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" DEMOCRACY, a form of government, in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the people collectively, or in which the people exercise the powers of legislation. "
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The national encyclopædia. Libr. ed, Volume 9

National cyclopaedia - 1879 - 692 pages
...there are strong reasons for assigning them to a later date. OLI UANUM. [lioswELLiA.] OLIGARCHY, that form of government in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of a small and exclusive class. OLIGOCLASE (Or. Mytt, 'little,' and »X«*., 'to cleave '), a soda-felspar,...
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The Southern Law Review, Volume 4

1879 - 924 pages
...three kinds, namely, monarchy, democracy, and aristocracy. A pure monarchy means a despotism — a government in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of one man, a monarch, autocrat, or whatever else he may be called ; '.vhere, in his own discretion, he...
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The Scientific and Literary Treasury

Samuel Maunder - 1880 - 904 pages
...kingdom to a successor. DKMOC'RACY (demokratia ; from dfmoB, the people : and kratoa, power : Gr.), a form of government In which the supreme power Is...which the people exercise the powers of legislation. DE'MON, or DE'MON «fafmM, a spirit : Gr.), a name used by the anclenta for certain supernatural beings,...
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The pictorial geographical reader, Volume 2

Pictorial geographical reader - 1882 - 264 pages
...Cabot, 1497. 'Greenland, a large island off North America, the same latitude as Norway. 3Jtepublic, a form of government in which the supreme power is lodged in the representatives of the people. 4 Baffin's Bay, a large inland sea west of Greenland. 6 Nova Scotia,...
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A Dictionary of American and English Law: With Definitions of the Technical ...

Stewart Rapalje, Robert Linn Lawrence - 1883 - 770 pages
...ARISTOCRACY.— (1) A privileged class of the people; nobles and dignitaries ; people of wealth and station. (2) A form of government in which the supreme power is lodged in a council of nobles, or particular class of men, without accountability to any superior, or to the...
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Webster's Complete dictionary of the English language. Thoroughly revised ...

Noah Webster - 1884 - 362 pages
...wealth, and кратсГг, to be strong, to rule, from кратос, strength: Vr.plutocratif.] Л form of government, in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of tho wealthy classes alone ; government by the rich ; abo, a controlling or influential class of rich...
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The Republic as a Form of Government: Or, The Evolution of Democracy in America

John Scott - 1890 - 370 pages
...original and recent citizenship, " plutocracy " is thus defined by the ripe scholars of Yale University : "A form of government in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the wealthy classes alone ; government of the rich ; also a controlling or influential class of rich men."...
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The Laborer and the Capitalist

Freeman Otis Willey - 1896 - 334 pages
...plutocracy. What is it ? Webster's Unabridged gives the following as the definition of plutocracy : "A form of government in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the wealthy classes alone ; government by the rich ; also a controlling or influential class of rich men."...
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How to Right a Wrong: The Ways and Means

Moses Samelson - 1898 - 412 pages
...usually applied to a corrupt form of aristocracy. A republican government is one in which the supremo power is lodged in the hands of the people collectively:...which the people exercise the powers of legislation by their representatives. The advantages of a monarchical government are unity of council, decision,...
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The Typographical Journal, Volume 23

1903 - 898 pages
...Aristocracy he defines as "government by the best citizens ; a privileged class." Plutocracy he defines as "a form of government in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the wealthy class; government by the rich ; also a controlling or influential class of rich men." Oligarchy...
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