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Sculptured Zapote Beam, forming the lintel of the en-
trance to funeral chamber in Prince Coh's Memorial
Hall. Casts from moulds made by the author
XXXIX. Fresco Painting in Funeral Chamber in Prince Coh's Me-
morial Hall. Queen Móo when yet a young girl consult-

ing Fate by the ceremony which the Chinese call Pou
XL. Fresco painting. Queen Móo asked in Marriage

XLI. Attitude of Respect among the Egyptians

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Troano MS.
LIII. Account of the Destruction of the Land of Mu. Slab in
the building called Akab-ɔib at Chicħen. Cast from
mould made by the author

LIV. Account of the Destruction of the Land of Mu. Plate

v., part ii., of Troano MS.

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LV. Calendar and an Account of the Destruction of the Land
LVI. of Mu. From the Codex Cortesianus .

LVII. Mausoleum of Prince Coh. Restoration and drawing by

the author

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LIX. Leopard eating a Human Heart: Totem of Prince Coh.
A bas-relief from his Mausoleum
LX. Macaw eating a Human Heart: Totem of Queen Móo.
A bas-relief from Prince Coh's Mausoleum

LXI. Salutation and Token of Respect in Thibet. From the

book by Gabriel Bondalot, "Across Thibet "

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