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" And thus we come by those ideas we have of yellow, white, heat, cold, soft, hard, bitter, sweet, and all those which we call sensible qualities; which when I say the senses convey into the mind, I mean they from external objects convey into the mind what... "
Versuch einer wissenschaftlichen Darstellung der Geschichte der neuern ... - Page xvii
de Johann Eduard Erdmann - 1840
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An Essay Concerning Human Understanding

John Locke, Kenneth Winkler - 1996 - 426 pages
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The Western Heritage

Donald Kagan, Steven E. Ozment, Frank Miller Turner - 1998 - 594 pages
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Philosophy and the Return to Self-knowledge

Donald Phillip Verene - 1997 - 332 pages
...convey to it from external objects (for example, yellow, white, hot, cold, soft, hard, bitter, sweet): "This great source of most of the ideas we have, depending...derived by them to the understanding, I Call SENSATION." 30 The other source of ideas is the experience our own mind has of its operations, which cannot be...
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The Western Heritage

Donald Kagan, Steven E. Ozment, Frank Miller Turner - 1998 - 488 pages
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Modern Philosophy: An Anthology of Primary Sources

Roger Ariew, Eric Watkins - 1998 - 770 pages
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Classics of Philosophy: Modern and contemporary

Louis P. Pojman - 1998 - 822 pages
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Jonathan Edwards and the Limits of Enlightenment Philosophy

Leon Chai - 1998 - 181 pages
...mind, I mean, they from external Objects convey into the mind what produces there those Perceptions. This great Source, of most of the Ideas we have, depending...derived by them to the Understanding, I call SENSATION. (Essay, p. 105) Here, significantly, Locke describes something in two very different ways. 2 He begins...
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Gainsborough's Vision

Amal Asfour, Dr Paul Williamson, Paul Williamson - 1999 - 360 pages
...mind, I mean, they from external Objects convey into the mind what produces there those Perceptions. This great Source, of most of the Ideas we have, depending...derived by them to the Understanding, I call SENSATION. 70 The principal transmitter of a Lockean development of de Piles is the Abbé Du Bos. 71 By stressing...
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Selbstreflexion im Spiegel des Anderen: eine wirkungsgeschichtliche Studie ...

Irene Polke - 1999 - 428 pages
...various ways, where1n those Objects do affect them ... This great Sonne, of most of the Ideas we ha; v. depending wholly upon our Senses, and derived by them to the Understanding, I call Sensation.» 212 Kreimendahl (1994) 8.58; vgl. Essay 2,1,4 = Locke (1979) S.1o5: «Secondly, The other Fountain...
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John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding in Focus

Gary Fuller, Robert Stecker, John P. Wright - 2000 - 292 pages
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