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" Our first eruption, thither or elsewhere: For this infernal pit shall never hold Celestial spirits in bondage, nor the abyss Long under darkness cover. "
Select British Classics - Page 158
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Milton's Lycidas

John Milton - 1879 - 218 pages
...Long under darkness cover. But these thoughts Full counsel must mature. Peace is despaired ; 660 For who can think submission ? War, then, war, Open or understood, must be resolved." He spake; and to confirm his words, out-flew Millions of flaming swords, drawn from the...
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Milton's Paradise Lost: Books I and II

John Milton - 1879 - 216 pages
...Long under darkness cover. But these thoughts Full counsel must mature. Peace is despaired ; 660 For who can think submission ? War, then, war, Open or understood, must be resolved." He spake ; and to confirm his words, out-flew Millions of flaming swords, drawn from the...
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The English Poets: Selections, Volume 2

Thomas Humphry Ward - 1880 - 524 pages
...abyss Long under darkness cover. But these thoughts Full counsel must mature : peace is despair'd ; For who can think submission ? War then, war, Open or understood, must be resolved.' He spake ; and, to confirm his words, out-flew Millions of flaming swords, drawn from the...
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Literary Studies from the Great British Authors

Horace Hills Morgan - 1880 - 476 pages
...Long under darkness cover. But these thoughts Full counsel must mature: peace is despair' d; 75 For who can think submission ? war then, war Open or understood, must be resolved. He spake: and to confirm his words outflow Millions of flaming swords, drawn from the thighsOf...
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The English Poets, Volume 2

Thomas Humphry Ward - 1880 - 524 pages
...abyss Long under darkness cover. But these thoughts Full counsel must mature : peace is despair'd ; For who can think submission ? War then, war, Open or understood, must be resolved.' He spake ; and, to confirm his words, out-flew Millions of flaming swords, drawn from the...
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The poetical works of John Milton, with a life of the author by A. Chalmers ...

John Milton - 1881 - 894 pages
...Long under darkness cover. But these thoughts Full counsel must mature : peace is despair'd; 660 For who can think submission? war then, war Open or understood, must be resolv'd. He spake : and to confirm his words outflew Millions of flaming swords, drawn from the thighs Of mighty...
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The Poetical Works of John Milton: Reprinted from the Best Editions, with ...

John Milton - 1881 - 590 pages
...abyss Long under darkness cover. But these thoughts Full counsel must mature ; peace is despaired, For who can think submission ? War, then, war, Open or understood, must be resolved." He spake ; and to confirm his words, outflow Millions of flaming swords, drawn from the...
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The Story of English Literature

Anna Buckland - 1882 - 562 pages
...suggests that they shall endeavour to find it, and shall there still carry on war against God — " For who can think submission ? War then, war, Open or understood, must be resolved." The mighty host in response draw their swords and holding their shields on high, clash defiance...
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The English Poets: Selections with Critical Introductions by ..., Volume 2

Matthew Arnold - 1882 - 522 pages
...abyss Long under darkness cover. But these thoughts Full counsel must mature : peace is despair'd ; For who can think submission ? War then, war, Open or understood, must be resolved.' He spake ; and, to confirm his words, out-flew Millions of flaming swords, drawn from the...
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Paradise lost, book i. (ii.), ed. with intr. and notes by F. Storr, Livre 1

John Milton - 1884 - 72 pages
...Long under darkness cover. But these thoughts Full counsel must mature. Peace is despair'd ; 6Co For who can think submission? War then, war Open or understood, must be resolv'd.' He spake ; and, to confirm his words, out-flew Millions of flaming swords, drawn from the thighs Of...
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