Thanks to thy name for meaner things; 6. How vain a toy is glitt❜ring wealth, 7. If I possess'd the spacious earth, 8. Let others stretch their arms like seas, 1. Hymn 320. L. M. ROM all that dwell below the skies, Let the Creator's praise arise; Let the Redeemer's name be sung, 2. Eternal are thy mercies, Lord, Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, 'Till suns shall rise and set no more. 3. Your lofty themes, ye mortals, bring, The great salvation loud proclaim, VIII. THE CHRISTIAN'S BLESSINGS, SUFFERINGS, DANGER AND SAFETY. 1. Hymn 321. c. M. SWEET was the time when first I felt The Saviour's pard'ning blood Applied, to cleanse my soul from guilt, 2. Soon as the morn the light reveal'd, 3. In vain the tempter spread his wiles; 4. In pray'r my soul drew near the Lord, But now my heart is almost broke,. 6. Now when the evening shade prevails, And when the morn the light reveals, 7. My pray'rs are now an empty noise, I read, the promise meets my eyes, 3. Now Satan threatens to prevail, 1. Hymn 322. c. M. LORD! what a wretched land is this, Which yields us no supply, No cheering fruits, no wholesome trees, Nor streams of living joy? 2. But piercing thorns through all the ground, And mortal poisons grow, And all the rivers that are found, 3. Yet the dear path to thine abode Lord! we would keep that heav'nly road, 4. Our journey is a thorny maze, 5. There on the hill of life and peace 6. Eternal glory to the king, Who brought us safely through ; Hymn 323. c. M. "WHY HY is my heart so far from thee, Why are my thoughts no more by day, 2. When my forgetful soul renews Fondly I hope I ne'er shall loose- 3. But ere one fleeting hour is past, 4. Then I repent and vex my soul, 5. Wretch that I am, to wander thus 1. Let me be fasten'd to thy cross,, WH Hymn 324. c. M. HEN in the light of faith divine. Honour and gold, and sensual joy, 2. Honour's a puff of noisy breath; 3. Whilst others starve the nobler mind, 4. The pleasures which allure our sense 3. God is my all-sufficient good, 1. Hymn 325. c. M. MY God! the spring of all my joys, The life of my delights, The glory of my brightest days, 2. In darkest shades if he appear, He is my soul's bright morning-star, 3. The op'ning heav'ns around me shine Whilst Jesus shews his heart is mine, 4. My soul would leave this heavy clay 5. Fearless of hell and ghastly death, The wings of love, and arms of faith Hymn 326. c. M. ENCE from my soul sad thoughts be gone, My tongue shall triumph in my God,. And make a joyful noise. 2. Darkness and doubts had veil'd my mind, 3. O, what immortal joys I felt, And raptures all-divine, When Jesus told me I was his, |