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Name: identical with life, 335; new,

given to youths in Australia, 336;
new, gift of, in New South Wales,
336 f.; of divinity, ethnic claim of
right to, 356.

Names exchanged, 334 f.
Napier: cited, 111, 143.

Natal, marriage customs in, 193.
Nature, transference of, through blood,

Naville: cited, 110 f.

Nazarines, covenanting with, 7.
Necklace: a symbol of the covenant,
76; token of the covenant, 194; belts
and, of wampum, 326-328.
New Hebrides, cannibalism in, 371 f.
New life through new blood, 126; in
the blood of Christ, 286-293.
New nature through new blood, 126-139.
New South Wales: blood-cancelling,
133; the rite in, 336 f.
Nibelungen Lied: bracelet-bond in, 69;

charm of blood in, 122; blood-
drinking in, 130; testimony of blood
in, 143 f.

Niebuhr: cited, 223, 260.
Noah his blood-giving, 212 f.
Norseland: mythology, traces of the

rite in, 39-42, 67-69; legends, in-
spiration by blood in, 139 f.; drink-
ing the covenant in, 201; substitute
blood in, 227; heart for life in, 301 f.
Nose, blood from, in the rite, 90.
Nose-ring as a symbol of the covenant,
in India, 164 f.

Nubia, blood-drinking in, 132.

OATH of covenant: in Sumatra, 268 f.;

in Scotland, 319.

Oaths in the rite, 6, 9, 12, 16 f., 20,
31, 41 f., 44-47, 50, 52, 54, 59-63,
82, 96, 154, 268, 347 f.

Obadiah, Rabbi: cited, 245.
Occult sacrifices of Hindoos, 161.

Odin and Lôké: the rite between, 39-

[blocks in formation]

PALACIO cited, 90 f.
Palestine: Fellaheen customs in, 129 f.;
Jews charged with tasting of pris-
oner's blood in, 178 f.; balancing
a blood-account in, 261 f.
Palmer cited, 192.

Palms of hands, cuttings into, 369.
Parkman cited, 127 f.. 181, 188 f., 325.
Parsees, communion sacrament among,

Paschal Lamb, the true, 275.

Passover: the rite in, 230-238; signifi-
cance of, 351 f.

Passumah: a binding oath, in Sumatra,
268 f.

Paton, John G. cited, 371 f.

Paul branded with the marks of Jesus,


Pedahzur, Gamal. ben cited, 146.
Pegs, marking the drinking-bowl in the
Norseland, 201.

Penn, William, and Indians, covenant
between, 328.

Persia: traces of the rite in, 70, 358 f.,
369-371; view of blood in, 358 f.
Peru: superstition in, 115; sacrament
of communion in ancient, 177 f.;
human sacrifice in, 177 f.
Phicol his part in covenant of Abime-
lech and Abraham, 266-268.
Phoenicia, blood libations in, 109.
Phylacteries: a covenant token, 232 f.;

King Saul's, 237 f.; valueless with-
out heart-remembrance, 257; refer-
ence to their origin, 329.
Piedrahita: cited, 198.
Piehl: cited, 83.

Pierced hands, a sign of the rite, 369.
Pierret cited, 81, 83, 100, III, 300 f.
Pierrotti: cited, 225, 260, 262 f.

Pig heart of, examined among Saka-
rang Dayaks, 308; used in the rite in
Borneo, 323.

Pike: cited, 194, 245.
Pindar: cited, 108.
Pitts: cited, 368.

Pliny cited, 70, 116 f.
Plutarch: cited, 170 f.

Pollux cited, 304.

Pope Innocent VIII., reported treat-
ment of, 124 f.

Porphyry cited, 170, 359.

Poseidonios: cited, 320.

Powell, on brotherhoods among Indians,

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

RAGUENEAU: cited, 127.

Rahab, significance of red cord of, 355.
Ralston: cited, 115, 301.
Ransom for blood, 261, 324-326.
Receiving of blood, receiving of life,
203 f.

Record of the rite preserved, 5 f.
Red amulet, in ancient Egypt, 233.
Red cord, symbolism of, 196 f., 355.
Red feather belt of Tahiti kings, 328 f.
Red Hand. See Bloody Hand.
Redhouse: cited, 11.

Red thread, significance of, in China,

Renouf: cited, 40, 78-80, 82, 100-103, 172,
333 f., 356.

Restitution, not revenge, the object, 262.
Réville: cited, 91, 105-107, 174, 182,
189 f.

[ocr errors]

Revisers, Old Testament: their com-
ments on "The Blood Covenant,'
Rice-beer as substitute for blood, 316.
Richardson: cited, 304.

Riggs cited, 55.

Ring: as a symbol of the rite, 67-75;

in the cup, a covenant pledge, 73;
of divorce in Borneo, 330; sym-
bolic use of, in Egypt, 330; heart
and, connection of, 330 f.; as a cov-
enant-token in England, 331; of
flesh, use of, in Australia, 331:
bracelet and, at wedding in India,

Ritual, Mosaic. See Mosaic Ritual.
Roberts cited, 164, 196, 225, 235 f., 396.
Robin redbreast, blood-marked, 142.
Robinson: cited, 318.

