m<--n Imc/i wicked things, it must bs that others should practise...
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The Speaker; Or Miscellaneous Pieces: Selected from the Best English Writers ...

William Enfield - 1808 - 434 pages
...princes' palaces. He is a good divine who follows his -own instructions : I can easier teach Kventy what were good to be done, than to be one of the twenty to follow my own teaching. Men's evil manners live in brass ; th«ir virtues we write .in water. The web of our...
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Aphorisms from Shakespeare

William Shakespeare - 1812 - 542 pages
...Tecti, caret invidenda Sobriut auli, . He ft. WHM. ' ' 24.18. . ;l It is. easier to teach twenty what is good to be done, than to be one of the twenty to follow one's own teaching*.^ 2419- YOVTH Youthful Rashness skips like & Hare over the meshes of good Council,...
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Discoveries in hieroglyphics, and other antiquities, in ..., Volumes 3 à 4

Robert Deverell - 1813 - 596 pages
...ncgress. The three caskets will be pointed out in their several proper places hereafter. Can easier teach twenty what were good to be done, than to be one of the twenty to follow my own teaching. But this reasoning is not in fashion, lo choose me a husband. O me, the word, choose...
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Discoveries in hieroglyphics, and other antiquities, in ..., Volumes 3 à 4

Robert Deverell - 1813 - 588 pages
...caskets' will be pointed out in their several proper places hereafter. can easier teach twenty \vhat were good to be done, than to be one of the twenty to follow my own teaching. But this reasoning is not in fashion, to choose me a husband. O me, the word, choose...
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An American Selection of Lessons in Reading and Speaking: Calculated to ...

Noah Webster - 1814 - 236 pages
...princes' palaces. Me is a good divine that follows his own instructions. I can easier teach tiventy what were good to be done, than to be one of the twenty to follow my own teaching. 15. Men's evil manners live in brass; their virtues we write in water. 16. The web...
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Othello. Merchant of Venice. Third Satire of Horace

Robert Deverell - 1816 - 312 pages
...negress. The three caskets will be pointed out in their several proper places hereafter. 175 can easier teach twenty what were good to be done, than to be one of the twenty to follow my own teaching. But this reasoning is not in fashion, to choose me a husband. O me, the word, choose...
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1826 - 448 pages
...poor men'scottagesprinces palaces. He is a good divine that follows his own inftructions : I can eafar teach twenty what were good to be done, than to be one of the twenty to follow my own teaching. Men's evil manners live in brafs } their virtues we write in water. The web of our...
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Laconics: Or, The Best Words of the Best Authors, Volume 2

John Timbs - 1829 - 354 pages's cottages princes' palaces. It is a good divine that follows his own instructions; I can easier teach twenty what were good to be done, than to be one of the twenty to follow mine own teaching. The brain may devise laws for the blood; but a hot temper leaps over a cold decree; such a hare is...
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Laconics; or, The best words of the best authors [ed. by J. Timbs ..., Volume 2

Laconics - 1829 - 358 pages's cottages princes' palaces. It is a good divine that follows his own instructions; I can easier teach twenty what were good to be done, than to be one of the twenty to follow mine own teaching. The brain may devise laws for the blood; but a hot temper leaps over a cold decree; such a hare is...
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