themselves with discretion, are permitted to profess their own faith, and observe their own modes of worship, without molestation. Polygamy is prohibited, and, although concubines be allowed, yet, while residing in the house, all who come under this denomination, are compelled to serve her who alone is invested by law with the name and prerogatives of a wife. The month is divided into four weeks; and every seventh day is observed as a day of rest and of religious worship. The Gospels are already translated into the Malay language *, which it is to be presumed many of the Burmans understand. Their government has at present some loose alliance with ours; and a common Christianity, by forming a closer and stronger bond of friendship, would convert this powerful empire into an eastern barrier, and thus contribute greatly to strengthen and secure our interests in Hindostan. Commercial intercourse, some trading stations in the country, and the proposed settlement upon Prince of Wales' Island on the coast, would greatly facilitate the diffusion of the light of the Gospel throughout this country. But, while these circumstances shew that Ava is an inviting scene of evangelical labour, whether they decide the question of preference, it is not for us to say. In * Bapt. Mag. vol. ii. 537. deed, the decision is not, in our present inquiry at least, of immediate importance. Without determining where the foreign enterprise shall begin, means preparatory to the propagation of the Gospel, by the dispersion of the Scriptures, as soon as they could be translated into the languages of the surrounding countries, might be provided and put into operation in many of these countries, or in all of them at once. It is not necessary to confine our attention and exertions to one. The process may be going on in all at the same time, as fast as circumstances will permit. But whether the attempt be partial or general, be carried on upon a small scale or a more magnificent plan, arguments and motives to stimulate the prosecution of the good work, cannot be wanting. They are also of a character correspondent to the undertaking itself;-interesting and sublime. Humanity prompts. If he who refuses to give food to him who is languishing for want, or extend succour to the perishing, be stigmatised as unworthy of the name of man, shall we withhold the bread of life, the means of redemption, from the fainting, perishing heathen, and claim to be compassionate? Reason urges. The illumination of the mind, the extension of the views of man, are the objects of revelation. 'Tis reason our great Master holds so dear; Reason pursu'd is faith, and unpursued, upon which our Religion obtests. Shall we not promote that glorious cause for which Jesus bled and died;-that faith best hopes are built;—that Gospel which has blessed mankind from age to age with such inestimable benefits, even of a public and common nature;-and that redemption which fills and enraptures the heavens with its high and glorious results? True glory calls. “That which it is good No service which an to receive, it is glorious to give." individual may render to society can be more honourable than this. It is a labour of love, of all others the noblest. The promotion of this good work will be glorious also to our nation. Then only, when the enlargement of our empire, the increase of our wealth, the exercise of power, and the pursuit of glory, are made subservient to the extension of the kingdom, and triumphs, and glories of Jesus, shall we either dis cover the spirit of the Gospel, or deserve the honourable appellation of a truly Christian people. Be these thy trophies, QUEEN OF MANY ISLES! Shall truth divine her tearless victories spread; Wide and more wide, the heaven-born light shall stream, Strange chiefs adınire, and turbanned warriors kneel; Awake, and meet the purpose of the skies* ! Jehovah enjoins. Thus we shall co-operate with him in his most glorious designs. Thus we shall contribute to the accomplishment of many blissful prophecies and promises. Thus we shall promote the most magnificent revolution in the kingdom of God on earth, and prepare the way for the final triumph of religion and righteousness-for the ultimate aggrandisement of his moral empire in the universe. *Vide Note GG. of How delightful the prospects which open upon the eye faith in prophetic vision! Christianity prevails universally, and the consequences are most blissful. Our race assumes the lovely appearance of one vast, virtuous, peaceful family ! Our world becomes the seat of one grand, triumphant, adoring assembly !—At length the scene mingles with the heavens, and, rising in brightness, is blended with the glories on high. The mystery of God on earth is finished. The times of the regeneration are fulfilled. The Son of God descends. The scene closes with divine grandeur. "And I heard the voice of a great multitude, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Hallelujah! the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ. And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away. And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven and I heard a great voice out of heaven, saying, Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and he shall be with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God, Amen and amen." |