With dusky redness vail'd her silver light, * One morning as I was walking round our estate, I saw a slave who had previously committed suicide, by plunging in and continuing under water till drowned. AVENÍA's gone into a world unknown. To the fond lover sweet the nuptial hour; Sweet is the garden to the lab'ring bee, Poor injur'd maid these sweets are lost to thee : 22 ARGUMENT. INVOCATION... The tyrant's interrogatories and their answer .... Ironical address to him in imitation of Solomon.... The conduct of oppressors proved to be spurious in the sight of Heaven; even from the works of creation.... That God cannot avoid punishing the oppressor and relieving the oppressed, according to his promise, demonstrated.... The excellency of religion.... Nothing else capable of producing real happiness in the mind.... A hymn to the Creator of the world, which concludes the poem. |