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DAKOTA Indians: the rite among, 55;
sacredness of heart among, 105;
cannibalism among, 128.
Damascus, the rite in, 8.

David and Jonathan: their covenant,
269 f.

David's favor to Mephibosheth, 271.
Dayaks, the rite among, 49 f. See, also,

Dead, blood-drinking by, 114 f.
Death of victim, a means toward an
end, 246; atonement not made by,
287 f.

De Bergmann: cited, 110 f.
Delitzsch, Friedrich: cited, 65.
Denmark, blood-testifying in, 144 f.
Devil-worshipers in Peru, 115.,
De Wette: cited, 40.
Diodorus cited, 170.

Discerning the divine presence essen-
tial in Hindoo sacrament, 164.
Divine-human: inter-union by blood,

148-190; inter-communion in Egypt,
173; blood friendship, 245.

Divine nature represented in substitute
blood, 203 f.

Divorce-ring in Borneo, 330.
Dodge, Col., on Indian brotherhoods,

Dog sacrificed in the rite in Western

Asia, 371.
Doolittle: cited, 197.

Doorga, the blood-craving goddess,
157 f.

Door-posts and lintels blood-sprinkled
in China, 153.

Dorman: cited, 174, 177, 188 f.

Double life in the rite, 7.

Douglas cited, 151, 197.
Drake: cited, 95.

Drinking blood in covenant. See Blood-

Drinking inspiration in blood, 92 f.; of

healths, a survival of the rite, 201 f.;
and eating together in covenant,
240, 267-271; of coffee, in connec-
tion with the rite, 370
Druzes covenanting with those of
another religion, 7; sucking-cove-
nant among, 11.


Dubois: cited, 77, 155, 158, 161 f., 174,
185, 196, 218.


blood from, in the rite, 90 f.,
174 f.
Earth, outpoured blood buried in the,
180. See, also, Burial of Blood.
Eating of blood prohibited, 102 f., 240
f.; the sacrament a duty, among In-
dians, 181; and drinking together
in covenant, 240, 267-271 f.; on wit-
ness-heap, 268 f.; as mode of cove-
nanting, 313; together indicates
union, 350; blood, effect of, 357.
Ebers: cited, 40, 79, 84, 100 f., 170 f.
Edersheim on sacrifices of the Mosaic
ritual, 246-251.

Edible animals alone used for sacrifice,

Edkins cited, 109, 148-151, 181 f., 220.
Edwards: cited, 138.

Egypt: traces of the rite in, 70, 75, 77-

85, 99-105, 110 f.; ancient, sacra-
ment of communion in, 170; waters
of, turned to blood, 231; ancient, red
amulet in, 233; heart for life in,
301 f.; ancient, hints of the rite in,

word for "red" and
"blood," 236; sacrifice, resem-
blance to that of the Jews, 300;
kings, their claims of union with
gods, 356.

El-A'asha: cited, 11.

Elbows, blood from, 175.

Elephant sacrifices in India, 161.
Elliott and Roberts: cited, 67.

Ellis cited, 44, 48 f., 87 f., 337 f., 346 f.
England, blood-testifying in, 146 f.
Esarhaddon, inscription of, 168.
Eschwege: cited, 325.

Eshcol, Mamre, and Aner: their cove-
nant, 264 f.

Ethnic reachings after union with
God, 356-359.

Evolution or deterioration, 4; of sub-

stitute sacrifice in India, 157.
Exceptions to points in first edition, 345.
Exchange of gifts, 14, 16, 20-22, 25-

28, 32; of garments, 14, 270; of
arms, 270; of wampum belts, 327 f.;
of names, 334.

[blocks in formation]

Fatrida: its supposed meaning in
Malagasy, 346.

"Faust," covenant with blood in, 95.
Feasting in covenanting, 148-153, 159-
161, 167, 179f; the accompaniment
of the rite, 264, 370 f. See, also,

Feathers, red: their significance, 328 f.
Feejee Islands: cannibalism in, 187;
marriage customs in, 193; the rite
in, 338 f.

Feet bound with red cord in China,

Fellaheen customs in Palestine, 129 f.
"Ferire:" meaning of the word, 267.
Ferriol: cited, 85.

Festival of Isis at Busiris, sacrifices at,


Festus, Sextus Pompeius: cited, 63 f.
Fielde: cited, 120, 124.

