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" In the corrupted currents of this world Offence's gilded hand may shove by justice; And oft 'tis seen the wicked prize itself Buys out the law. "
The Speaker; Or, Miscellaneous Pieces: Selected from the Best English ... - Page 335
de William Enfield - 1827 - 346 pages
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The dramatic works of Shakspeare, from the text of Johnson and Stevens [sic ...

William Shakespeare - 1824 - 486 pages
...did the murder, ГП \ crown, mine own ambition, and my queen, May one be pardon'd, and retain the offence ? In the corrupted currents of this world,...justice ; And oft 'tis seen, the wicked prize itself JBuys out the law : But 'tis not so above : There is no shuffling, there the action lies In hie true...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, Volume 2

William Shakespeare - 1824 - 512 pages
...prayer Can serve my turn ? Forgive me my fuul murder ! — That cannot be; since I am still jx>sacss'd Of those effects for which I did the murder, My crown,...ambition, and my queen. May one be pardon'd, and retain the ofleucc ? In the corrupted currents of this world, Offence's gilded hand may shove by justice ;...
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Lessons in Elocution, Or, A Selection of Pieces in Prose and Verse: For the ...

William Scott - 1825 - 382 pages
...cannot be, since I am still possess'd Of those effects for which I did the murder — My crown, my own ambition, and my queen. May one be pardon'd, and...There is no shuffling — there the action lies In its true nature, and we ourselves compell'd E'en to the teeth and forehead of our faults, To give in...
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English Synonymes: With Copious Illustrations and Explanations, Drawn from ...

George Crabb - 1826 - 768 pages
...than nefarious: it is wicked to deprive another of his property unlawfully, under any circumstances ; In the corrupted currents of this world, Offence's...oft 'tis seen, the wicked prize itself Buys out the law. SHAKSPEARE. It is iniquitous if it be done by fraud and circumvention ; and nefarious if it involves...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet. Othello

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 556 pages
...form of prayer Can serve my turn ? Forgive me my foul murder ! — That cannot be ; since I am still possess'd Of those effects for which I did the murder,...ambition, and my queen. May one be pardon'd, and retain the offence ? In the corrupted currents of this world, Offence's gilded hand may shove by justice;...
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The dramatic works of William Shakspeare, with notes ..., Partie 25,Volume 10

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 540 pages
...prayer Can serve my turn ? Forgive me my foul murder!— That cannot be; since I am still possess'*! Of those effects for which I did the murder, My crown,...ambition, and my queen. May one be pardon'd, and retain the offence? In the corrupted currents of this world, Offence's gilded hand may shove by justice; And...
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The Beauties of Shakspeare Regularly Selected from Each Play. With a General ...

William Shakespeare, William Dodd - 1827 - 362 pages
...which I did tne murder, My crown, mine own ambition, and my queen. May one be pardon'd, and retain the offence ? In the corrupted currents of this world,...oft 'tis seen, the wicked prize itself. Buys out the law: But 'tis not so above: There is no shuffling, there the action lies In his true nature; and we...
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Analysis of the Principles of Rhetorical Delivery as Applied in Reading and ...

Ebenezer Porter - 1828 - 452 pages
...I did the murder, 20 My crown, mine own ambition, and my queen. May one be pardon'd, and retain the offence ? In the corrupted currents of this world,...justice ; And oft 'tis seen, the wicked prize itself In his true nature ; and we ourselves compell'd, Even to the teeth and forehead of our faults, To give...
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Lessons in Elocution: Or, A Selection of Pieces, in Prose and Verse, for the ...

William Scott - 1829 - 420 pages
...effects for which I did the murder — My crown, my own ambition, and my queen. May one be pardoned, and retain th' offence? In the corrupted currents...There is no shuffling — there the action lies In its true nature, and we ourselves compell'd , E'en to the teeth and forehead of our faults, To give...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from ..., Volume 2

William Shakespeare, George Steevens - 1829 - 542 pages
...form of prayer Can «erve my turn ? Forgive me my foul murder!— That cannot be ; since I am still possess'd Of those effects for which I did the murder,...ambition, and my queen. May one be pardon'd, and retain the oflencc ? In the corrupted currents of this world, Offence's gilded hand may shove by justice ;...
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