Roman sacrifices, 108 f.; libations, a

survival of the rite, 200; initiation
of Jewish phylactery, 238.
Roman Catholic Church: its refusal of
cup to laity, 293.

Roman history, mentions of the rite in,

Rosenmüller: cited, 63, 369.
Ross: cited, 200.

Rous and Bogan: cited, 198.

Roussel: cited, 115 f., 125, 133 f.
"Rubrics," meaning of, 236.

Russia gleams of the rite in, 96;
wedding customs in, 198.


Ruth and Orpah: their differing rela-
tions to Naomi, 211 f.

SACRAMENT: of the Holy Food, in
India, 163 f.; of the Haoma, among
Zoroastrians, 169; of communion in
Central America, 175-179.
Sacredness of blood, 99-110, 240-245.
Sacrifice to the gods, 122 f.; meaning
of, in Chinese, 148 f., 357; as a means
of divine-human inter-union, 155-
157; in Vedas, 156; at feast of Isis, in
ancient Egypt, 171; degrees of sanc-
tity attached to, 250 f.; relation of,
to covenant, 359; St. Augustine's
definition of, 357..

Sacrifice, human: dear to the gods,
122 f.; in the Vedas, 156; in Ak-
kadia, 166; in Peru, 177 f.; in In-
dia, 186, 227; in Tahiti, 328 f.
Saffron water: a substitute for blood,
77, 194-196; at wedding in India,

Sahagun cited, 189.

St. John, Spenser: cited, 50 f., 308 f.,
322, 330.
Sallust cited, 60.

Salutation, primitive modes of, 340 f.
Samaritan passover on Mount Gerizim,

[blocks in formation]

77, 194.

Satan, union with, by blood, 92-94.
Saul, King: his phylacteries, 237 f.; his
relations to David, 269-271,

Sayce, cited, 115, 166, 168-170.
Scalp, divided, in covenanting, 339 f.
Scandinavian legends of life through
blood, 121 f.

Scarabæus symbol of heart, 301 f.
Schaff-Herzog: cited, 170.
Scheller: cited, 64.

Schomburgk: cited, 128.

Sclavic races, the rite among, 366 f.
Scotland: traditions of blood of the

gods in, 142 f.; blood-testifying in,
145; blood at wedding in, 199 f.
Scott: cited, 73, 319 f.

Scythians, blood-drinking by, 126, 267.
Semitic rite, an ancient, 4.
Setee I., an inscription to, 301.
Seven stones of witness, 265 f.
Seven, Well of the, covenant at, 267.
Shastika Indians, exchange of names

among, 334 f.

Shechem: centre of worship of Baal-
bereeth, 218 f.

Sheep substituted for ox in sacrifice,


Shelley: his heart preserved, 108.
Shooter: cited, 125, 136, 193.

Shoulder, stamping the, 218.
Sibree: cited, 346 f.

Signet-ring, a symbol of the rite, 70.
Simon: cited, 90 f.

Simpson, on the cause of Jesus' death,
285 f.

Sin-offering in Mosaic ritual, 248.
Sinai: the rite at, 238-240; substitute
blood offered at, 240; covenanting
at, 350.

Sioux Indians, the rite among, 55.
Siralen, sacrifice of, to Vishnoo, 227.
Sirutunden and Vanagata-ananga, 227.
Smith, E. R.: cited, 334.

Smith, Prof. W. Robertson: cited, 11,

168, 347-349; his reference to the
bloody hand, 247; on casâma, 351,
Smith-Hackett: cited, 234, 236.
Smoking the covenant in Borneo, 51.
Soane: cited, 117, 124.

Society Islands: tayoship in, 56 f.;
traces of the rite in, 334.
Solomon: cited, 101 f.

Son in the Vedas, 156; sacrificed and
eaten, in legend of India, 186;
Oriental estimate of a, 225 f.

Sophocles: cited, 108.

Sothern: cited, 71.

Soul, one, in two bodies, 38.

South Africa, heart for life, 301 f.

Southey cited, 55, 178.

Speaker's Commentary: on the rite,

297; on Jewish sacrifice, 300; on
blood as synonym of life, 303.
Spencer, Herbert: cited, 54, 90 f., 112,
115, 126, 128 f., 132 f., 137 f., 176-
178, 193, 198, 298 f., 335; on the
rite, 299-301.
Spleen and liver, conception of, among
Arabs, 304.
Sprinkling of blood: on doorposts and

lintels in China, 153; upon altar, 243;
a higher office than slaying of vic-
tim, 245; significance of, 352 f.; on
the lintels, in Borneo, 309.
Squier cited, 90 f.

Stamping the body with hot iron, 218.
Stanley, Dean: cited, 247.

Stanley, H. M.: cited, 18-33, 37 f., 135;
his relations to Mirambo, 235; on
sacrifices, 247; his blood-cancel-
ling, 261 f.

Stolberg: cited, 369.

Stomach, blood from, in the rite, 13.
Stone, the Living, 306 f.

