The Historical Romances of Georg Ebers, Volume 2Bigelow, Brown, 1881 v. 1. An Egyptian princess. Homo sum -- v. 2. Uarda. The burgomaster's wife -- v. 3. Cleopatra. Joshua -- v. 4. The bride of the Nile. A question -- v. 5. The emperor. The sisters -- v. 6. A thorny path. The elixir -- v. 7. In the fire of the forge. Only a word -- v. 8. Barbara Blomberg. In the Blue Pike -- v. 9. Margery. Serapis -- v. 10. Arachne. The story of my life. |
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Expressions et termes fréquents
Adrian Ameni Amon answered asked Barbara beautiful Belotti Bent-Anat burgomaster burgomaster's called Captain chariot child cried daughter dead door Dornburg dwarf Egypt Egyptians exclaimed eyes father felt Fraulein Gagabu gazed girl Glipper Gods hand haruspex haruspices Hathor head heard heart Hekt Henrica Herr high-priest Hoogstraten horses Horus House of Seti Hout husband Janus Dousa Junker Katuti king king's kissed lady laughed Leyden lips looked Maria Mena Mena's Mohar mother Nebsecht Necropolis Nefert Nemu never Nile noble old woman once Osiris Paaker papyrus paraschites Pelusium Pentaur Peter Pharaoh poet Praxilla priest prince princess Rameri Rameses Rameses II Regent replied rose sacred Setchem silent smile soldiers soon soul Spaniards speak stood tell temple tent Thebes thee things thou thought to-day to-morrow tone took turned Uarda voice Warmond Werff wife Wilhelm words young
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Page 237 - Lebanon; the leaves and twigs consisted of artfully fastened and colored tissue; elegant festoons of bluish gauze were stretched from pillar to pillar across the hall, and in the centre of the eastern wall they were attached to a large shell-shaped canopy extending over the throne of the king, which was decorated with pieces of green and blue glass, of mother of pearl, of shining plates of mica, and other sparkling objects. The throne itself had the shape of a buckler, guarded by two lions, which...