Images de page

They have told me of sweet purple hues of the


Of the rich tints that sparkle on ocean's wide breast;

They have told me of stars that are burning on
When the night is careering along the vast sky;
But alas! there remains wheresoever I flee,

Nor beauty, nor lustre, nor brightness for me!

But yet, to my lone gloomy couch there is given
A ray to my heart that is kindled in heaven;
It sooths the dark path through this valley of tears,
It enlivens my heart, and my sorrow it cheers,
For it tells of a morn when this night shall pass by,
And my spirit shall dwell where the days do not



Taalbeta Sherran wooed a girl of the family of the Absites; and she being desirous to marry him, appointed the wedding day. But when he came to her alone, she changed her mind and re jected him. Then said he, "What hath changed thee?" She answered, "By Allah, thy renown is very great, but my family says to ine, What wilt

thou do with a husband, who will be killed to-day or to-morrow, and leave thee a widow?"

At this he turned away and spake these words:

"Espouse not the chief who in danger rejoices," They called to the maiden I courted to wed; "When his cry next is heard 'mid the war's loudest The blade of the sword with his blood shall be fed."


[blocks in formation]


To contend against him strive the young nien, who The hope by their prowess in fight to be known, And ennoble their tribe; but beneath him they perish

And increase not the fame, he already hath won.

The caves of the beasts are his shelter till morning; The untamed creation grows used to his ways; And roams he at daybreak, his lair early scorning, Undisturbed by his steps they still fearlessly graze.

They see the young chief, who delights not in chases,

Nor loves at their kind his sharp weapons to bend;

And could they but warm to affection's embraces,
The hand of affection they'd reach to their friend.

Oft fierce from an ambush in fury he flashes,
To meet the bold warriors he longs to engage;
On his foes from his covert he fearlessly dashes,


[The following translation of a letter lately re

collected minerals, birds, natural productions, costumes, works of native arts and manufactures; and availing himself of the

ceived by a gentleman in this neighbourhood, from political situation of the country, which one of the veterans of German science, may per- gave him free access to many sources of haps interest our readers. Its author, the celebrat- knowledge recently opened, he obtained ous of the Theologians of the moder school in possession of some very remarkable records, that country, and as a writer of uncommon origin- apparently of the greatest antiquarian val

ed Eichhorn, is well known as the most conspicu

ality and learning. Though now passed the limit of three score years and ten, the following letter shows that he preserves his health, spirits, and literary activity, unabated.]

"Göttingen, January, 18, 1824.

"Allow me, my dear friend, to remind you of an old promise you made me, that you would procure the new edition of my Introduction to the Old Testament, the honor of a place in the Library of your University. It will appear at Easter this year, in five volumes; and I beg you, through the agency of some American student here, or the booksellers at Hamburg or Bremen, to have the goodness to receive the copy placed at your disposition, and deposit it in your library. "Since the departure of Mr-, my opportunities of receiving intelligence from you and our common friend - have ceased. I therefore go back, the more frequently, to former times, and enjoy in recollection those agreeable hours, which we used to pass together. I still live on the same life, in which you found me, and in which you left me. I still give my lectures with great ease and alacrity, and finish at night my task of thirteen or fourteen hours, without feeling the least exhaustion.

ue. He also procured some beautiful models, in full size as well as in little, of the fruits and vegetable productions. The doubted hand-tree, with its fruit resembling the human hand; the torch thistle, three feet in thickness, and thirty feet high, with its many stems covered with flowers and fruits; the gigantic and clustering shapes of the palms, bananas, plantains, paupaus, avocatas, and many varieties of plants whose forms are almost totally unknown to the most skillful in botany. To these and many others, Mr Bullock has added specimens of all the productions that could be preserved in their natural state, and has brought from Mexico, to enrich the flora of England, a large collection of living plants, and seeds of the rarest and most beautiful flowers. His specimens of natural history are as valuable as those in botany. Of nearly two hundred species of birds, the greater number are undescribed. Many of these are humming-birds of exquisite plumage and surpassing brilliancy. these Mr Bullock had, at one time, seventy alive in one cage, and studied closely their motions and habits. Mr B. has also preserved a great variety of the fishes of Mex


