Unleashing Your Brilliance: Tools and Techniques to Achieve Personal, Professional and Academic SuccessWalsh Seminars, 2005 - 284 pages The reader is given many tips on how to go beyond conscious learning to more easily absorb information. The content has been designed to appeal to visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles. Each chapter can be reviewed with both a crossword puzzle and an online introspective tool. This enables a deeper integration of the material. In easy-to-understand language, this book explains, how the brain processes information, how learning is affected by emotions and core beliefs, and how innate brain is wiring can be altered both intentionally and unintentionally. Ideal for corporate learners, college/university students, home-schooling parents. |
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Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Unleashing Your Brilliance: Tools and Techniques to Achieve Personal ... Brian Everard Walsh Aucun aperçu disponible - 2005 |
Unleashing Your Brilliance: Tools & Techniques To Achieve Personal ... Brian E Walsh Phd Aucun aperçu disponible - 2007 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
ability Accelerated Learning achieve activity Albert Einstein asked auditory Baroque music behavior beliefs body book’s brain hemisphere Brain Walk brain waves brainstorming challenge Chapter cognitive concept map conscious mind create creative thinking cycle developed effective Einstein Emotional Freedom Technique enhance experience eyes feelings focus focused function goals human hypnosis hypnotherapist ideas images instructor integration intelligence interaction kinesthetic kinesthetic learners language learning style left brain limbic system linguistic listening material memory mental Mind Map movement Myers-Briggs Type Indicator negative emotions neocortex nervous system Neurolinguistic Programming neurons one’s patterns percent person PhotoReading physical positive problems rapport right brain right hemisphere self-esteem self-hypnosis sense sensory Six Thinking Hats skills social spatial specific stimulate strategies stress subconscious mind Suggestopedia teacher techniques Therapy things thoughts traditional trainers trance understanding Unleashing Your Brilliance vestibular system visual whole-brain words