The Casket: A Christmas and New Year's Present for Children and Young Persons. MDCCCXXIX.

Bowles and Dearborn, 1829 - 268 pages

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Page 203 - God took thee, in His mercy, A lamb untasked, untried ; He fought the fight for thee, He won the victory, And thou art sanctified. " I look around, and see The evil ways of men, And oh ! beloved child, I'm more than reconciled To thy departure then.
Page 203 - But thou wilt then, fond mother ! In after years look back, (Time brings such wondrous easing,) With sadness not unpleasing, E'en on this gloomy track ? Thou'lt say...
Page 204 - Now like a dew-drop shrined Within a crystal stone, Thou'rt safe in heaven, my dove ! Safe with the source of love, The Everlasting One. " And when the hour arrives, From flesh that sets me free, Thy spirit may await— The first at heaven's gate — To meet and welcome me.
Page 204 - I've seen thee in thy beauty, A thing all health and glee ; But never then, wert thou So beautiful, as now Baby thou seem'st to me.
Page 204 - Till now, as when of yore, I lulled thee on my breast ? ' Now, like a dew-drop shrined Within a crystal stone, Thou'rt safe in heaven, my dove ! Safe with the Source of Love, The Everlasting One. ' And when the hour arrives From flesh that sets me free, Thy spirit may await The first at heaven's gate, To meet and welcome me.
Page 162 - Father of the realms he blessed; Who no wish felt to make his mighty praise, Like other chiefs, the means himself to raise; But there retiring, breathed in pure renown, And felt a grandeur that disdained a crown.
Page 202 - Oh ! these are recollections Round mothers' hearts that cling ; That mingle with the tears And smiles of after years, With oft awakening.
Page 148 - WHEN summer's sunny hues adorn Sky, forest, hill and meadow, The foliage of the evergreens, In contrast, seems a shadow. But when the tints of autumn have Their sober reign asserted, The landscape that cold shadow shows Into a light converted. Thus thoughts that frown ujiou our •mirth Will smile upon our sorrow, And many dark fears of to-day May be bright hopes to-morrow.

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