I should gladly have released myself from ico and its coast, which are but little
the editorship of the Göttingen Journal of known; they are very singular in form and
Science, at the close of the last year; but
the ministry at Hanover refused to grant
the dismission which I requested. My ob-
ject was to procure leisure to prepare such
works for publication, as I still have in
view. This I must for the present give up,
as the care of the Journal consumes all
the time, which my lectures leave unoccu-
pied. For the rest, our University is in
the highest degree prosperous. We count form her distinguishing character, and will
this winter 1532 students, of whom the law probably renew her wealth and importance

students are the more numerous part. My son, in his lectures on the History of the German Law, has constantly near 300 auditors. But of what am I talking? I wished only to send you a hearty salutation, and beg the continuance of your kind remembrance beyond the ocean, and have fallen into the old man's garrulity. I commit you, and all our friends in America, and all your undertakings, to the protection of an Eternal Providence, and assuring you affectionately of the continuance of my

And ever will dash, till his blood's chilled with age. friendly recollection, till I pass to those

And beside, all the masters of camels have found who die not, once again I commend you to

A plague, ever seizing on herds not his own;
Yet they dare not pursue when his train is around


[blocks in formation]

beautiful in colour, and he enumerates in his catalogue between two and three hundred species. While augmenting the stores of the vegetable and animal kingdoms, it would have been singular had he failed to visit the mineral world, in which Mexico is, perhaps, richer than all the universe besides. Her mines are more profuse and valuable, than rare or beautiful, but they

as a nation, now that British and American skill and capital is about to be set to work upon them. Great contracts are now making to work the disused and ruined mines. The great mine of Valenciana is now English property (we believe it belongs to the Messrs Barclay); it is said to have been one of the most productive mines in the world; if ancient accounts may be relied upon, the annual profits were at one time equal to a million and a half sterling.

We hope to publish in our next, a review

of Mr Poinsett's Notes upon this interest

ing country.

We have seen the first number of the CamWe learn from a late London Literary bridge Quarterly Review. If this work is to Gazette, the safe, arrival of Mr Bullock be considered a fair specimen of the literary from Mexico, after a sojourn of six months. skill and talent of the University, one must He visited the capital and many principal believe that the Muses are at least preparing cities, and with great zeal and assiduity to leave their ancient seats. The leading climbed volcanoes and pyramids, drew article-a review of Southey's "Book of the landscapes and temples, exhumed ancient Church"-is quite good; that is to say, it is

images, and unniched long established gods; exact, thorough, and elaborate, and evi"The spirit of faction arose to such virulence, that even the softer sex opened upon him the bat- en France, en Angleterre, en Italie, en Al- stopped in the gun-barrel for want of suffitery of vulgar and insolent invective. An instance lemagne." The publication is to be month- cient steam pressure. This might be avoided is related by Heylyn, the biographer of this great ly, and in bulk about ten sheets 8vo. It by giving any degree of pressure required. man, in which the Primate adroitly foiled an antago- proposes to give information of all the nist of this description with her own weapons. Lady works published, discoveries made, pro


dently all that the writer could make of it; but it displays no remarkable power of thought or language. The reviewer praises Dr Southey, and the whole religious history and condition of England, with quite as much zeal as discretion. There is a pleasant story related of Archbishop Laud, whom both author and reviewer seem inclined to praise rather more than most historians.

individuals for which it is intended. There as to be perfectly air-tight. From the upis no contest in the career of the drama. In per portion of the chamber, two tubes prothe years 1821 and 1822, there were produ- ject, of sufficient diameter to allow musket ced only two melo-dramas. The greater part of the works which issue from the Sicilian presses, relate to antiquities and the fine arts.


