the stores and capacities of the human mind, the more clearly shall we perceive how little we really know, and how large a field lies beyond the reach of human vision. And the more the mind becomes inured to the pursuit of real and substantial knowledge, the less danger there will be of being beguiled by the light and frothy productions which unhappily compose so prominent a part of the floating literature of the day. History, science, art, and rational philosophy, contain stores beyond the capacity of the strongest intellect or the most indefatigable industry to exhaust; why then should any portion of our fleeting and irrevocable time, be squandered upon a species of literature which floats over the mind and leaves nothing behind it? If we estimate the character of the books we read, not merely by their direct, but also by their indirect results-not only by the evil which they produce, but by the good which they exclude-we shall probably find that many which are usually classed with the innocent, ought to be ranked with the pernicious. It must, however, be acknowledged, that no inconsiderable share of the matter which is offered to the perusal of the young, and even portions selected for the use of schools, can have but a slender claim to the poor negative credit of doing no harm, or of doing no other harm than the exclusion of something of a more substantial character. How much do we find, even in books designed for the use of schools, and consequently intended to mould the opinions of the rising generation, which represent the achievements of warriors, though necessarily effected under the influence of the direst passions of the human mind, as highly meritorious and ennobling. It is an observation which has no claim to novelty, that early impressions are among the most permanent, and it is education which forms the common mind. If, therefore, we expect the succeeding generation to be consistent christians, it is of incalculable importance that the education afforded to the youth, should be such as genuine christianity would commend, and that the books which are placed in their way, should, as far as possible, be expurgated of every sentiment or doctrine inconsistent with the dispensation which was ushered in by the angelic anthem of "Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace and good will to men." With regard to the following work, it may be briefly stated that the compilers have laboured to select from a great variety of sources, such passages as are calculated to impress sound morality in the world; and without being devoted to the peculiar views of any religious community, may support and impress the great truths of christianity in general; and particularly that great fundamental doctrine which is the glory of the christian dispensation, and which lies at the foundation of all true religion, that a measure and manifestation of the Spirit of truth, is given to every man to profit withal. PHILADELPHIA, 10th Mo., 1852. ENOCH LEWIS. |