2. Go into ev'ry nation, go, Speak to their trembling hearts, and cry, Glad tidings unto all we show; Jerusalem, thy God is nigh. 3. Hark! in the wilderness a cry: A voice that loudly calls, Prepare! 5. The Lord shall clear his way thro' all; Shall all mankind together view: And what his mouth in truth hath said, His own almighty hand shall do. 1. XI. ORDINANCES. 1. BAPTISM. Hymn 378. L. M. Baptism. Matth. xxviii, 19. Acts ii. 38. "T WAS the commission of our Lord: 2. He sits upon th' eternal hills, 3." Repent and be baptiz'd," he saith, As water makes our bodies clean; Hymn 379. c. M. ELESTIAL Dove, descend from high, CELESTIAL And on the water brood: Come, with thy quick'ning pow'r apply 2. I love the Lord that stoops so low But the rich grace his hands bestow 3. Almighty God, on thee we call, Hymn 380. s. M. 1. M Pour'd out a double flood; Y Saviour's pierced side By water we are purifiy'd, And pardon'd by the blood. 2. Call'd from above, I rise, The stream to which my spirit flies, 3. It runs divinely clear, Hymn 381. L. M. 1. COME, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Make good our apostolic boast, And own thy glorious ministry. 2. Father, in these reveal thy Son; In these for whom we seek thy face. The sacramental seal apply, 2. EUCHARISTIC. Hymn 382. L. M. The Lord's Supper instituted. 1. Cor. xi. 23,&c. WAS on that dark, that doleful night, 1.TW When pow'rs of earth and hell arose Against the Son of God's delight, And friends betray'd him to his foes. 2. Before the mournful scene began What love through all his actions ran! 6. "Do this (he cry'd) till time shall end, Hymn 383. s. M. Communion with Christ, and with saints, 1. Cor. "JE To meet around his board; Hère pardon'd rebels sit, and hold 2. For food he gives his flesh; 3. This holy bread and wine. Maintain our fainting breath, 4. Our heav'nly Father calls Christ and his members one; 5. We are but sev'ral parts Of the same broken bread; 6. Let all our pow'rs be join'd, IN Hymn 384. P. M. 'N that sad memorable night, He left his death-recording rite: He took and bless'd and brake the bread. And gave his own their last bequest, And thus his love's intent express'd. 2. "Take, eat, this is my body giv'n, "To purchase life and peace for you,. "Pardon and holiness and heav'n : "Do this, my dying love to shew, "Accept your precious legacy, "And thus my friends remember me." 3. He took into his hands the cup, To crown the sacramental feast And full of kind concern look'd up, And gave to them what he had blest; "And drink ye all of this," he said, "In solemn mem'ry of the dead." 4. "This is my blood, which seals the new "Eternal cov❜nant of my grace; "My blood so freely shed for you, "For you, and all the sinful race: "My blood, that speaks your sins forgiv❜n, And justifies your claim to heav'n. 1. HOW Hymn 385. P. M. OW can heav'nly spirits rise, Drink herewith divine supplies, |