Stones: as witnesses in covenanting,

265 f., 268, 370; for trees in cove-
nanting, 268 f.; anointing of, among
Arabs, 268 f., 348 f.; in British
Columbia, 307 f.

Stone-god its revivifying by blood,
306 f.

Strabo: cited, 358.

Strangled animals forbidden as food,


Striking a covenant. 59, 62.

Striking hands: in covenant, 234-236;
significance of, 341.

Stroud: cited, 279, 285 f.; on agony of
Jesus in Gethsemane, 279.
Substitute blood: of a common victim,

52, 323; in sacrifice in Egypt, 170-
173; in covenant sacrifice in Cen-
tral and South America, 173-178;
offered by Abel, 211; by Noah, 213;
in India, 227; in Great Britain,
227 f.; in the Norseland, 227; in
Arabia, 227; in Moab, 228; in
Phoenicia, 228; at Sinai, 240;
among the Jews, 240, 245 f.; sub-
stitute body offered at altar, 249;
as a means of inter-union, 346-350;
in the New Hebrides, 371 f.
Substitutes for blood, 191-202, 316, 348 f.
Substitutes for human sacrifices in In-
dia, 185 f.

Sucking blood: in the rite, 5 f., 29 f., 43,
51; its significance, 8.
Sucking brothers, 11 f.

Sumatra : cannibalism in, 190; covenant
oath in, 268 f.

Supper, the Lord's, 280-282.
Swanwick. cited, 95.

Switzerland, wedding customs in, 198.
Symbolic inter-union with God, 251.
Symbolism made reality in Jesus Christ,


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Tahiti (see, also, Otaheite): traces of
the rite in, 85-87; kings, royal belt
of, 328 f.; marriage ceremony in,
337 f.

Talbot: cited, 167-169.

Talmud: office of blood-sprinkling in,
246 f.; on blood-eating, 351; story
of Zechariah's blood in, 360-362.
Tasmania, blood for life in, 126.
Tasting each other's blood by cove-
nanting parties, 297 f.

Taurobolium, a baptism of blood, 362 f.
Taylor: cited, 236, 367.

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Tayo," a hint of the rite, 334.

Tertullian: cited, 60 f., 70, 321.

Theories of origin of phylacteries, 329.

Thigh, blood from, in the rite, 313 f.
Thompson cited, 132, 135 f.
Thomson: cited, 225, 363 f.

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Triad Society in China, 44, 364 f.
Tribal absorption of life, 131.
Tunis, the bleeding hand in, 342.
Turkey, traces of the rite in, 85, 371.
Tylor: cited, 96, 129, 139, 174, 201, 226.
Tyre, the rite in, 8.

UNION with the divine, an object in

blood-letting, 89-96; with evil spirits
through blood, 92-95; of two lives,
by blood commingling, 202 f.; of
man's spiritual nature with God,
258; in Christ, 342; by substitute
blood, 346-350.

Unity secured by common blood, 350.
Universal primitive method of covenant-
ing, 267.

Unnoticed signs of the rite, 333.

VAMPIRE, superstition concerning the,
114 f.

Vanagata-ananga and Sirutunden, 227.
Van Lennep: cited, 90.


Vedas, traces of the rite in, 156 f.
Vicarious blood-yielding in South
America, 131 f.; in Nubia, 132; in
covenant sacrifice, 166.

Vicarious sacrifice. See Substitute

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WAMPUM records, 326-328.
Wanyamuezi, blood brotherhood among,

Washburn, President, on traces of the
rite, 366 f.

Weapons of war, in connection with the
rite, 16, 32, 35 f., 45 f., 53, 59, 62,

73, 297.

Wedding-ring, a survival of the rite,

Well of the Oath: place of covenant,

265 267.

Well of the Seven: place of covenant,

Wellsted: cited, 25.

Westcott: cited, 212, 214.

Western Asia, traces of the rite in, 371.
Wetzstein: cited, 9 f.

Whiskey, a substitute for blood, 193,

Wilberforce: cited, 355.

Wilkinson cited, 40, 75, 80, 100-102,

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Witches pledging their life in blood,
93 f.
Witness-stones: among the Arabians,

265 f.; among Indians of British
Columbia, 307 f.; in Persia, 370.
Woman as a party to the rite, 10, 13-
15, 43, 54, 66-77.

Wood: cited, 69 f., 193, 198 f., 338.
Word of Ra is bread, 173.

World-wide sweep of the rite, 43-53.
Wrists, blood from, in the rite, 16, 370.

XENOPHON: cited, 297.
Ximenez: cited, 90.

YAJNO, great sacrifice of the, in India,

Yellow-hammer, blood-marked, 142 f.
Yielding of blood, yielding of life,
203 f.

Yoruba country, blood-anointing in,
138 f.

Yucatan, the rite in, 54.
Yung Wing: cited, 44.

ZECHARIAH, Voice of blood of, 360-362.
Zipporah: circumcision of her son, 222 f.
Zulus, blood for life among, 125.
Zuñis: their conception of the heart,


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