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3. The nominative usually follows the verb; as, tainic an fear, the man came: sometimes with a branch of the sentence intervening; as, tainic, air an mball, fear an tige asteaċ, the man of the house, immediately, came in.

4. The relative and interrogative pronouns always come before the verbs with which they agree; as, an te a tig go minic, the man who comes often; cia feadas seasam? who can stand? (123.)

5. When the personal termination of the verb is used, the pronoun is omitted; as, rinneamar, or rinne sinn an ni so, we did this thing. (124.)

* The pronoun is generally used with the second, and third persons, except in answering a question'; as, sgrioban tu go ceart, you write well: an sgriobam go ceart? do I write well? sgriobair, you do. (125.)

* The pronoun is never used with the first and second persons singular of the subjunctive consuetudinal; as, da dtigfea liomsa, had you come with me; da mbuailfinn an fear, had I struck the man.

6. The infinitive has its agent in the accusative, expressed or understood, before it; as, is mait dibse me a fuiread, it is good for you that I remain.

7. The active participle has its agent expressed in the dative, when the same person is agent to the following verb; as, iar na faicsin an tig, tainic se asteać, he, having seen the house, came in; ar mbeit duinn ar ndaoine oga, bi sinn a gcuideact acèile, when we were young, we kept company together; ag geluinsin sin don tseanduine, ġab se tairis air an taob eile, the old man, hearing this, passed by on the other side. (126.)

8. The present participle, with the verb bi, is always used when the continuance of a thing is expressed; as, ta me ag leagad mo leabar, I am reading my book. (127.)

9. The

9. The consuetudinal tense is used when a habit, or custom, is expressed; as, ca mbionn tu gać la, where are you every day? (128.)

10. The future participle passive often follows nouns, or adjectives, to denote the object that is to be affected; as, greanmar le faicsin, pleasant to be seen; ta arbar le bualad, there is corn to be threshed; ta na bat le na bleagan, the cows are to be milked. (129.)



11. Verbs transitive require their objects, in the accusative, after their agents; as, do buail me fear, I struck a man.

* The relative, and interrogative pronouns come before the verbs that govern them; as, an tea Buail me, the man whom I struck; go de glacas tu? what will you take?

12. Verbs signifying advantage or disadvantage require also the object of the benefit, or injury, in the dative; as, d'umlaig se doib, he obeyed them; do hinsiad dam, it was told to me; do tug me leabar duit, I gave a book to you.

13. Verbs of comparing, and taking away, require the ablative of the object of comparison, or deprivation; as, do ślad si mo ċeadfaid uaim, she stole my heart from me; samluigim tu le crann gan torad, I compare you to a tree without fruit; do bainead uata è, it was taken from them,

14. The infinitive, and participles active, require the genitive; as, ta me dul do ceannać brata, I am going to buy malt; bi se ag iarraid a mna, he was looking for his wife; iar mbualad an dorais, having struck the door; ar ti deanam urnaigte, about to make prayer.---See Government of Nouns, rule 12, p. 96.

* If the object be a masculine noun, it is aspirated;


rated; as, ta me ag gearrad crainn, I am cutting a tree. (130.)

15. One verb governs another in the infinitive; as, cuaid se do foglam a leigein, he went to learn his lesson. (131.)

The concord and government of verbs promiscuously exemplified.

[blocks in formation]

Tabair aire don deagbean,

Ta bean a tige ag tiaga dige,

Bhi bean a tige ar ti deoć a tiaġad, Ta fear a tige ag dul a codlad,

Ta se sgriobad a cleaċda,

Ta me aga foġlaim anois, Ce go gcainfea me,

Thaisbein me do an litir a sgriob tu ċugam, A mbearfea mise leat?

Ça raib tu anè?

Give me my shirt.
Why do you not

your black stockings? The strait shoe makes the foot sore. Did you never see it? Do not trust yourself with imprudent people. He dwells in a large house.

Are you about to strike me?

Attend to the lady.

The housewife is warming a drink. The housewife was about to warm a drink. The man of the house is going to sleep. He is writing his ever


I am learning it now. Though you should dispraise me. I shewed him the letter that you wrote to me. Would you bring me with you?

Where were you yester day?


[ocr errors]

Nar aitris si duit ca mead a bfuair si?

Did she tell you how much she got?


Go de ata siad ar ti deanam?

An te nać dean staidir ni biann se foğlumta, An fear a bi leis aniuġ,

Car cuir tu mo bata?

Fiafraiġ sin do duine
eigin eile,
Feadam a dul ait air bit,
Ni raib aċ aon ubal apuid
ann, a tug me disi,

Bain do čloca diot,
Na cuir araig orra,
Beid me smuainead

Račfuinn leat arìs,

Go de cuireas tu fuinne?

Da mbiadfasa liom ni leigfe an teagal do mo bualad,

Bhi seisean ga bualadsa, Bhfuil sib ar ti ar mbualadne?

Dean airis air a beacan binn,

A diulas gać blat bias air a coill, Biod sinn crionnać cosmuil leis,

Agus cuimnide air an uair naċ dtig air ais, Thaisbein se è fèin beo,

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What are they about to do?

He that does not study will not be learned. The man that was with him to-day.

Where did you put my staff?

Ask that of some other


I can go any place. There was but one ripe apple, which I gave to her.

Take your cloak off you. Do not heed them.

I shall be thinking of you.

I would go with you again.

What will you put under us?

If you had been with me, fear would let him strike me.

He was beating her. Are you about to beat us?

Take example by the bee,

That sucks each blossom of the tree;

Let us, like it, be timely wise,

And mind the hour, that quickly flies.

He shewed himself alive.


Ar ngabail an cupain ċuige, ar mbreit buideacais do, a dubairt


Ag gairm a deisciobal do, tug se neart agus cumacta doib,

Iarr deoć air mnaoi an tiġ,

Iarr air Mhaire deoć a tabairt duit,

Ta siad ga mbualad,

Ta sibse ga bur mbualad, Guidimse air Dhia, Guidim tu a Thigearna, Labair le m' atair,

Labair Bearla, ma tig leat,

Taobam le Dia mo corp is m'anam,

Beid me iar do bualad,

Having taken the cup, and given thanks, he said.

Calling his disciples to him, he gave them strength and power. Ask a drink from the woman of the house. Ask Mary to give a drink to you. They are a beating, or, they are beating them. You are a beating, I pray to God. I pray thee, O Lord. Speak to my father. Speak English, if you


I commit to God my body and my soul.

I will be after beating you; i. e. I will have beaten you.

Ta me iar teact o hal- I am after coming from bain,

Ta a matair agus a deirbsiur anaġaid na gnotaide sin,

Iar leigead an tsoisgeil do,

Fear da ngoirtear (ainm) Eoin,

Oltar linn do slainte fein,

Duisgtear leo an ilid maol,

Scotland; i. e. I have just come.

Her mother and sister are against that busi

[blocks in formation]
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