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" In the corrupted currents of this world Offence's gilded hand may shove by justice; And oft 'tis seen the wicked prize itself Buys out the law. "
The Speaker; Or, Miscellaneous Pieces: Selected from the Best English ... - Page 335
de William Enfield - 1827 - 346 pages
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With Notes of Various Commentators, Numéro 14

William Shakespeare - 1806 - 420 pages
...prayer Can serve my turn ? Forgive me my foul murder ! — That cannot be ; since I am still possess'cl Of those effects for which I did the murder, My crown,...ambition, and my queen. May one be pardon'd, and retain the offence ? In the corrupted currents of this world, Offence's gilded hand may shove by justice ;...
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The Plays of Shakspeare: Printed from the Text of Samuel Johnson ..., Volume 6

William Shakespeare - 1807 - 374 pages
...form of prayer Can serve my turn ? Forgive me my foul murder ! — That cannot be ; since I am still possess'd Of those effects, for which I did the murder,...ambition, and my queen. May one be pardon'd, and retain the offence ? In the corrupted currents of this world, Offence's gilded hand may shove by justice;...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: With Explanatory Notes ..., Volume 2

William Shakespeare, Samuel Ayscough - 1807 - 572 pages
...of prayer Can serve my turn? Forgive me my foul murder 1That cannot be; since I am still póssess'd Of those effects for which I did the murder, My crown,...ambition, and my queen. May one be pardon'd, and retain the offence ? In the corrupted currents of this world, Offence's gilded hand may shove by justice ;...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, with Explanatory Notes ..., Volume 2

William Shakespeare, Samuel Ayscough - 1807 - 584 pages
...prayer Can serve my turn ? Forgive me my foul murder lThat cannot be ; since 1 am still possess' d ghost, Of ashy semblance, meagre, pale, and bloodless,...descended to the labouring heart ; Who, in the confli the offence ? In the corrupted currents of this world, Offence's gilded hand may shove by justice ;...
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A History of the West Indies: Containing the Natural, Civil, and ..., Volume 1

Thomas Coke - 1808 - 476 pages
...iri the body, when we must abide the decision of his tribunal whs shall judge both quick and dead. In the corrupted currents of this world, Offence's...oft 'tis seen the wicked prize itself Buys out the lav/. But 'tis not so above j There is no shuffling ; there the action Lies in its osvn nature ; and...
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A History of the West Indies: Containing the Natural, Civil, and ..., Volume 1

Thomas Coke - 1808 - 476 pages
...the body, when we must abide the decision of his tribunal who »'-:!! judge both quick and dead. tn the corrupted currents of this world. Offence's gilded...oft 'tis seen the wicked prize itself Buys out the law. But 'tis not so above ; . There is no shuilliug ; there the action Lies in its own nature ; and...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Volume 15

William Shakespeare - 1809 - 484 pages the Laws ofCandyt where Philander says to Erato : May one be pardon 'd, and retain the offence J* In the corrupted currents of this world, Offence's...oft 'tis seen, the wicked prize itself Buys out the law : But 'tis not so above : There is no shuffling, there the action lies In his true nature ; and...
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Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet. Othello. Glossarial index

William Shakespeare - 1811 - 500 pages
...form of prayer Can serve my turn ? Forgive me my foul murder ! — That cannot be ; since I am still possess'd Of those effects for which I did the murder,...ambition, and my queen. May one be pardon'd, and retain the offence ?9 In the corrupted currents of this world, Offence's gilded hand may shove by justice...
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The Works of William Shakespeare: In Nine Volumes, Volume 8

William Shakespeare - 1812 - 414 pages
...which 1 did the murder, My crown, mine own ambition, and my queen. May one be pardon'd, and retain the offence ? * In the corrupted currents of this world,...oft 'tis seen, the wicked prize itself Buys out the law : But 'tis not so above : There is no shuffling, there the action lies In his true nature ; and...
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The Works of William Shakespeare, Volume 8

William Shakespeare - 1812 - 420 pages
...murder, My crown, mine own ambition, and my queen. t May one be pardon'd, and retain the offence ? 9 In the corrupted currents of this world, Offence's...oft 'tis seen, the wicked prize itself Buys out the law : But 'tis not so above : There is no shuffling, there the action lies In his true nature , and...
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