6, 7. That men know them when they come to the use of reason, answered. 8. If reason discovered them, that would not prove them innate. 9-11. It is false, that reason dis- covers them. 12. The coming to the use of reason, not the time we come to know these maxims. 13. By this, they are not dis- tinguished from other knowable truths. 14. If coming to the use of reason were the time of their discovery, it would not prove them innate. 15, 16. The steps by which the 18. If such an assent be a mark of innate, then that one and two are equal is not bitterness; and a thousand the like, must be innate. 19. Such less general propofi- tions tions known before these 20. One and one equal to 21. These maxims not being nate. 22. Implicitly known before 23. The argument of assenting 24. Not innate, because not 25. These maxims not the first 26. And so not innate. 28. Recapitulation. a2 not their internal prin. 8. Conscience no proof of morse. 10. Men have contrary prac- 14. Those who maintain in- 20. Obj. Innate principles 21. Contrary principles in 22-26. How men commonly CHAP. IV. Other considerations about innate SECT. 1. Principles not innate, un- 4, 5. Identity, an idea not in- nate. 6. Whole and part, not in- nate. 7. Idea of worship not in- 13-16. Ideas of God, various in different men. 17. If 17. If the idea of God be 18. Idea of substance not in. nate. 19. No propositions can be 20. No ideas are remembered, 21. Principles not innate, be. 22. Difference of men's dis. 23. Men must think and know 24. Whence the opinion of 25. Conclufion. CHAP. I. Of ideas in general. BOOK II. Of IDEAS. perceive. without knowing it, the are two persons. 13. Impossible to convince in thinking, and yet not CHAP. VII. 24. The original of all our knowledge. 25. In the reception of simple of simple-ideas, both of sensation ideas the understanding is most of all passive. 8-10. Ideas space without body. 19, 20. Substance and accidents of little use in philo- sophy. 21. A vacuum beyond the ut- most bounds of body. 22. The power of annihilation proves a vacuum. 23: Motion proves a vacuum. 24. The ideas of space and body distinct. ble from body, proves it not the same, 27. Idcas of human knowledge. 16. Appeal to experience. 17. Dark room. |