7. These are a portion of his ways; Hymn 2. L. M. God far above all creatures; or man vain and mortal. 1. I HALL the vile race of flesh and blood Shall mortal worms presume to be 3. But how much meaner things are they 4. From night to day, from day to night, 5. Almighty Power, to thee we bow; Hymn 3. c. M. God's eternity. 1. RISE, rise, my soul, and leave the ground, Stretch all thy thoughts abroad, And rouse up ev'ry tuneful sound 2. Long ere the lofty skies were spread, Or Adam form'd, or Angels made, 3. His boundless years can ne'er decrease, 4. While like a tide our minutes flow, 5. The sea and sky must perish too, 6. Well, let the sea shrink all away, 1. And flames melt down the skies, "L Hymn 4. c. M. God our Preserver. ET others boast how strong they be, While we confess, O Lord, to thee, What feeble things we are. 2. Fresh as the grass our bodies stand, 3. Our life contains a thousand springs, Strange! that a harp of thousand strings 4. But 'tis our God supports our frame, 5. He spoke, and straight the heart and brain Let blood, said he flow round each vein, 6. While we have breath, or life, or tongues, His Spirit moves our heaving lungs, Hymn 5. c. M. Divine wrath and mercy: from Nahum i. 1, 2, 3, &c. 1. DORE and tremble, for our God A Is a consuming fire; His jealous eyes his wrath inflame, 2. Almighty vengeance, how it burns ; Vast magazines of plagues and storms 3. Those heaps of wrath, by slow degrees, But kindled, Oh! how fierce thy blaze! 4. At his approach the mountains flee, The frighted sea makes haste away, 5. Through the wide air the weighty rocks Who dares to meet his fiery rage, 6. Yet, mighty God! Thy sov'reign Grace. When wrath comes rushing down. 7. Thy hands shall on rebellious kings 1. Hymn 6. L. M. God's condescension to human affairs. Pto the Lord, who reigns on high, And views the rations from afar, Let everlasting praises fly, And tell how large his bounties are. He hears us in the mournful hour, 4. In vain might lofty princes try 5. O could our thankful hearts devise To the third heav'n our songs should rise, Hymn 7. c. M. God holy, just, and sovereign. 1. HOW Job ix. 2-10. TOW should the sons of Adam's race If he contend in righteousness, 2. To vindicate my words and thoughts 3. Strong is his arm, his heart is wise; 4. Mountains by his Almighty wrath He shakes the earth, from South to North, 5. He bids the sun forbear to rise; His hand with sackcloth spreads the skies *. He walks upon the raging sea; 1. And rides the stormy winds; Hymn 8. s. M. Preserving grace, Jude 24, 25. O God the only wise, T%% Our Saviour and our King, Let all the saints below the skies. 2. 'Tis his almighty love, His counsel and his, care, Preserves us safe from sin and death, He will present our souls |