AND CONSCIENCE IN ANCIENT EGYPT LECTURES DELIVERED AT UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON BY W. M. FLINDERS PETRIE METHUEN & CO. 36, ESSEX STREET, STRAND LONDON PREFACE THESE lectures, though based on the literature of the Egyptians, cover also some general considerations which are equally applicable to the Religion and Conscience of other nations. They are intended as an attempt to indicate lines of study, and to observe what actually is the construction of human thought, as shown in some of the oldest and most continuous records. be said that the relation of these to certain It may standard views in ethics and religion should have been treated; and that some more logical and systematic ideas are needed to start from. But my object was to see what really is, and not to try to fit that in with any theories, however highly supported, or any views, however orthodox. Treating the divagations of human thought as if they must have been systematic and logical has been the bane of all theories; and many a 5 (RECAP) 748979 |