A VIEW OF IN LETTERS TO A TRAVELLER AMONG THE ALPS. WITH REFLECTIONS ON ATHEISTICAL PHILOSOPHY, NOW EXEMPLIFIED IN FRANCE, By RICHARD JOSEPH SULIVAN, ESQ. F. R. S. AND F. A. S. Mala enim, et impia consuetudo est contra Deos disputandi, sive ex IN SIX VOLUMES. VOL. V. CICFRO• LONDON: PRINTED FOR T. BECKET, PALL MALL, BCOKSELLER TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES, AND THEIR ROYAL HIGHNFS 20. THE 10% S OF YOKK AND CLAPENCE, AND THE JUNIOR PRINC. 1794- fit comm. CONTENTS. THE anciens Britons and Irish derived from one com- mon stock---Whether the Scotch or Irish be the more ancient nation much disputed---The poems of The same subject pursued-The Irish claimed both by the Scots and the South Britons as their descendants ---Necessity of having recourse to tradition; exem- plified in the histories of Greece and Rome---and of Ireland---contradictory historical accounts of its an- cient state---Ireland not unknown to the Greeks and Romans---perhaps the ancient Thulè---The north coasts of Africa and Spain early colonized by the Phoenicians---Several parts of Europe afterwards co- The recent low state of civilization in Ireland no ob- VOL. IV. a 2 of |