VI.-RELIGIOUS DIVISIONS. CHRISTIANITY IS THE ONLY TRUE RELIGION. CHRISTIANS are those who believe in Christ as the Son of God and the Saviour of mankind. JEWS, descendants of Abraham, are those who believe in the Old Testament, but reject the New, and expect a Saviour yet to come. MAHOMMEDANS are those who believe in Mahomet, a religious impostor, who lived in Arabia about A. D. 600. PAGANS OR HEATHENS are those who believe in false gods and worship idols. VII.-MISCELLANEOUS. ENTREPÔT. (From F. entre, and pôt, for post, positum) a warehouse or magazine for the storing of goods. EMPORIUM. (From G. emporion-emporos, a trader; en, in, and poros, a way, peraō, to pass through) a city or town of extensive trade or commerce to which sellers and buyers from different countries resort. SEE. (From L. sedes-sedeo, to sit) the seat or jurisdiction of a bishop or archbishop; a diocese. APPENDIX, No. 2. IONIAN ISLANDS, A group of 25 islands, the chief being Corfu, Cephalonia, Zante, Santa-Maura, Ithaca, Paxo, and Cerigo. SITUATION. First six on W. and Cerigo on S. coast of Greece. AREA.-11,000 square miles. POPULATION.-230,000, and an English garrison of 3,000. Corfu, seat of Government, 17,000. Largest island, Cephalonia; largest town, Zante (22,000). People, Greek in manner and appearance, and members of the Greek Church. PHYSICAL FEATURES.-All very mountainous, rugged, and heath-covered. Climate hot, but healthy, being moderated by sea breezes. Earthquakes common. HISTORY, &C.-Most of these islands celebrated in Grecian history. In the fifteenth century the Venetians obtained possession of them, and maintained it for more than 300 years. In 1797, on the overthrow of Venice, the French became masters of the islands, but were driven out soon after by the Russians and Turks combined. In 1815, on the downfall of Napoleon, they were made into a Republic, and placed under the protection of Great Britain. Transferred to Greece, February, 1864, on the accession of Prince William of Denmark, brother of the Princess of Wales, to the throne of Greece. GOVERNMENT.-An independent Republic under British protection since 1815, but now annexed to Greece; a Lord High Commissioner represented Britain under the old regime. |