A new Literary Journal was announced for the month of May-" Revue Européenne, ou Productions de l'Esprit humain

bullets to pass freely down, for the purpose of loading the gun. Nothing more is necessary than to lift the short lever of a sliding valve, when the rush of steam into the chamber instantaneously discharges the bullet, with a force much greater than ordinary gunpowder. Several times, three or four balls thrown in at once have been

Davies, the widow of the Attorney of land, took upon herself, in the true spirit of fanaticism, to prophesy against Laud, shortly before his advancement to the Archiepiscopal See; believing that the spirit of Daniel had passed into her, be

cause out of the letters of her name, ELEANOR DAVIES, she could form the anagram, REVEAL O DANIEL; though by the way, it had too much by an S, and too little by an L. While the other bishops and clergy were gravely endeavouring to confute this wretched fanatic by arguments deduced from Scripture, Laud went a readier way to work. Taking a pen. he wrote this anagram, DAME ELEANOR DAVIES-NEVER SO MAD A LADIE,' and presented it to her, saying, Madam, I see you build much on anagrams, and I have found one which I hope will suit you.' This threw the whole court into laughter, and either the poor woman grew wiser, or was less regarded."

There is a review of Irving (the preacher), very abusive and not much to the pur pose; and one of St Ronan's Well, in which the writer endeavours to be exceedingly witty, but must be satisfied with the credit of good intention. The review of Blunt's Vestiges of Ancient Manners discoverable in Modern Italy, is quite interesting, because the book itself is very much so, as it places in a strong light the remarkable similarity between the Catholic form of Christianity and the Pagan institutions which it supplanted. The review of Croly's Catiline is pretty good, but far inferior to that which appeared in the North American

Review some time since.

This Review is also an Academical Register, and contains many pages of University Intelligence, Prize Poems, Lectures,

&c. &c.


gress ascertained, &c., in the arts and sciences in every part of Europe; and is to be published in English at London, French at Paris, Italian in Italy, German in Germany, &c. Already the contributors and editors are provided.


A young French poet, who possesses an astonishing faculty, proposes to improvise publicly, in French, something very extraordinary, -a Tragedy in 5 acts, and a grand Opera in 3 acts. This young man, M. Eugène de Pradel, has but just left Sainte Pélagie, where he has been imprisoned during five years for political opinions. During this time he has applied himself closely to study, and has published several works in prose and verse.


The Chinese have a method of hatching the spawn of fish, and thus protecting it from those accidents which ordinarily destroy so large a portion of it. The fishermen collect with care on the margin and surface of waters, all those gelatinous masses which contain the spawn of fish; after they have found a sufficient quantity, they fill with it the shell of a fresh hens-egg, which they have previously emptied, stop up the hole, and put it under a sitting fowl. At the expiration of a certain number of days they break the shell in water warmed by the sun, the young fry are presently hatched, and they are kept in pure fresh water, till large enough to be thrown into the pond with the old fish. The sale of spawn for this purpose forms an important branch of trade in China.


The "Bibliothèque Italienne" for 1823, contains an account of the literary productions furnished by Sicily in 1821 and 1822. It does not appear that literature is much encouraged or cultivated by the Sicilians. In those two years, according to this account, only about fifty-six works were published. Sicilian Literature is equally poor purpose of discharging bullets from a gun

in its journals. There is a publication called "The Iris," a journal of sciences, letters, and arts; but it is not very expensively got up, being principally composed of extracts from foreign journals. The "Abeille," which served as a literary Gazette for Sicily, was so badly supported, that it ceased

Some late accounts from Great Britain, speak of the application of steam, by our celebrated countryman, Mr Perkins, to the

barrel. It is said that "his present apparatus is constructed rather with the view of showing the practicability of this application of steam, than as a model of a machine for that purpose. A copper pipe of two inches in diameter is connected at one extremity with the steam reservoir belonging

at the twelfth number. The "Journal de to Mr Perkins' improved engine, and at Médecine," in which are published the ob- the other with a strong metal chamber. servations made at the great Hospital of Into this chamber a strong gun-barrel is Palermo, may be interesting to the class of firmly screwed in a horizontal direction, so

Mr Perkins has not yet employed a greater power than thirty-five atmospheres, though the strength of his apparatus would admit five times that power if necessary."

