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" The One remains, the many change and pass; Heaven's light forever shines, Earth's shadows fly; Life, like a dome of many-colored glass, Stains the white radiance of Eternity, Until Death tramples it to fragments. "
Life in the Sandwich Islands: Or, The Heart of the Pacific, as it was and is - Page 285
de Henry Theodore Cheever - 1856 - 355 pages
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The Defense of Poesy, Otherwise Known as An Apology for Poetry

Philip Sidney - 1890 - 210 pages
...— The One remains, the Many change and pass; Heaven's light for ever shines, Earth's shadows fly; Life, like a dome of many-colored glass, Stains the white radiance of Eternity. the urgent desire of men that he shall furnish them with a guide to life, a clue through the tangled maze...
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The Defense of Poesy, Otherwise Known as An Apology for Poetry

Philip Sidney - 1890 - 206 pages
...— The One remains, the Many change and pass; Heaven's light for ever shines, Earth's shadows fly; Life, like a dome of many-colored glass, Stains the white radiance of Eternity. the urgent desire of men that he shall furnish them with a guide to life, a clue through the tangled maze...
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Proceedings, Abstracts of Lectures and a Brief Report of the Discussions of ...

National Education Association of the United States - 1890 - 942 pages
...ideal. It mirrors closest the thought of the ancients. Shelley expresses it in the well-known words, "Life, like a dome of many-colored glass, stains the white radiance of eternity." When the thought of to-day shall have reached Mr. Ruskin's standpoint, "that true science is true art,"...
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The Addresses and Journal of Proceedings of the National ..., Volume 29

1890 - 946 pages
...ideal. It mirrors closest the thought of the ancients. Shelley expresses it in the well-known words, " Life, like a dome of many-colored glass, stains the white radiance of eternity." When the thought of to-day shall have reached Mr. Ruskin's standpoint, " that true science is true...
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Journal of Proceedings and Addresses, Volume 23 ;Volume 29

National Education Association of the United States, National Educational Association (U.S.) - 1890 - 942 pages
...ideal. It mirrors closest the thought of the ancients. Shelley expresses it in the well-known words, " Life, like a dome of many-colored glass, stains the white radiance of eternity." When the thought of to-day shall have reached Mr. Ruskin's standpoint, "that true science is true art,"...
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Echoes of Life: Or, Beautiful Gems of Poetry & Song. A Choice Collection of ...

Mrs. Grace Townsend - 1890 - 642 pages
...Eternal. THE One remains, the many change and pass; Heaven's light forever shines, Earth's shadows fly. Life, like a dome of many-colored glass, Stains the white radiance of Eternity, Until Death tramples it to fragments — Die, If thou wouldst be with that which thou dost seek! Follow...
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Open Sesame!: Arranged for students over fourteen years old

Blanche Wilder Bellamy, Maud Wilder Goodwin - 1890 - 402 pages
...? The One remains, the many change and pass ; Heaven's light forever shines, Earth's shadows fly ; Life, like a dome of many-colored glass, Stains the white radiance of Eternity, Until Death tramples it to fragments. — Die, If thou wouldst be with that which thou dost seek !...
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The Day's Message

Susan Coolidge - 1890 - 382 pages
...15. THE One remains, the many change and pass ; Heaven's light forever shines, Earth's shadows fly; Life, like a dome of many-colored glass, Stains the white radiance of Eternity. PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. J3UT wait, little fly, till you can understand for what the house was made ;...
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The Arena, Volume 28

1902 - 708 pages
...above. The One remains, the many change and pass; Heaven's light forever shines, Earth's shadows fly; Life, like a dome of many-colored glass, Stains the white radiance of Eternity. Why linger, why turn back, why shrink, my Heart? No more let Life divide what Death can join together....
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The Works of Walter Bagehot: With Memoirs by R. H. Hutton, Volume 1

Walter Bagehot - 1891 - 576 pages
..." The one remains, the many change and pass ; Heaven's light forever shines, earth's shadows fly ; Life, like a dome of many-colored glass, Stains the white radiance of eternity, Until death tramples it to fragments."* The particular worship of the poet is paid to that "one spirit"...
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