Fiery Cross its significance in Arabia,
317 f.; in Scotland, 317-320.
Fingers blood from, in the rite, 59, 96;
relation of, to heart, 71 f.
Finn, Mrs. cited, 129 f.; on balancing
a blood account, 260-262.
Fire, a gift of the gods, 174.
Firmicus on life in sacramental cup, 355.
First-born son given in sacrifice, 150 f.,
156, 166 f. See, also, Human Sacri-

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Food restrictions on, removed in com-

munion, 160-164, 168-170; of the
soul, in Central America, 176; for
man, food for gods, 181 f.; shared,
gives common nourishment, 182 f.
Forbes cited, 54; on covenant oath in
Sumatra, 268 f.

Forehead: blood from, in the rite, 13, 90,

320; blood mark on child's, 232;
cutting of, among Germans, 367.
Fowl: sacrifice of, among Dayaks,
308 f.; sacrificed at marriage cere-
mony among Dayaks, 309; used
in the rite in Borneo, 323.
France, blood-drinking in, 124.
Frere: cited, 77, 109.
Freytag: cited, 8, 11, 64, 220, 223.
Friedländer: cited, 351 f., 357.
Friendship: shown in the rite, in

Syria, 4-10; through the rite, 7, 58,
63, 243; shown in sucking blood, 8;
among Arabs, 9-12; in Africa, 12-
38; in Europe, 39-42; among North
American Indians, 43, 54, 56; in
Burmah, 44; in Borneo, 49, 53;
among the Malays, 54; in Central
America, 54 f.; in Brazil, 55; in
Polynesia, 56 f.; in Scythia, 58;

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at, 268.

Ginsburg: cited, 225.

Girdle, under the, blood from, 174-176.
Giving blood: in proof of love, 85-92;

in worship, 89-93, 96.
Gleanings from general field, 362-369.
Goat substituted for sheep in sacrifice,
157; sacrificed in lieu of a man in
India, 158.

God's gift of his Son, in proof of his
love, 272 f.

Godwyn: cited, 72, 200, 218.

Goel, office of, 259-263; in Brazil, 325;
in Australia, 325 f.
Goethe: cited, 95..

"Golden Legend," Longfellow's, prof-
fered blood in, 118 f.
Gomara: cited, 106.

Goths: their customs in covenanting,

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Hand: blood from, in the rite, 9, 13,

41-43, 59, 62, 94, 265 f.; of con-
federates dipped in blood, 297;
meaning of cutting in, 341 f., 369.
See, also, Bloody Hand.
Hand-clasping: in blood, in the rite,

236; token of, 328; hint of the
rite in, 340-342; a survival of the
rite, 368 f.

Hand, Red. See Bloody Hand.
Handkerchiefs dipped in blood, 263.
Hands, striking. See Striking Hands.
Happer, on traces of the rite in China,
364 f.

Harmer: cited, 368.
Harper: cited, 64.
Harrison: cited, 359.
Hâsbayya, the rite in, 8.
Hatton cited, 52.

Head-hunting: in Borneo, significance
of, 129; in Abyssinia, 368.
Healths, drinking of, a survival of the
rite, 201 f.

Heap of witness in the rite, 45, 62.
Heart: blood from over, in the rite, 45:

relation of finger to, 72; the source
of blood, 72; source of life, 99-
105, 301 f.; sacredness of, among
Dakotas, 105: sacredness of, in Cen-
tral and outh America, 105 f.;
hero's, preserved, 107 f.; deemed
sacred by Greeks and omans,
108 f.; as life centre, 126, 204;
of lower animals eaten, 134-136,
180; symbol of personality, 204;
sacredness of, among ancient
Egyptians, 300 f.; sacredness of,
in primitive America, 301 f.; rela-
tion of milk and, 301 f.; symbolized
by scarabæus, 301 f.; significa-
tion of the word, 302; new, is new
life, 303; conception of, among
Zuñis, 305-308; significance of, 306 f.
Heart-eating as means of life, 128;

among Caribs, 128; among Áshan-

tees, 129; in Borneo, 129; in
Australia, 129; in Africa, 129, 135 f.;
among Araucanians, 131; in the
Norseland, 140; at sacred feasts,
by Indians, 180.
Heber: cited, 158 f.
Hefele: cited, 354.

Herodotus cited, 61 f., 126, 171 f.,

348 f, 366; on witness of covenant,
265 f.; on blood-drinking among
Scythians, 267; on anointing stones
with blood, 268.

Herrera: cited, 90, 107, 176-178.
Herzog: cited, 260.
Hesiod: cited, 112.

Himalayan districts, blood-drinking in,
141 f.

Hindostan traces of the rite in, 67;
blood-anointing in, 136 f.

Holcombe cited, 197.
Holmes: cited, 326 f.


Homer: cited, 108, 112, 297.
Hoomâyoon, the Great Mogul, as a
friend, 67.