Mr Perkins' reputation must be injured by such premature and imperfect accounts of his inventions as this. It is stated in the above notice, that he has only used a pressure of thirty-five atmospheres; now, the force of gunpowder has been ascertained to be equal to one thousand atmospheres, and of course, we should presume, a priori, that the force of the balls projected from this apparatus, must be comparatively trifling. And in confirmation, is the fact that three or four balls together in the barrel are sufficient to choke it up, and prevent the discharge; yet we are not told that there was any bursting of the barrel, a consequence which would certainly follow under the same circumstances, had it been charged with gunpowder. Besides, if we recollect right, the generator of Mr Perkins' new engine works with a presssure of only thirty-five or thirty-six atmospheres, and he has found it difficult to provide a boiler which should bear even this pressure without giving way. It is, of course, impossible, or exceedingly improbable, that his present apparatus should be able to bear five times this pressure, or one hundred and seventyfive atmospheres, which this account states it will admit.


The Board of Longitude has voted the sum of £500, to Mr Barlow for his simple invention for correcting the local attraction of ships. It consists of a plate of iron abaft the compass, which being regulated so as to correct the effects of the ship in any one place, does the same in all places. This invention is expected to be of very important service in navigation.

All publishers of books throughout the United States, are very earnestly requested to forward to us, regularly and seasonably, the names of all works of every kind, preparing for publication, in the press, or recently published. As they will be inserted in the Gazette, it is particularly desired that the exact titles be stated at length.

***The proprietors of Newspapers, for which this Gazette is exchanged, and of which the price is less than that of the Gazette, are expected to pay the difference. C. H. & Co.


L. Bauer. Norimb. 1783-98. 10 vols. 8vo.
Millii (J.) Novum Testamentum, cum Lec- CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & Co. have

tionibus variantibus. Oxon. 1707. fol.

Catalogues may be had at the Book

store, No. 1, Cornhill.

CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & Co. HAVE just received from France and Germany, seventeen cases of BOOKS, most of them very valuable and rare, and the price low. Among them are the following. Waltoni (Briani) Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, (Hebr. Samar. Græc. Syriac. Chald. Æthiop. A FLORA of the Middle and Northern Persic. et Vulg. Lat.) Lond. 1657. 6 vols. fol. Well bound and in excellent order. Sections of the United States, or a System[This is the most valuable of the Polyglotts, and has never yet been superseded.]

Castelli (Edmundi) Lexicon Heptaglotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Samaritanum, Ethiopicum, Arabicum et Persicum. Cui accessit Grammatica Linguarum earundem. Lond. 1669. 2 vols. fol. [This Lexicon should accompany the Polyglott.]. Price of the Polyglott Bible and Lexicon, $85,00.


lately published, A Practical Treatise up

and Duty of Justices the Peace in Criminal Prosecutions. By Daniel Davis, Solicitor General of Massachusetts. Also,

A General Abridgment and Digest of American Law, with occasional Notes and Comments. By Nathan Dane, LL. D.

atic Arrangement and Description of all the plants hitherto discovered in the United Counsellor at Law-Vols. I. II. III. The States, north of Virginia. By John Torrey M. D.

IV. and V. Vols. in Press.

Subscribers are requested to call for the

above works.

This work contains original descriptions of all the species which have come under the observation of the author; to which are added, copious Synonymes and Locali- HAVE just received from Paris, the fol

ties. Its plan is nearly similar to that of Mr Elliott's valuable work, and, with the promised Western Flora of Mr Nuttall, will complete an account of the plants of the United States as our present knowledge will afford.

form as

This work will be completed in 8 or 10

Kennicott (Benj.) Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum, cum variis Lectionibus. Oxon. 1776-80. 2 tom. fol. in boards. $42,00. Buxtorf's (the elder) Hebrew Bible, with a Rabbinical Commentary, including his Tiberias sive Commentarius Masorethicus. numbers, each containing about 150 pages, Basil, 1620. 2 vols. fol. in boards. $30,00. Critici Sacri: sive Annotata Doctissimo- A number will be published, as nearly rum Virorum in Vet. et Nov. Testamentum. as circumstances will permit, every two Quibus accedunt Tractatus varii Theologi- months. Price $1,25, payable on delivery.

co-philologici. Amstel. 1698. 8 vols. in 9. handsomely bound in vellum. $45,00. [This edition contains more than the London edition of 1660.]

