From ann, in. tall, farther side, an all, over noċt, night, anoċt, at, or in night uair, hour, aon uair, once ċead ait, first place, &c. an cead ait, first, &c. From ca? what? uair, hour, ca huair? when? ait, place, cait? where? e mur, it is as, ca de mur? how? go de mur? S From gan, without. fios, knowledge, gan fios, secretly eifeact, effect, gan eifeact, ineffectually From mar, as, so, this, mar so, so, as this sin, that, mar sin, thus, as that ceadna, same, mar an gceadna, likewise From os, above. ceann, head, os ceann, above ard, ard, high, os ard, loudly, publicly isiol, low, os isiol, softly, privately From ti, to. go dti, until | go dti so, hitherto ADVERBIAL PARTICLES. (91) The following particles are used only in compo mi, negatives. sition. - deoin, willing, aiideoin, unwilling - trat, time, antrat, untimely - mùinte, taught, domuinte, hard to be taught creidte, believed, dicreidte, incredible slan, healthful, easlan, sick - cairdeas, friendship, eascairdeas, en mity - - - ciall, sense. miċiall, folly neam, - - - claon, partial, neamclaon, impartial intensive. oir, uir, an, iom, isioll, low, uirisioll, very humble mòr, great, anmòr, very great làn, full, iomlan, very full ais, - sealba, possession, aisealba, restitution at, gabail, taking, atgabail, retaking com, equal, trom, weight, comtrom, equal weight in, fit, deanta, done, indeanta, fit to be done so, apt, faicsin, seeing, sofaicsin, fit, or easy to be done The following particles are used with verbs. Do, signs of the do buailead, a, infinitive, a buailead, to strike ag, a, or ga, signs of the present participle, ag, a, or ga, bualad, beating do, do, sign of the preter, do buaileas, I struck iar, sign of the preter participle, iar mbualad, hav le, ing struck }signs of the future participle, le bualad, or ar ti, S ar ti bualad, about to strike To these may be added, ma, if; muna, mur, if not; da, if; go, that, &c. but these are more properly classed with conjunctions. (92) PREPOSITION. The following is a list of the most usual, and. simple prepositions. (93) Many relations are predicated, by the union of nouns with the foregoing prepositions; as, |