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" My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: for length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee. "
The Blood Covenant: A Primitive Rite and Its Bearing on Scripture - Page 257
de Henry Clay Trumbull - 1898 - 390 pages
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The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments and the ..., Volume 7

1611 - 360 pages But the wicked shall be cut off from the earth, and the transgressors shall be rooted out of it. MY son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: for length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee. Let not mercy and truth forsake...
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Ahiman rezon: or, A help to a brother; shewing the excellency of secrecy ...

Laurence Dermott - 1764 - 276 pages
...neceflary to ufe counters and a balloting box when Occafion requires. The End of the New Regulations. My Son, forget not my law ; but let thine heart keep my Commandments? and remove not the ancient Land Mark 'which thy fathers have fet SOLOMON. Though the foregoing are...
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Sermons, on practical subjects, Volume 2

Samuel Carr - 1801 - 366 pages mixt " wine." So that he had just reason for giving his son this important lesson of advice ; " my " son, forget not my law, but let thine heart " keep my commandments : for length of days <£ and long life shall they add unto thee." Nor, secondly, hath the righteous...
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The True Ahiman Rezon, Or, A Help to All that Are, Or Would be Free and ...

Laurence Dermott - 1805 - 294 pages
...thought necessary to use counters and a balloting box when occasion requires. End of the New Regulations. My son, forget not my law ,• but let thine heart keep my commandments ; and remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have set. •SOLOMON* END OF THE REGULATIONS....
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The Plain Teacher: Shewing the Advantage of Man's Prudent and Pious Conduct ...

Richard Steele - 1807 - 238 pages
...thou not. Walk not thou in the way with them, refrain thy foot from their path, &c. Prov. i. 10, 15. " My son, forget not my law ; but let thine heart keep...commandments. Let not mercy and truth forsake thee ; write them upon the table of thine heart, So shall thou find favour undgood understanding in the...
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A Scripture Account of the Faith and Practice of Christians: Consisting of ...

Hugh Gaston - 1807 - 550 pages
...mother. Ver. 9. They shall be an ornament of grace unto thine head, and chains about thy neck. iv 1. My son, forget not my law, but let thine heart keep my commandments, for length of days and long life, and peace shall they add to thee. Ver. 2. v. 1. My son attend unto...
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Select parts of the holy Bible, for the use of the negro slaves, in the ...

1807 - 570 pages
...charitableness, 30 pearcableness, 31 and contented/iess. 33 The cursed state of the tricked. "\ TY son, forget not my law ; but let thine heart keep my commandments : 2 For length of days, and long life, and peace shall they add to theo. 3 Let not mercy and truth...
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An Introduction to the Irish Language: In Three Parts. I. An Original and ...

William Neilson - 1808 - 300 pages
...tid 9. Onojnrj an C)5e<tjiti<t te- TO Midojtt, T le' In.le- Z)jf)5. PROVERBS, PROVERBS, Chap. 3, 1. My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments. 2. For length of days, and long life, and peace shall they add to thee. 3. Let not mercy and truth...
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The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments; Together with the ...

1809 - 1150 pages
...exhortation to charitableness, 30 fieaceablenest, 31 and contentedncss. 33 The cursed state of the wicked. oman unto him, saying, Help, my lord, O king. 27 Aud he said. If the : 2 For length of days, and long life, and peace shall diey add to thee. 3 Let not niercy and trudi...
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Sermons on Various Subjects, Evangelical, Devotional and Practical ..., Volume 1

Joseph Lathrop - 1809 - 430 pages
...anddogood; seek peace and pursue it. In the writings of Solomon, similar observations often occur.— •My son, forget not my law, but let thine heart keep my commandments ; for length of days, and fang. life, and peace shall they add to thee. Honour the Lord.with thy substance,...
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