Calvini (Johannis) Opera. Amstel. 1667 -71. 9 vols. in 5. in vellum.

fol. in boards,

Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorum. Irenop. 1656 and 1692. 10 vols. in 7. viz.

Socini (Fausti) Opera. 2 tom.
Crellii (Joannis) Opera. 4 tom. in 2.
Slichtingii de Bukowiec (Jone) Commen-

taria Posthuma in plerosque N. T. Libros. 1 tom.

Wolzogenii (J. L.) Opera. 2 vols. in 1. Przipcovii (Samuelis) Cogitationes Sacræ, etc. 1 tom.

Clerici (Joannis) Commentarius in Vet. et Nov. Testam. Amstel. et Francof.

1710-31.7 vols. in 3.

Hammond's (Henry) Paraphrase and An

notations on the New Testament. Lond. 1671. fol.

Lampe (Fr. Adolphi) Commentarius Analytico-exegeticus Evangelii secundum JoanAmstel. 1723. 3 tom. 4to. neatly bound in vellum. $7,87.


Wolfii (J. Christ.) Curæ Philologicæ et Criticæ in N. T. Hamb. 1737-41. 5 vols. 4to. $7,25.

Rosenmuelleri (E. F. C.) Scholia in Vetus Testamentum. Lips. 8vo. viz.

In Pentateuchum.


[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Vol. I. (Gen.) 1821. Vol. II. (Exod.) 1822. Vol. I. (Ps. i.-xx.) 1821. Vol. II. (Ps. xxi. -liv.) 1822.

In Jesaiam. 3 vols. 1810-20.

In Ezechiel. 2 vols. 1808-10.

In Prophetas Minores. 4 vols. 1812-16. [These are the latest editions of this valuable commentary.]

Schulzi (J. C. F.) Scholia in Vetus Testamentum. Continuata (inde a vol. iv.) a G.

and accompanied with one or more plates.

The first and second numbers of this val

uable work are already published, and may be seen at CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & Co's.

A JOURNAL OF A TOUR IN ITALY, IN the year 1821, with a description of Gibraltar, accompanied with several engravings. By an American. "The design which has been kept in view in preparing this Journal for the press, is to give a faithful picture of objects which came under the author's observation, and to bring them up in such a manner that they may strike the reader's mind as they at first struck his own; for this reason the descriptions have been made diffuse, in order to embrace such circumstances as he deemed

necessary to his plan. It may be considered a fault to enlarge so much on trifles; but


lowing new Works:

Mémoires pour servir à la Vie du Général La Fayette, et à l'Histoire de l'Assemblée Constituante, redigés par M. Regnault-Warin.

Essai sur l'Histoire Générale de l'Art Militaire, de son origine, de ses progrès et de ses révolutions, depuis la première

formation des Sociétés Européenes jusq'à nos jours, orné de quatorze planches. Par

le Col. Carrion Hisas.

CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & Co. HAVE just received from Germany and France, an extensive assortment of Theological and Classical Books, which have been selected by Mr Hilliard in the principal cities on the Continent. Among them are a great proportion of Works extremely rare, curious, and valuable.


CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & Co. have just received a few copies of a new Chart of Mobile Bay, in the State of Alabama. Comprising the Rivers and Creeks. By Curtis Lewis.


perhaps it may be received in palliation, if CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & Co. have

not in excuse, that they are always the very same trifles which have served to fasten in his mind the more important subjects with which they were connected, and are still strongly and agreeably associated in his memory."

For sale by CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & Co.


PRIVATE Correspondence of William Cowper, Esq. with several of his most intimate friends.. Now first published from the Originals in the possession of his kinsman, John Johnson, LL. D. Rector of Yaxham with Welborne in Norfolk.

