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" DEMOCRACY, a form of government, in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the people collectively, or in which the people exercise the powers of legislation. "
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A Discussion on Methodist Episcopacy

E. J. Hamill - 1856 - 390 pages
...are but asserting what every schoolboy may know in five minutes by turning to his dictionary — that a form of government in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of bishops or prelatcs, the clergy, is in manifest antagonism with that form of government in which such...
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An American Dictionary of the English Language: Exhibiting the Origin ...

Noah Webster - 1857 - 1310 pages
...a demiurge, or to creative power. DE-MO€'RA-CY, «. [Gr. onpoKparta.] Government by the people ; a form of government in which the supreme power is...lodged in the hands of the people collectively, or m which the people exercise the powers of legislation. 1)EM'O-€RAT, 7i. One who adheres to a government...
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The Readable Dictionary: Or, Topical and Synonymic Lexicon: Containing ...

John Williams (of Lancaster, O.) - 1860 - 410 pages author of anarchy or civil confusion. KPATEn [crateo~\, to exercise political power. (Gr.) Hence, Democracy, a form of government in which the lodged in the hands of the people collectively, and in which the people exercise, in person, the powers of legislation. (Gr., fffttf [demos'], the...
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The student's English dictionary, the pronunciation adapted to the best ...

John Ogilvie - 1865 - 846 pages
....(,'••'••. to rule, from kratox, etreagtu, might.] Gorernnttnt, rult, or authority by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of tho people oollectivdy. Democrat, dcm'o-krat. n. [Fr. dernocratf.] One who adhéra to democracy or...
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The Scientific and Literary Treasury

Samuel Maunder - 1866 - 884 pages
...from dfmos, the people : and krttton, power : Gr.), a form of government in which the supreme power le lodged In the hands of the people collectively, or...which the people exercise the powers of legislation. ' DE'MON, or DJraON (rfm'mfti. a spirit : ffr.), a name used by the ancients for certain lupeniatural...
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The Royal Dictionary-cyclopædia, for Universal Reference: Being a ..., Volume 2

1862 - 900 pages
...Greeks and was slain by Ulysses. DEMOCRACY, de-mock' -ra-se, s. fGr.J Govern. ment by the people ; a form of government in which the supreme power is lodged in Йц hands of the people collectively, or in which the people exercise the powers of legislationj Such...
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Answers to Ever-recurring Questions from the People: A Sequel to the Penetralia

Andrew Jackson Davis - 1868 - 428 pages
...were unhesitatingly obeyed. Then comes the fourth form of government, which is Monarchy. Monarchy is a government in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of a single person. The succeeding, or tilth form or government, is Republicanism. This is a system in...
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Notes on the colonial empire of Great Britain

John Bowes (of Warrington.) - 1869 - 96 pages
...people, or in representatives chosen by them.3 DEMOCRACY. — (From G. demos, people, and kratos, power) a form of Government in which the supreme power is...which the people exercise the powers of legislation. The government of Athens was a democracy. COMMONWEALTH. — (From AS, and means the common good or...
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A smaller English dictionary

John Ogilvie - 1872 - 488 pages
...mon'ar-kiz, vi. To play the king. Monarcnot,mon-ar-ko',a. A fantastical person. Monarchy, mon'ar-ki, n. A form of government in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of a single person, and which is absolute, limited or constitutional, hereditary or elective; a kingdom....
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A Popular Guide to the Terms of Art and Science

C. Bankes Brookes - 1879 - 264 pages
...represent a state or a district, in Congress, or in a convention for forming or altering a constitution. Democ'racy. — A form of government in which the...which the people exercise the powers of legislation. Di'et. — The principal national assembly in several countries of modern Europe. Diplo'macy. — The...
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