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" But the Nightingale, another of my airy creatures, breathes such sweet loud music out of her little instrumental throat, that it might make mankind to think miracles are not ceased. He that at midnight, when the very labourer sleeps securely, should hear,... "
The United States Literary Gazette - Page 169
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Blackwood's Magazine, Volume 14

1823 - 782 pages
...throat, that it might make mankind to think miracles are not ceased. He that at midnight, when the very labourer sleeps securely, should hear, as I have very...thou provided for the saints in Heaven, when thou aftbrdest bad men such music on Earth '." He then returns to his hawks, which he says *re usually distinguished...
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The Lives of Dr. John Donne;--Sir Henry Wotton;--Mr. Richard ..., Volume 2

Izaak Walton - 1817 - 740 pages
..." He that at midnight, when the very labourer sleeps se" rarely, should hear, as I have often done, the sweet descants, " the natural rising and falling, the doubling and redoubling " of the nightingale's voice, might well be lifted above earth, " and say, Lord, what music hast thou provided...
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The Works of the Right Reverend George Horne ...: To which are ..., Volume 6

George Horne, William Jones - 1818 - 576 pages
...He that at mid" night, when the very labourer sleeps securely, " should hear, as I have often done, the clear airs, " the sweet descants, the natural...rising and falling, " the doubling and redoubling, of the nightingale's " voice, might well be lifted above earth, and say, " Lord, what music hast thou...
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New Monthly Magazine, and Universal Register, Volume 4

Thomas Campbell, Samuel Carter Hall, Edward Bulwer Lytton Baron Lytton, Theodore Edward Hook, Thomas Hood, William Harrison Ainsworth, William Ainsworth - 1822 - 598 pages
...that it might make mankind to think that miracles are not ceased. He that at midnight, when the very labourer sleeps securely, should hear, as I have very...thou provided for the saints in heaven, when thou afFordest bad men such music on earth !" Again :—" When I would beget content, and increase confidence...
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The Complete Angler, Or, Contemplative Man's Recreation: Being a Discourse ...

Izaak Walton, Sir John Hawkins, John Hawkins - 1822 - 490 pages
...throat, that it might make mankind to think miracles are not ceased. He that at midnight, when the very labourer sleeps securely, should hear, as I have very...thou provided for the Saints in Heaven, when thou affordest bad men such music on Earth! And this makes me the less to wonder at the many Aviaries in...
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The New Monthly Magazine, and Literary Journal ..., Volume 3

1822 - 592 pages
...that it might make mankind to think that miracles are not ceased. He that at midnight, when the very labourer sleeps securely, should hear, as I have very...thou provided for the saints in heaven, when thou affbrdest bad men such music on earth !" Again : — " When I would beget content, and increase confidence...
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The Youth's instructer [sic] and guardian, Volume 2

1838 - 504 pages
...that it might make mankind to think that miracles are not ceased. He that at midnight, when the very labourer sleeps securely, should hear, as I have very...thou provided for the saints in heaven, when thou affordest bad men such music on earth!' " The localities frequented by the nightingale are woods having...
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The New Monthly Magazine, Volume 3

1822 - 600 pages
...that it might make mankind to think that miracles are not ceased. He that at midnight, when the very labourer sleeps securely, should hear, as I have very...thou provided for the saints in heaven, when thou affbrdest bad men such music on earth !" Again : — " When I would beget content, and increase confidence...
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The Complete Angler, Or, Contemplative Man's Recreation: Being a Discourse ...

Izaak Walton, Sir John Hawkins, John Hawkins - 1822 - 494 pages
...not ceased. He that at midnight, when the very labourer sleeps securely, should hear, as I have Tery often, the clear airs, the sweet descants, the natural...thou provided for the Saints in Heaven, when thou affbrdest bad men such music on Earth! And this makes me the less to wonder at the many Aviaries in...
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The Manchester iris, Volume 2

1823 - 450 pages
...interesting writer, " when the very labourers sleep securely, should hear, as I have heard, the clear air, the sweet descants, the natural rising and falling,...and say, " Lord ! what music hast thou provided for thy saints in heaven, when thou affprdest bad men such music upon earth." It is generally believed...
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