Memoirs of John Aiken, M. D. By Lucy Aiken.

Smellie's Philosophy of Natural History, with Notes, &c. By John Ware, M. D. Heeren's Politics of Ancient Greece. By George Bancroft.


received a choice assortment of Drawing Materials, consisting of

Reeves & Son's Water Colours, put up in boxes of all sizes, many of which are elegant, composed of mahagony, rose wood, and satin wood, with lock, drawers, saucers, brushes, &c.;

Camel's Hair Pencils, by the gross, dozen, or single;

Drawing Pencils, best quality, manufactured by Dobbs;

Colours for Maps, and Plans;

Drawing Chalks, all varieties, put up neatly in Boxes;

Drawing Paper of all sizes.


CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & Co. have just opened several cases, containing an extensive assortment of English Writing Paper, which they offer to the trade, and the public, on the most liberal terms.

[blocks in formation]

New Views of the Constitution of the

United States. By John Taylor of Caroline, Virginia.

The National Calendar, and Annals of

the United States, for 1824, Vol. V. By Peter Force.

A Course of Study preparatory to the Bar and the Senate; to which is annexed a Memoir of the Private and Domestic Manners of the Romans. By George Watterston.

Sketches of Connecticut, forty years since. 1 vol. 12mo.

Land of my sires! what mortal hand
Can e'er untie the filial band

That knits me to thy rugged strand.


[blocks in formation]

CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & CO. have just published SARATOGA, a Tale of the Revolution. In 2 vols. 12mo.

"I know that we have all an innate love of our

country, and that the greatest men have been sensi

ble to its attractions; but I know also, that it is only little minds which cannot shake off these fetters."-Petrarch.

[blocks in formation]

The New Testament, with References, and a Key Sheet of Questions, historical, doctrinal,

and practical, designed to facilitate the acquisition of Scriptural knowledge in Bible-Classes, Sunday Schools, Common Schools, and private Families. By Hervey Wilbur, A. M. Second edition, stereotype.

The Bible Class-Book; or Biblical Catechism, containing Questions historical, doctrinal, practical, and experimental, designed to promote an intimate acquaintance with the Inspired Volume. By Hervey Wilbur, A. M. Thirteenth edition. Stereotype.

Worcester's Sketches of the Earth and it Inhabitants, with one hundred Engravings. Designed as a reading book.

Friend of Youth; or New Selection of Lessons in prose and verse, for schools and families, to imbue the young with sentiments of piety, humanity, and benevolence. By Noah Worcester, D. D. Second edition.

[blocks in formation]

sent to their publication.

A Diary is not perhaps the best form for a work of this description; nor is it that which the author himself would have preferred: but to have altered the letters, so as to present a more connected narrative, would have required more time than he coule spare from other avocations; and to have delayed their publication much longer would have deprived them of their chief interest.

This will account for, if it does not excuse, the want of arrangement, and the desultory nature of the contents of this volume. The notes were written at every moment of leisure during the author's residence at the capital, and in the progress of his journey through the country, and, with the single exception of the brief Historical Sketch, contained in the Appendix, the infomation they contain was minuted at the time it was collected.

They are sent forth without any pretension, in

Cummings' Geography. Ninth edition.
Worcester's Geography. Third edition, the hope that a familiar account of that portion of

very much improved.

Cummings' First Lessons in Geography and Astronomy, with seven Maps and a plate of the Solar System, for the use of Young Children.

Fourth edition.

Pronouncing Spelling Book, by J. A. Cummings. Third edition. This Spelling Book contains every word of common use in our language, that is difficult either to spell or pronounce. The pronunciation is strictly conformed to that of

Mexico through which the author travelled, may induce the reader to seek information from better sources; and with this view he recommends the

works of Lorenzana, Alzate, Clavigero, Beturini, Mier, Robinson, and Humboldt; from all of which, but particularly from the latter, he has drawn liberally."


Walker's Critical Pronouncing Dictionary, and is FOR sale by CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & Co.

so exactly and peculiarly denoted, that no one, who knows the power of the letters, can mistake the true pronunciation.

