In tenui labor; at tenuis non gloria, fi quem EDINBURGH: PRINTED FOR J. SIBBALD:--And SOLD by J. MURRAY, LONDON. 1790. Edinburgh Magazine, Regifter of the Weather for July, 2 Picture of the Court of France in of the Regent. By the Duke Anecdotes of Law and the Com- mencement of his System, Biographical Account of the late Extraordinary Narrative of the revivification of Jofeph Taylor, Account of Jidda, a town on the Curious Transactions at Gondar, the Capital of Abyssinia. From Singular Customs in Abyssinia. On the new System which admits Capt. Bligh's Narrative of the Mu- tiny on board the Bounty Sloop, 43 + The feat of the Marquis of Tweeddale. |