THE AMERICAN QUARTERLY REVIEW. VOL. IX. MARCH & JUNE, 1831. 台 PHILADELPHIA: CAREY & LEA-CHESNUT STREET. CONTENTS OF No. XVIII. ART. I. COLLEGE-INSTRUCTION AND DISCIPLINE, Journal of the Proceedings of a Convention of Literary and Catechism of Education, Part 1st, &c. By William Lyon Address of the State Convention of Teachers and Friends of Oration on the advantages to be derived from the Introduction Lecture on Scientific Education, delivered Saturday, Decem- II. CROLEY'S GEORGE THE FOURTH, The Life and Times of His Late Majesty, George the Fourth: with Anecdotes of distinguished Persons of the last fifty years. By the Rev. George Croley, Α. Μ. III. HIEROGLYPHIC SYSTEM, Essays on the Hieroglyphic System of M. Champollion, Jr. IV. IRON, Memorial of the workers in iron of Philadelphia, praying that the present duty on imported iron may be repealed, &c. Report of the Select Committee (of the Senate of the United States,) to whom was referred "the petition of upwards of three hundred mechanics, Citizens of the City and County of Philadelphia, employed in the various branches of the manufacture of iron," and also, the petition of the "Journeymen blacksmiths of the City and County of Philadelphia, employed in manufacturing anchors and chain cables." Report of the minority of the Select Committee on certain memorials to reduce the duty on imported iron. Remarks of the majority of the Select Committee on the blacksmiths' petition in reply to the arguments of the minority. Manuel de la Metallurgie de fer par C. I. B. Karsten, traduit de l'Allemand, par F. I. Culman, seconde edition, entierement refondue, &c. Voyage Metallurgique en Angleterre, par MM. Dufrenoy et Elie de Beaumont. PAGE. 283 314 339 352 |