Hast thou not receiv'd him now, 3. Holy Ghost, the Comforter, Glows our heart to find thee near, IV. CREATION AND PROVIDENCE. 1. CREATION. Hymn 132. c. M. The creation of the world. Gen 1. "NOW let a spacious world arise," Said the Creator-Lord; At once th' obedient earth and skies. 2. Dark was the deep: the waters lay He call'd the light; the new-born day 3. He bids the clouds ascend on high ; 4. The liquid element below The rolling seas together flow And leave the solid land. 5. With herbs and plants (a flow'ry birth) Ere there was rain to bless the earth, 6. Then he adorn'd the upper skies; The moon and stars in order rise, The painted fowls of ev'ry wing, 8. He gave the lion and the worm He saw the building from on high; 1. Lord, while the frame of nature stands, Thy praise shall fill my tongue; But the new world of grace A more exalted song. demands Hymn 133. L.M. God's goodness to the children of men. Psalm cvii. 31. 1. ET the high heav'ns your songs invite, Where sun, and moon, and planets roll,. Of fish, and fowl, and beasts, and worms. Hymn 134. c. M. ORD when our raptur'd thought surveys, All nature joins to teach thy praise, 2. Where'er we turn our gazing eyes, 3. The living tribes of countless forms, The meanest flies, the smallest worms, 4. Thy wisdom, power and goodness Lord, And, O! let man thy praise record, 3. From thee the breath of life he drew; His brittle frame sustains. 6. Yet nobler favours claim his praise,. 7. On us thy providence has shone. THE Hymn 135. c. M. THE glories of my maker, God, And call the nations to adore Their former and their king. 2. 'Twas his right hand that shap'd our clay, 3. We bring our mortal pow'rs to God, 4. Let grov❜ling beasts of ev'ry shape, And rocks and trees, and fires and seas,. Their various tribute bring. 5. Ye planets, to his honour shine, And wheels of nature roll: Praise him in your unweary course 6. The brightness of our Maker's name . And his unbounded grandeur flies B Hymn 136. L. M. EFORE Jehovah's awful throne, Ye nations bow with sacred joy: Know that the Lord is God alone, He can create and he destroy. 2. His sov'reign pow'r, without our aid Made us of clay, and form'd us men! And when like wand'ring sheep we stray'd, He brought us to his fold again. 3. We'll crowd thy gates with thankful songs, High as the heav'ns our voices raise: And earth with her ten thousand tongues, Shall fill thy courts with sounding praise. 4. Wide as the world is thy command; Vast as eternity thy love: Firm as a rock thy truth must stand, When rolling years shall cease to move. Hymn 137. L. M. THE spacious firmament on high, TW And spangled heavens, a shining frame, Th' unwearied sun, from day to day, And publishes to every land The work of an almighty hand. 2. Soon as the evening shades prevail, |