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Thanks to thy name for meaner things;
But they are not my God.

6. How vain a toy is glitt❜ring wealth,
If once compar'd to thee!
Or what's my safety or my health,
Or all my friends to me.

7. If I possess'd the spacious earth,
And call'd the stars my own;
Without thy graces, and thyself,
I were a wretch undone.

8. Let others stretch their arms like seas,
And grasp in all the shore,
Grant me the visits of thy face,
And I desire no more.


Hymn 320. L. M.

ROM all that dwell below the skies,

Let the Creator's praise arise;

Let the Redeemer's name be sung,
Thro' ev'ry land, by ev'ry tongue.

2. Eternal are thy mercies, Lord,
Eternal truth attends thy word:

Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, 'Till suns shall rise and set no more.

3. Your lofty themes, ye mortals, bring,
In songs of praise divinely sing;

The great salvation loud proclaim,
And shout for joy the Saviour's name.
4. In ev'ry land begin the song,
To ev'ry land the strains belong;
In cheerful sounds all voices raise,
And fill the world with loudest praise.



Hymn 321. c. M.

SWEET was the time when first I felt

The Saviour's pard'ning blood

Applied, to cleanse my soul from guilt,
And bring me home to God.

2. Soon as the morn the light reveal'd,
His praises tun'd my tongue;
And when the evening shades prevail'd
His love was all my song..

3. In vain the tempter spread his wiles;
The world no more could charm;
I liv'd upon my Saviour's smiles,
And lean'd upon his arm.

4. In pray'r my soul drew near the Lord,
And saw his glory shine;
And when I read his holy word,
I call'd each promise mine.
5. Then to his saints I often spoke
Of what his love had done;

But now my heart is almost broke,.
For all my joys are gone.

6. Now when the evening shade prevails,
My soul in darkness mourns;

And when the morn the light reveals,
No light to me returns.

7. My pray'rs are now an empty noise,
For Jesus hides his face;

I read, the promise meets my eyes,
But does not reach my case.

3. Now Satan threatens to prevail,
And make my soul his prey;
Yet, Lord, thy mercies cannot fail,
O come without delay.


Hymn 322. c. M.

LORD! what a wretched land is this,

Which yields us no supply,

No cheering fruits, no wholesome trees, Nor streams of living joy?

2. But piercing thorns through all the ground, And mortal poisons grow,

And all the rivers that are found,
With dang'rous waters flow.

3. Yet the dear path to thine abode
Lies thro' this weary land;

Lord! we would keep that heav'nly road,
And run at thy command.

4. Our journey is a thorny maze,
But we march upward still,
Forget these troubles of the way,
To reach fair Sion's hill.

5. There on the hill of life and peace
Our raptur'd souls shall dwell,
Our toils recount, our Saviour bless,
And all his triumphs tell.

6. Eternal glory to the king,

Who brought us safely through ;
Our tongue shall never cease to sing,
All endless praises due.

Hymn 323. c. M.


HY is my heart so far from thee,
My God, my chief delight?

Why are my thoughts no more by day,
With thee, no more by night?

2. When my forgetful soul renews
The savour of thy grace,

Fondly I hope I ne'er shall loose-
The relish all my days.

3. But ere one fleeting hour is past,
The flatt'ring world employs
Some sensual bait to seize my taste,
And to pollute my joys.

4. Then I repent and vex my soul,
That I should leave thee so;
Where will those wild affections stroll,
Which let thee, Saviour, go?

5. Wretch that I am, to wander thus
In chase of false delight!


Let me be fasten'd to thy cross,,
Rather than lese thy sight..


Hymn 324. c. M.

HEN in the light of faith divine.
We look on things below,

Honour and gold, and sensual joy,
How vain, and dang❜rous too?

2. Honour's a puff of noisy breath;
Yet men expose their blood,
And venture everlasting death,
To gain that airy good..

3. Whilst others starve the nobler mind,
And feed on shining dust,
They rob the serpent of his food,
T' indulge a sordid lust.

4. The pleasures which allure our sense
Are dang❜rous snares to souls;
There's but a drop of flattering sweet,
And dash'd with bitter bowls.

3. God is my all-sufficient good,
My portion and my choice;
In him my vast desires are fill'd,
And all my pow'rs rejoice.


Hymn 325. c. M.

MY God! the spring of all my joys,

The life of my delights,

The glory of my brightest days,
And comfort of my nights.

2. In darkest shades if he appear,
My dawning is begun!

He is my soul's bright morning-star,
And he my rising sun.

3. The op'ning heav'ns around me shine
With beams of sacred bliss,

Whilst Jesus shews his heart is mine,
And whispers, "I am his !"

4. My soul would leave this heavy clay
At that transporting word,
Run up with joy the shining way
T' embrace my dearest Lord.

5. Fearless of hell and ghastly death,
I'd break thro' ev'ry foe:

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The wings of love, and arms of faith
Should bear me conqu❜ror through

Hymn 326. c. M.

ENCE from my soul sad thoughts be gone,
And leave me to my joys:

My tongue shall triumph in my God,.

And make a joyful noise.

2. Darkness and doubts had veil'd my mind,
And drown'd my head in tears,
'Till sovʼreign grace with shining rays,
Dispel'd my gloomy fears..

3. O, what immortal joys I felt,

And raptures all-divine,

When Jesus told me I was his,
And my Beloved mine!

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