private and profes recurring labors of - and earnest desire of his abilities. To ring diligence; and a monument to his his labors, where he et with such unex red to his heart as grandfather, he was disease had seized n. He died upon s desolate congre which they will al Their grief at his urance which they been given him to me fulfilled a long GERMAN LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. - The catalogues of new works, issued between January and July 1839, which we have received, do not offer so many promising titles as usual. We notice a falling off in the department of Philosophy and Theology in particular, but there appears no diminution of "Handbuchs," "Conversations-Lexicons," "Lebenbeschreibungen," and that miscellaneous "stuff" which abounds on this side of the water. The most important works we have noticed are the following. A new edition of Plato is in progress, which is published in numbers, and is to be completed in 1842. It is edited by Messrs. Baiter, Osell, & Winckelmann. — F. W. Krummacher, author of the parables, has published a little work called Elias der Thishiter nach seinem äussern und innern Leben. - H. P. Fichtes Leitschrift für Philosophie und speculative Theologie, still continues its existence. G. E. Leo Geschichte der Reformation in Dresden and Leipsic. Israelitische Annalen, (a Periodical for the history, literature, and culture of the Israelites of all times and countries, published weekly in 4to.) J. L. König Alttestamentliche Studien, 2 vols. 8vo. The first volume was published 1836, and this contains Deuteronomy and Jeremiah. The book is written to counteract the “ neological" views of von Bohlen. Marriot's Collection of English miracle-plays, or mysteries, containing ten dramas from the Chester, Coventry, and Townly series. 1 vol. 8vo. Auslegung des Speculativen Theiles Ev. Johannis, durch einen deutschen mystischen Theologen, (of the 14th century) ed. Engelhardt. A new Edition is publishing of Hoffmann's Works. Leben und Thaten der Heiligen, von Sinzel, (a collection of legends &c., relating to the lives of the Saints, publishing in numbers.) Hengstenberg Beiträge zur Einleitung in A. T. Vol. III. (This contains a defence of the authenticity and genuineness of the Pentateuch.) N. H. Julius Nordamerikas sittliche Zustände, 2 vols. 8vo. (This contains the results of his observations in America during the years 1834-1836. Vol. I. treats of the Country, its History, Religion, Education, Labor, and Society. Vol. II. of Crime and Punishment.) J. C. F. Bähr Geschichte der Romischen Literatur (the 3d supplemental volume which treats of the Christian Literature down to the end of the Carlovingian period.) Leben des St. Thomas of Canterbury, hera Im. Bekker, 1. 8vo., (in ancient Norman French. Von dem Siben Slafaeren (a poem of the 13th c Seven Sleepers.") heraus von Karajan, 1 vol. 8 C. F. Von Ammon Fortbildung der Christen (The three first volumes are in the course of tran Ripley's Library of Foreign Standard Literature. tains an account of the latest Theology of Germ Gesenius anecdota orientalia P. II. 4to. - H. H Lieder, 3d ed. - Lochner's Geschichte des Mitt 8vo. (This first volume comes down to the end of F. Rückert Bramanische Erzählungen. - Bern das Lexicon, 2 vols. 4to. F. Strauss Zwei friedliche Blätter, 1 vol. 8vo. für die Berufung des Dr. Strauss. (A small pam ing a short, life of Dr. S. We notice 12 other pa ing to the affairs of this gentleman.) J. G. F. Grätie Lehrbuch ezner allg. Literärge bekannter Volker, vol. 2. 8vo., (to be continued.) The large works mentioned in a former number o still continue to appear in regular numbers from e. g. Oken's Natur-Geschichte. Ersch & Gruber. dia. Corpus Reformatorum, and the various "Bibl Greek, Latin, and German literature. Besides thes a" classical library of English Novelists, (e. g. Field Goldsmith, &c., &c.,) and another of English Drama is also a Bibliotheca Patrum, conducted by Gersdor horn, 8vo. Vols. III. and IV. contain the works of Tertullian: - and a Bibliotheca portatil Española, prises a collection of the best poems, novels, drama ten in Spanish in this century. Thiele's commentari has reached the XIIIth volume, the last volume con mann's Commentary on Ephesians and Philippians. part of the 2d volume of Gesenius's Thesaurus with the promise that the next shall appear early in learn that a periodical is established at Athens; it i twice every month, and the first number appeared Ap It is called "o Νέος λόγιος Ερμῆς." is conducted by a of gentlemen, and edited by A. M. Anselmos. It is Theology, Philosophy, physical and mathematical Antiquities, Philology, History, and public Instruction ERRATA FOR LAST VOLUME. Page 92, 11 lines from top, for "inquiries" read "injuries." ol. 8vo. - Hirzel Rede mall pamphlet contain other pamphlets relat Literärgeschichte aller nued.) umber of this Journal rs from time to time, Grubers Encyclope "Bibliotheken," of des these, we notice g. Fielding, Smollet, Dramatists. There Gersdorf and Goldks of Cyprian and Dañola, which comdramas, &c. writ mentarius on N. Τ. me contains Hoele. Opians. The first urus is published rly in 1840. We s; it is published ed April 1, 1839. by a large body It is devoted to atical Sciences, action. ractions," us." THE CHRISTIAN EXAMINER. MAY, 1840. ART. I. - Specimens of Foreign Standard Literature. Edited by GEORGE RIPLEY. Vols. V. and VI. Containing Introduction to Ethics, including a Critical Survey of Moral Systems. Translated from the French of Jouffroy. By WILLIAM H. CHANNING. Boston: Hilliard, Gray & Co. 1840. THE German and English poets are not much indebted to the French for such criticisms and translations, as the countrymen of Voltaire have sent forth. It is far otherwise, however, with German and English philosophers. They are indebted to the French for the clearest exhibition of their various systems. The wrong, that Shakspeare