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" When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet. "
An Introduction to the Irish Language: In Three Parts. I. An Original and ... - Page 9
de William Neilson - 1808 - 277 pages
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The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments and the ..., Volume 7

1611 - 360 pages
...thineeyes: keep sound wisdom and discretion: so shall they be life unto thy soul, and grace to thy neck. Then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble. When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet....
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Sacred hours; or, Extracts for private devotion & meditation, Volume 1

Sacred hours - 1804 - 500 pages
...eyes: keep sound wisdom and discretion : so shall they be life unto thy soul, and grace to thy neck. Then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble. When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid : yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet....
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A Short and Plain Exposition of the Old Testament: With Devotional ..., Volume 5

Job Orton, Robert Gentleman - 1805 - 476 pages
...thou ehalt go about thy 24 business comfortably and successfully. When thou liest down, thou shall not be afraid ; yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet ; no anxious distracting cares or painful reflection» 25 shall disturb thy repose. Be not afraid of...
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A Short and Plain Exposition of the Old Testament: With Devotional ..., Volume 5

Job Orton, Robert Gentleman - 1805 - 474 pages
...sound wisdom and discretion : So shall they be life unto thy 23 soul, and grace to thy neck. Then shall thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble ; thou shall go about thy 24 business comfortably and successfully. When thou liest down, thou shall...
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The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments; Together with the ...

1809 - 1150 pages
...wisdom and discretion : 22 So shall they be life unto thy soul, and grace to thy neck. 23 Then shall ered. This woman Slid unto me. Give thy son, that we may eat him to-day, and we will eat m shall not be afraid : yea, thou shall lie down, and thy sleep shajl be sweet. 25 Be not afraid of sudden...
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Sermons on Various Subjects, Evangelical, Devotional and Practical ..., Volume 4

Joseph Lathrop - 1810 - 416 pages
...discretion ; let them not depart from thine eyes. So shall they be life to thy soul, and grace to thy neck. Then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble. When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid ; Yea, thou shalt lie down and ihy sleep shall be sweet....
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Sacred History, Selected from the Scriptures: With Annotations and ..., Volume 3

Mrs. Trimmer (Sarah) - 1810 - 498 pages
...give th grace unto the lowly. Keep sound wisdom and discretion, so shall they be life unto thy soul: then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble. When than liest down thou shalt not be afraid : yea, thou shalt lay down and thy sleep shall be sweet...
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Sermons on Various Subjects, Evangelical, Devotional and Practical ..., Volume 4

Joseph Lathrop - 1810 - 432 pages
...them not depart from thine eyes. So shall they be life to thy soul, and grace to thy neck. Then shah thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble. When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid*: Yea, thou shalt lie down and thy sleep shall be sweet....
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William Jay - 1814 - 552 pages
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A Body of Divinity...: With Notes, Original and Selected, Volume 4

Thomas Ridgley - 1815 - 512 pages
...take thy rest in safety : Also thou shalt lie down, and none shall make thee afraid. And in Prov. iii. 24. When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid;...thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet. Sthly, There are promises of success, and a blessing to attend us in our worldly callings, in Psal....
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