POSTHUMOUS LETTERS OF THE Rev. W. HUNTINGTON, S. S. MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL AT PROVIDENCE CHAPEL, GRAY'S INN LANE. "He, being dead, yet speaketh." HEB. xi. 4. 1 VOL. II. LONDON: PRINTED AND SOLD BY T. BENSLEY, Bolt Court, Fleet Street; Sold also by T. HAMILTON, 33, Paternoster Row; AND AT PROVIDENCE CHAPEL, GRAY'S INN LANE; JIREH CHAPEL, MARKET PLACE, GRANTHAM, LINCOLNSHIRE; AND AT 1815. 1. a. 64. LETTERS. FROM The Rev. W. HUNTINGTON. CLXXXVI. Cranbrook, July 27, 1805. BELOVED IN THE LORD, The GRACE and peace be with thee through our Lord Jesus Christ. I am now at my native place, where I see not one face that I knew in the days of my youth; but the Doctor is still alive, and alive for evermore; "Because I live, ye shall live also." Blessed, yea blessed for evermore be the faithful Immanuel. refuse, the once offscouring of Cranbrook, is now in this town the highest officer there-an ambassador of peace, and a son of peace. "Not unto us, not unto us; but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy and for thy truth's sake." I have had good times, but bad weather; and, according to custom, the fowls have followed the seedsman to pick up all that |