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Livres Livres

Disciplines of a Godly Man

R. Kent Hughes - 2006 - 306 pages
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Hopeful Parenting: Encouragement for Raising Kids Who Love God

David Jeremiah - 2008 - 264 pages
Discusses parenting in an unpredictable world, drawing from the author's experiences as a father and offering wisdom and stories based on Christianity.
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Langages d'amour des solos

Gary Chapman - 2005 - 244 pages
L'auteur étudie qui sont les célibataires et pourquoi l'amour est la clé des relations. Examine chacun des cinq langages de l'amour et donne des pistes pour découvrir le ...
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Leadership Lessons from the Bible

R. L. Bramble - 2005 - 210 pages
The author combines biblical examples with four decades of leadership experience to isolate and define the characteristics which make successful leaders.
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Pathway to God's Plan

Lenya Heitzig, Penny Pierce Rose - 2002 - 294 pages
Bible study and journaling questions guide women through Ruth and Esther, and help them apply biblical truths to their lives. With 12 weeks' worth of material that is perfect ...
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The Daughters of Eve

Linda Seay - 2005 - 78 pages
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