Cummings's Questions on the New Tes

tament, for Sabbath Exercises in Schools and Academies, with four Maps of the countries through which our Saviour and his Apostles travelled.

C. H. & Co. have a great variety of Bi

bles, Testaments, Spelling Books, Dictionaries, &c. Also, Inkstands, Quills, Drawing Paper, Writing Paper, Ink, Penknives, Scissors, Globes, and all articles usually wanted in Schools.


CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & CO. have just published a new and much improved edition of Worcester's Elements of Geography. This edition is printed upon good paper, and every copy well bound; and to the Atlas is added a new Map of the New England States, rendering it altogether the best School Atlas in the market.

This Geography is required in all the Public

Schools in Boston, at Harvard University, and at other Colleges.

Teachers throughout the country who have not seen this Geography are invited to send for and examine the work.


CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & CO. have a set of Brewster's Edinburgh Encyclopedia for sale at a reduced price; Also of Rees' Cyclopædia, complete with all the plates.

BLAIR'S RHETORIC, improved by the addition of appropriate Marginal Questions, numbered to correspond with Reterences in the body of the

page. By Nathaniel Greene.

THE Publishers of this Gazette furnish, on liberal terms, every book and every

periodical work of any value which America affords. They have regular correspondents, and make up orders on the tenth of every month for England and France, and frequently for Germany and Italy, and import from thence to order, books, in quantities or single copies, for a moderate commission. Their orders are served by gentlemen well qualified to select the best editions, and are purchased at the lowest cash prices. All new publications in any way noticed in this Gazette, they have for sale, or can procure on quite as good terms as those of their respective publishers.







Published on the first and fifteenth day of every month, by Cummings, Hilliard, & Co. No. 1 Cornhill, Boston. - Terms, $5 per annum, payable in July. VOL. I.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

pp. 464.

BOSTON, JULY 15, 1824.

latitudes in which the voyage was to be
prosecuted, and all measures adopted which

might tend to hasten the successful termi-
furnished to Capt. Parry were explicit and
minute, directing him to consider the dis-

of the adventure. The instructions

povery of the North-west Passage to the

No. 7.

The winter here was not over so as to permit their departure until the first day of

July, 1822; being later by several weeks though Melville Island lies rather more than eight degrees north of Winter Island,

than the same season at Melville Island,

and though the mean corrected temperature of the two winters was, at Melville Island, 24° below zero, and at Winter Islwere visited by a tribe of Esquimaux, and

Pacific as the main object that he was to
pursue, to which all other discoveries were
to be held subordinate; and that the ascer- and only 11.7° below zero. Here they
taining of the northern boundary of America

was the next. He was further instructed to obtained from them some valuable geograph-
give his unremitting attention to observa-
tions with regard to the magnetic influence,
and to the natural history, geography, &c.
of the countries which he might discover,
as being also objects of very high import-
ance, with respect to which any information
must prove valuable and interesting to

THE name of Captain Parry must be fa-
miliar to most of our readers; his account
of his first voyage was extensively circulat-
ed, and his singular fitness to command
such an expedition excited strong hopes
that the voyage, the account of which is
now before us, would result in the complete
discovery of the long sought-for North-
west passage. The expedition failed in this
and in almost every other object of those
who planned it, evidently from no fault of
the commander or want of cooperation with
him of those under his command. The ac-
count which he has published exhibits the
same modesty in the writer, the same per-
fect good sense, sound judgment, and de-
cision of character in the man, which were
so obvious in his narrative of his first and
more flattering expedition. We say more
flattering, inasmuch as it seemed to open a
way direct to Behring's Straits, and left
small doubts in the minds of those best
qualified to judge, that the passage would
be feasible, if the north-eastern point
of this continent could be reached. It In reviewing the events of this our first season of

was supposed, as Capt. Parry had conclusively shown that the northern coast of America lay several degrees to the south of Lancaster Sound; as he had made great progress up that sound; and as the only obstacle to his further progress there, was the ice; that in the lower latitude on the continental coast, not only would the summer be longer allowing more time for navigation, but so much warmer as thoroughly to melt the ice, and allow a clear passage along the coast. This supposition was strengthened by the knowledge, that Hearne and M'Ken

zie had both seen the northern ocean at different points, and both described it as an open sea, entirely clear of ice.