Horneman: cited, 354.

Horse sacrifice of, in China, 152 f.;
substituted for man in sacrifice, 157.
House of the amulet, 7, 65.

Peru, 176 f.

inter communion


Human sacrifices: of first-born son, 156;
in India, 157; in ancient Egypt,
170 f.; in ancient Guatemala, 174;
in India in former days, 185 f.;
among Akkadians, 299 f.; among
Sakarang Dayaks, 308.

Hungary superstitions in, 115; traces
of the rite in, 366.

Hunter: cited, 163 f.

Huron Indians, cannibalism among,
127 f., 188.

"Hynd Horn," covenant ring in ballad
of, 331 f.

IBN Hishâm: cited, 11.

Iceland, traces of the rite in, 70.
Idols, anointing of, with blood, 176 f.,
306-308. See, also, Blood-anoint-

Ignatius, on life in sacramental cup, 354.
Importance of this study to all, 205 f.
Incest in bounds of the rite, 10, 55-57.
India: traces of the rite in, 66 f., 92, 109,

333; necklace-bond of the covenant
in, 76 f.; value of proffered blood
in, 122 f.; blood-drinking in, 141 f.;
divine-human inter-communion by
blood in, 155; wedding ceremonies
in, 194; form of adoption in, 194-
196; substitute blood in, 227;
heart for life in, 301 f.

Indian girls in British Columbia: cus-
toms among. 307 f.

Indians, American: cannibalism among,
187f; the rite among, 339 f.
Indissolubleness of the rite, 6.

Initiation into new life in British Co-
lumbia, 307 f.

Inspiration through blood, 114, 139-147.
Inter-communion: divine-hunan, by

blood, 155; with the gods, by par-
taking of flesh and blood, 371.
Inter-union of the divine and human
through blood, 147-190;
of sinner
and God symbolized, 247..
Invoking God to witness the rite, 370 f.
Involvings of the rite, 202-206.
Ireland traces of the rite in, 71; cove-

nanting customs in, 199; use of
thumb-ring in marriage in, 331.
Irenæus his condemnation of covenant
tokens, 238; on the symbolism of
scarlet thread, 355.

[blocks in formation]

Jessup cited, 82.

Jesus Christ: brings life to man, 273-

286; his words about eating flesh and
drinking blood, 276 f.; his blood-
giving in Gethsemane, 278; his blood
Covenant through circumcision, 278;
cause of death of, 279 f.; voice
of blood of, 360.

Jewish custom of asking pardon of
corpse, 146; sacrifice: its resem-
blance to that of Egyptians, 300.
Jews: charged with sacrificing a Greek
prisoner, 178 f.; wedding customs
among, 199; charged with blood-
drinking, 321.

Jezebel, blood of, licked by dogs, 312 f.
Jonathan and David: their covenant,

Jones cited, 70-75, 121, 238.
Jonson, Ben: cited, 199.
Josephus charge against Jews of hu-

man sacrifice repelled by, 178 f.;
on the transference of life, 363.
Juggernaut (Jagan-natha), sacrament
of, 163 f.
Juvenal: cited, 70.

KAFIRS: blood for life among, 125;
blood-washing among, 138.
Kalisch on blood-shedding in covenants,

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"Lacu :" a hint of the rite, 334.
Lafitau cited, 327.

Lambs as witnesses of the rite, 266.
Landa: cited, 90.

Lane: cited, 7, 11 f., 64, 72, 75 f., 192,

220, 225, 260.

Lang: cited, 111, 130 f.

Laodicea, Council of: its condemnation
of covenant tokens, 238.
Laplanders, covenant-drinking among,

La Roque: cited, 368.
Las Casas: cited, 189.
La Trobe: cited, 327 f.
Lauth cited, 110 f.
Layard: cited, 75, 167.
Lea: cited, 146.

Lebanon, mountains of, the rite in, 5.
Lefébure cited, 110 f.

Legacies of friendship, 270 f.

Legend, Brahmanic, of value of blood,

122 f.

Legend of creation of man by blood;
Phoenician, 112 f.; Grecian, 112-


Legend of destruction of man: Egyp-
tian, 110 f.; American, 111 f.
Legge: cited, 149 f., 154; on Chinese
word for sacrifice, 357.

Legs, blood from, in the rite, 20, 235,
313 f.

Lenormant: cited, 80, 113; and Cheval-
lier: cited, 78.

Leprosy cured by new blood, 116 f.,

125, 287 f., 324.

Lepsius: cited, 78, 81 f., 236.

Lessons of the rite, 202-206.