and Milton, Goethe and Schiller have in time past experienced at the hands of Gallic critics, both by way of eulogy and satire, has been fully made up by the justice done by the philosophers of France to Cudworth, and Berkeley, and Kant, and other leading minds of English and German schools. We are indebted to Cousin for our clearest ideas of modern German philosophy. It is to be doubted whether so distinct a view of the aim and results of the Scotch metaphysicians is to be found elsewhere, as in the pages of Jouffroy's edition of Stewart. The French, indeed, are masters of the intellectual mint; they understand how to give thought such shape, that it will pass current. Commend us to the Germans for skill, ardor, and patience in digging out the precious metal from its depths, and to the English for readiness and talent to use it in actual business; but VOL. XXVIII. - 3D S. VOL. X. NO. II. 18 : : it must first pass through the French mint, and and beauty, that fit it for practical purposes. The efforts of Cousin to give a clear view of Psychology, in modern times, are familiar to Some are acquainted with the attempts of a far Baron Penhoën, to present a survey of recent Ge phy. But no French writer has appeared, wh be so agreeable to English minds, as those of full enough of his national enthusiasm he adds a logic of the Scotch school, to which he has giv portion of his studies. There is cause for joy. now turned his attention to Ethics, not only on a value of his own generous and rational ethical sy his inestimable survey of the most prominent of n systems. The work, which Mr. Channing has so admin ed, that the English seems like the original dress of and none of the usual marks of a translation app Jouffroy's Introduction to a long and elaborate cou inquiries. The volumes now translated give the of the Object and Division of Ethical Science, and of Man's Moral Nature, but are chiefly taken up of the various ethical systems. Jouffroy's own s here fully presented, but will be given in the thi the Introduction, which is soon to be forthcomi the author, - quite soon, we fervently hope. that Jouffroy's entire plan will ere long be executec ries thus introduced will be followed by his courses of Personal Ethics, or a system of the duties, which himself. Actual Ethics, or the principles of condu a man should be governed in his relations to th Ethics, or the science of rights and duties arisin various relations, in which man stands to man; las Religion, which has for its subject the relations of God, and a determination of the duties resulting the We pass over the Preface of the translator, obs to such completeness it so adds the grace of bre make it more advisable to refer the reader to it di to afford him any mutilated extracts. It must not be forgotten, that the work now bef translation has been elaborately reviewed from the c former number of our journal, by one who is master so admirably translat dress of the thoughts, ation appear, presents rate course of ethical ive the author's view ace, and of the Facts ken up by a surver own system is not the third volume af rthcoming from the hope. We trust, xecuted, and the seurses of Lectures on which a man owes conduct, by which to things; Social sarising from the n; lastly, Natural ns of man toward ng thence. r, observing, that of brevity, as to it directly, than - before us in a the original in a ster of the sub ject. That review so well indicated Jouffroy's position among the French Eclectics, and the worth of his philosophical labors, as to render further comment upon these points needless. It, moreover, explained sufficiently the aim of Jouffroy's ethical labors, and gave an outline of his own system. A very humble task is ours. We will take up the subject, where the former review left it, and give a brief account of the able and interesting survey of the various moral systems, which are examined by the author. In the opening lecture, the author, having previously inquired into the destiny of man in the present life, and his future being, proceeds to unfold his subject by presenting the question, "The end, to which man is destined, being known, what should be his conduct under all possible circumstances?" or, in other words, "What are the proper rules of human conduct?" This question into the proper rules or laws of human conduct, of course, implies the idea of obligation. Now, if there be no such thing as obligation, there can be no laws of action, and consequently no system of ethics; and since the reality of any such obligation is denied, actually by some, and virtually by others, the science of ethics must be preceded by an examination of such denials, and a proof of the reality of moral obligation. This examination the author proceeds to make, after having briefly stated his division of the science of ethics into four parts, corresponding to man's four great relations, and after having given a summary of the facts of man's moral nature. A knowledge of the facts of man's moral nature is, of course, necessary to an understanding of the nature and reality of moral obligation; for moral obligation can have no existence for us, unless it be founded in the nature of man. With singular clearness and fulness, the author, in two lectures, presents a view of these facts. The first class of facts are the impulses or the primitive tendencies of human nature, which, from infancy, carry the being forward, and independently of all calculation, lead it towards particular ends, which, taken together, make up its final end. Later in life, we call these tendencies the passions. Soon, the active principle borrows the aid of the understanding, and the being begins to compare the different desires and objects of desire, and to seek that, which promotes his greatest pleasure; and then comes the period of self-interest. Finally, reason awakes, and, not content with consulting for |