The roundelay; a selection of comic, martial, naval and sentimental songs1815 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
Arthur O'Bradley battle Bay of Biscay beauty boatswain bold bosom boys brave Britannia British Britons call'd Captain Mulligan cheer Crazy Jane cried d'ye dear death deck delight Derry dogs drink e'er England ev'ry fair fear fight Four and twenty girl give glory grief grog hand Hark heart honest hounds huzza island Jack jolly Kate Kearney Killarney ladies lads land live look look'd maid married merry mild ale Mister Hase morning Nancy ne'er neat never night o'er ocean pleasure Poll poor poor Jack Post Captain pretty Robin Adair Rule Britannia sail sailors Sally Sally Solomons save the King shore sigh sigh'd smile Snob soon soul spirit Spoken sure sweet tars tears tell thee there's thou thunder thundering cannons to-morrow true turn'd twas Twill Vicar of Bray wife wind
Fréquemment cités
Page 130 - HERE, a sheer hulk, lies poor Tom Bowling, The darling of our crew ; No more he'll hear the tempest howling, For Death has broach'd him to. His form was of the manliest beauty, His heart was kind and soft ; Faithful below he did his duty, But now he's gone aloft.
Page 245 - King! Long live our noble King! God save the King! Send him victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us! God save the King!
Page 60 - ... true remain; Let me kiss off that falling tear ; We only part to meet again. Change, as ye list, ye winds ; my heart shall be The faithful compass that still points to thee. Believe not what the landmen say, Who tempt with doubts thy constant mind: They'll tell thee, sailors when away In every port a mistress find. Yes, yes, believe them when they tell thee so, For thou art present wheresoe'er I go.
Page 46 - STAY, Lady, stay, for mercy's sake, And hear a helpless Orphan's tale : Ah ! sure my looks must pity wake ; 'Tis want that makes my cheek so pale. Yet I was once a mother's pride, And my brave father's hope and joy ; But in the Nile's proud fight he died — And I am now an orphan boy. Poor foolish child ! how pleased was I, When news of Nelson's victory came, Along the crowded streets to fly, And see the lighted windows...
Page 60 - So the sweet lark, high poised in air, Shuts close his pinions to his breast If chance his mate's shrill call he hear, And drops at once into her nest : — The noblest captain in the British fleet Might envy William's lip those kisses sweet.
Page 106 - I'd give it all to Sally ; She is the darling of my heart, And she lives in our alley. My master and the neighbours all Make game of me and Sally, And, but for her, I'd better be A slave and row a galley ; But when my seven long years are out O then I'll marry Sally,— O then we'll wed, and then we'll bed... But not in our alley ! H. Carey CLXVIII A FAREWELL Go fetch to me a pint o...
Page 105 - But sure such folks could ne'er beget So sweet a girl as Sally ! She is the darling of my heart, And she lives in our alley.
Page 204 - There's a sweet little cherub that sits up aloft, To keep watch for the life of poor Jack!
Page 40 - To share with him the pang of woe? Say, should disease or pain befall, Wilt thou assume the nurse's care; Nor wistful those gay scenes recall Where thou wert fairest of the fair? And when at last thy love shall die, Wilt thou receive his parting breath? Wilt thou repress each struggling sigh, And cheer with smiles the bed of death?
Page 57 - I'll envy no nabob his riches or fame, Nor what honours may wait him to-morrow. From the bleak northern blast may my cot be completely Secured by a neighbouring hill; And at night may repose steal upon me more sweetly By the sound of a murmuring rill: And while peace and plenty I find at my board, With a heart free from sickness and sorrow, With my friends may I share what today may afford, And let them spread the table to-morrow.