Lettsom: cited, 69. 122, 131, 140, 144.
Libations, Grecian and Roman, a sur-

vival of the rite, 200.
Licking blood in the rite, 59.
Liddell and Scott: cited, 304.
Life: blood is, 38 f., 57, 79 f., 99 f.,
III-126, 241, 299 f., 307 f.; by a
touch of blood, 134-139; always
from God, 147; to be taken only
by God's order, 214; new, from
the Author of life, 242; sharing the,
242; blood-money for, 261 f.; above


price, 262 f.; for life, the goel's
mission, 263; in Jesus Christ, 275 f;
given to save a friend, 284 f.; old,
purged by new blood, 287 f.; atone-
ment by, 287 f.; represented by
name, 335.

Lightfoot: cited, 352, 361 f.

Lintels, blood sprinkled on: in China,
153; among Dayaks, 309.
Lion's heart eaten in Africa, 135.
Liver: a synonym of life, 303 f.; signifi-
cation of the word, 304 f.; and
spleen, conception of, among Arabs,

Liver-eating among Bed'ween justified,

Livingstone and Stanley: their blood-

cancelling, 261.

Livingstone: makes the blood covenant,
13-15, 166; cited, 225.

Livy: cited, 297.

Longfellow cited, 118 f.

Longings of soul for union with God,
272 f.

Loskiel: cited, 327 f.

Love-showing by blood-letting, 85-89.
Lucian cited, 58, 91.

Luther, R. M., on the rite among
Karens, 313-315.

Lynd: cited, 55, 105, 236 f.

MCCORMICK, J. H.: quoted, 369-371.
Macrobius: cited, 72.

Madagascar, the rite in, 44-49; 346 f.
Maimonides: on mingled bloods, 351 f.;
on Arabian view of blood, 357.
Malabar, wedding ceremony in, 194.
Malachi's reference to table of the
Lord, 167.

Malagasy people, the rite among, 44-


Malcom: cited, 137, 198.

Mamre, Eshcol, and Aner: their cov-
enant, 264 f.

Mandrake, or love-apple, 111.

Manetho: cited, 170.

Marks stamped on shoulder, or on
chest, 218.

Marriage ceremony, survival of the
rite in, 191-200, 337 f.

Marriage customs: in Ceylon, 71; in
Borneo, 73, 308 f.; among Copts,
among Bed'ween, 192; among
Feejees, 193; in Namaqua Land,
193; in Russia, in Greece, in Switz-
erland, among Georgians, among
Circassians, 198; among Jews, 199;
in England, 199; in Scotland, 199 f.;
in India, 332.
Martin: cited, 150.

Martyr, Justin: on blood-drinking, 321;
on red cord of Rahab, 355.
Martyr, Peter: cited, 54.

Masai Land, blood-drinking in, 135 f.

Mason: cited, 193.
Mather: cited, 94.
Maurice cited, 363.


Mayas, sacredness of heart among,
106 f.

Meaning of "goel," 259.

Mecca: the rite at, 348; stones from,


Medhurst: cited, 49.

Megapolensis: cited, 187.
Mendieta: cited, 112, 176.
Mephibosheth: favor shown him by
David, 270 f.

Method of the rite, universal, 267.
Methods of the rite in Madagascar,
44-48; in Borneo, 44-54.

Mexico: legends of, 111 f.; cannibalism
in, 188 f.

Milk and blood: in blood-cancelling,
261; their relation, 301 f.
Milk-brothers, 11 f.

Mills: cited, 41, 117.

Mingled blood in death, in Hungary,


Missionary use of the rite in Burmah,

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Montolinia: cited, go.

Moore: his Lalla Rookh, 321.
Morrison cited, 149.

Mosaic law blood-drinking forbidden
in, 40, 251; recognition of the rite
in, 240-263; place of bloody hand
in, 247; sacrifices of, 247 f.; on
blood-covenant symbols, 258; on
ransom for blood, 260 f.; cuttings
of flesh forbidden in, 368.

Moses sacredness of blood in days of,
210; neglecting circumcising of his
first-born, 221; eating and drinking
in covenant, 240.

Mosheim: cited, 359.

Muhammad, on sacredness of blood, 353.
Muhammadans, covenanting with, 7.
Murderer witnessed against by blood,


NAAMAN, legend of, 116.

Nachman, Rabbi Moses bar, on sig-
nificance of blood-eating, 358.
Nadab his eating and drinking in cov-
enant, 240.

Nahuas, sacredness of heart among,
105 f.

Nakhl, Castle, sacrifice of dromedary

at, 180.

Namaqua Land, marriage customs in,


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