BY THE SAME AUTHOR. KADESH-BARNEA: Its Importance and Probable Site, with the Story of a Hunt for it; including Studies of the Route of the Exodus, and of the Southern Boundary of the Holy Land. I vol., large 8vo. With maps and illustrations. $5.00. FRIENDSHIP THE MASTER-PASSION; Or, The Nature and History of Friendship, and its Place as a Force in the World. I vol., large 8vo, in box. $3.00. THE KNIGHTLY SOLDIER: A Biography of Major Henry Ward Camp. I vol., 8vo. New and revised edition. With illustrations. $1.50. PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE: A series of brief essays. Six volumes. Square 16mo. Each volume complete in itself. $2.50 the set, 50 cents a volume. 1. Ourselves and Others. 2. Aspirations and Influences. 4. Practical Paradoxes. 5. Character-Shaping and 6. Duty Knowing and YALE LECTURES ON THE SUNDAY SCHOOL: The Sundayschool; its Origin, Mission, Methods, and Auxiliaries. The Lyman Beecher Lectures before Yale Divinity School, for 1888. I vol., small 8vo. $1.50. A MODEL SUPERINTENDENT: A Sketch of the Life, Character,. and Methods of Work, of Henry P. Haven, of the International Lesson Committee. I vol., 12mo. With portrait. $1.00. TEACHING AND TEACHERS; Or, the Sunday - school Teacher's Teaching Work, and the Other Work of the Sunday-school Teacher. I vol., 12mo. $1.00. HINTS ON CHILD-TRAINING. I vol., small 12mo. $1.00. JOHN D. WATTLES, Philadelphia, Pa. THE BLOOD COVENANT A PRIMITIVE RITE AND ITS BEARINGS ON SCRIPTURE BY H. CLAY TRUMBULL Author of "Kadesh-Barnea," "Friendship the Master-Passion," etc. SECOND EDITION, WITH A SUPPLEMENT PHILADELPHIA JOHN D. WATTLES PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. Ir was while engaged in the preparation of a book —still unfinished-on the Sway of Friendship in the World's Forces,1 that I came upon facts concerning the primitive rite of covenanting by the inter-transfusion of blood, which induced me to turn aside from my other studies, in order to pursue investigations in this direction. Having an engagement to deliver a series of lectures before the Summer School of Hebrew, under Professor W. R. Harper, of Chicago, at the buildings of the Episcopal Divinity School, in Philadelphia, I decided to make this rite and its linkings the theme of that series; and I delivered three lectures, accordingly, June 16-18, 1885. The interest manifested in the subject by those who heard the Lectures, as well as the importance of the theme itself, has seemed sufficient to warrant its presentation to a larger public. In this publishing, the form of the original Lectures has, for convenience' sake, been adhered to; although some considerable 1 Since published, with the title of "Friendship the Master-Passion." |