This last voyage wås begun with the most favourable auspices; every thing, which the experience of the former had shown to be desirable to increase the comfort of the officers and men, was supplied with unbounded liberality, every precaution taken to ensure the safety of the ships, all instruments furnished which might be used in making scientific observations upon the various natural phenomena of the high

Capt. Parry left England on the 8th of May, 1821, reached the entrance of Hudson's Straits on the 18th of June following, passed through the Frozen Strait of Middleton, between Southampton Island and the continent, in the month of July; coasted completely round Repulse Bay, ascertaining that it had no opening to the westward, and in the attempt to double the cape, which forms the north-east boundary of that bay, was stopped by the commencement of winter at an island, called by him Winter Island, on the 7th of October, 1821. The review of what had been performed thus far, we shall give in Capt. Parry's own words.

ical information. They learned that the
coast, after running northward a short dis-
tance, turned short round to the westward
and afterwards to the south-south-west, so
as to come within three or four days' jour-
ney of Repulse Bay. The Esquimaux
further told them, that from the hills on
this westerly coast nothing was to be seen
but one wide extended sea. This was con-
firmed by the recollections of some of the
officers who had ascended the hills forming
the boundary of Repulse Bay, and who had
seen a large sheet of water in the distance,
which they had supposed to be a lake.
From other Esquimaux, with whom they
met in the course of their next summer's
navigation, they learned the existence of a
strait tending nearly west, along the line
of coast which had been drawn by their
winter friends. This strait they discover-
ed and called the "Fury and Hecla Strait;"
but the summer was too short and inclem-
ent to permit them to proceed far. They
were stopped on the 29th of August, 1822,
by an impassable barrier of ice of the for-
mer winter, stretching from shore to shore.
The rest of the season they spent in anx-
ious watchings for this ice to open; in inde-
fatigable but vain efforts to discover a more
southerly and freer passage; in repeated
and close investigations of the course of
the currents in the strait; and in journeys
over the rugged hills to look for the polar
ocean. This they did in fact discover,-un-
less Capt. Parry was unaccountably deceiv-
they had entered communicated with it, and

navigation, and considering what progress we had
made towards the attainment of our main object, it
was impossible, however triffing that progress
might appear upon the chart, not to experience
considerable satisfaction. Small as our actual ad-
vance had been towards Behring's Strait, the ex-
tent of coast newly discovered and minutely ex-
plored in pursuit of our object, in the course of the
last eight weeks, amounted to more than two hun-
dred leagues, nearly half of which belonged to the
continent of North America. This service, not-
withstanding our constant exposure to the risks
which intricate, shoal, and unknown channels, a ed, and doubted not that the strait which
sea loaded with ice, and a rapid tide concurred in

presenting, had providentially been effected with- that they were indeed upon the northern

out injury to the ships, or suffering to the officers
and men; and we had now once more met with
tolerable security for the ensuing winter, when

coast of America. There was a continual current setting out from under the ice, and

obliged to relinquish further operations for the the masses which broke off from time to
season. Above all, however, I derived the most time were carried rapidly to the eastward
sincere satisfaction from a conviction of hav-
ing left no part of the coast from Repulse Bay
eastward in a state of doubt as to its connexion
with the continent. And as the mainland now in
sight from the hills extended no farther to the east-
ward than about a N. N. E. bearing, we ventured to
indulge a sanguine hope of our being very near the
north-eastern boundary of America, and that the
early part of the next season would find us em-
ploying our best efforts in pushing along its northern

by this current, and never returned. The winter commenced upon the 20th of September, and they were firmly enclosed in ice for ten months; another tribe of Esquimaux wintered near them, and attending to the wants and partaking of the labours and sports of these people furnished them with ample amusement.

Capt. Parry, with the perseverance which

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