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be examined, and to be corrected by them, if he should be found to have taught any doctrine worthy of censure. The cardinals soon after withdrew, to deliberate upon the most proper method of proceeding against Huss; and the result of their deliberations was, that he should be imprisoned. This accordingly was done, notwithstanding the emperor's parole for his security; nor were all this prince's endeavours afterwards sufficient to release him, though he exerted himself to the utmost. Huss was tossed about from prison to prison for six whole months, suffering great hardships and pains from those who had the care of him; and at last was condemned of heresy by the council, in his absence and without a hearing, for maintaining, that the Eucharist ought to be administered to the people in both kinds. The emperor, in the mean time, complained heavily of the contempt that was shewn to himself, and of the usage that was shewn to Huss; insisting, that Huss ought to be allowed a fair and public hearing. Therefore, on the 5th and 7th of June 1415, he was brought before the council and permitted to say what he could in behalf of himself and his doctrines; but every thing was carried on with noise and tumult, and Huss soon given to understand, that they were not disposed to hear any thing from him, but a recantation of his errors: which however he absolutely refused, and was ordered back to prison. July 6th, he was brought again before the council; where he was condemned of heresy, and ordered to be burnt. The ceremony of his execution was this: he was first stripped of his sacerdotal vestments by bishops nominated for that purpose; next he was formally deprived of his university degrees; then he had a paper crown put upon his head, painted round with devils, and the word Heresiarch inscribed in great letters; after which he was delivered over to the magistrate, who burnt him alive, after having first burnt his books at the door of the church. He died with great

firmness and resolution; and his ashes were afterwards gathered up and thrown into the Rhine. His writings, very numerous and very learned, were collected into a body, when printing began.

HUTCHINS, (THOMAS) late geographer general of the United States, was born in Monmouth coun ty, New Jersey; but, with the precise time of his birth, we are uncertain. His parents dying while he was young, an unconquerable diffidence and modesty would not permit him to apply for protection to his relations, who lived, at that time, in easy cir cumstances, in New-York, and would have been ready to assist him. He rather chose to seek some business, and accordingly, before he was sixteen years, went to the western country, where he was soon appointed an ensign, and pay-master-general to the forces. After some time, he became deputyengineer, and soon distinguished himself at Fort Pitt, the plan of which he laid out, and which was executed under his command, by order of general Bouquet, an account of whose transactions was drawn up and published by him in Philadelphia, in


He afterwards lived a number of years in Louisiana, during which time the accurate observations and remarks made on the country in general, the rivers, harbours, &c. and the manners of the people, are sufficiently shewn in the description, which he published in 1784, under the title of "A Historical Narrative, and Topographical Description of Louisiana and West Florida." After a variety of battles with the Indians, while he was with the army in West Florida, he rose, solely by merit, to a captain's commission, and would no doubt have been speedily promoted to a higher grade, had not his love for America obliged him to quit the service.

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Being in London, when the war broke out be tween Great Britain and her colonies, he remained there till 1779; when he published his map together with an explanatory pamphlet. His zeal for the cause of the United States, made him refuse a very profitable employment, which was then offered to him. He, at the same time, begged permission to sell his commission in the British army; but this request was not complied with. His abiding steadily in his resolution not to take up arms against his na tive country was probably the cause of the many misfortunes he met with, and the ill treatment he received from an obstinate and blindfold adminis tration.

For holding a supposed correspondence with Dr. Franklin, who was then the American Ambassador at the court of France, he was thrown into a dungeon, his papers seized and he lost upwards of fifty thousand dollars in one day. After lying six weeks in this horrid confinement, during which time, no ray of light was admitted into his cell, and having undergone a long examination before Lords Amherst and Sandwich, and the rest of the execrable junto, which, at that time, ruled with unlimited sway, he was liberated and, having resigned his commission, he passed over into France, where he staid some time to recruit the debilitated state of his body. He then sailed from L'Orient to Charleston, where he joined the Southern army under Gen. Greene. Here, however, he had little opportunity of exhibiting his military talents, as the peace ensued soon after his arrival in America. Soon after this, he was appointed geographer general to the United States, which employment he held till his death, which happened at Pittsburgh, April 20th, 1788.

To the assistance, which Dr. Morse received from the Geographical remarks of this gentleman, some share of the merit of the American Gazeteer may be justly attributed; and this the Dr. very handsomely

acknowledges, in his preface to that useful work. "Soon after" says he, "the plan of this work was conceived, and some little progress made in collec ting materials for its accomplishment, the author was informed, that Capt. Thomas Hutchins, then Geographer General of the United States, contemplated a work of the same kind: to him, as being from the nature of his office, far more competent to the task, he cheerfully resigned his pretensions and made him a tender of all the materials he had collected. But with a kindness and generosity, which flowed naturally from his amiable and noble mind, Capt. Hutchins declined the offer, relinquished his design and put into the hands of the author all the collections he had made, together with his maps and explanatory pamphlets, which have contributed not a little to enrich this work."

Capt. Hutchins was esteemed and beloved by all, who had the happiness of knowing him. He was remarkable for his piety and charity, a complacency of temper, patience and resignation under sickness, and an universal benevolence, which so eminently distinguished him, that all join in declaring him to have been "an Israelite indeed, in whom there was no guile."

HUTCHINSON, (JOHN) an English author, whose writings have made no small noise in the learned world; was born at Spennytharn in Yorkshire, in 1674. His father had but a slender income, and determined to qualify his son for a stewardship to some nobleman. After receiving such learning as the place afforded, the remaining part of his education was finished by a gentleman that boarded with his father, who instructed him, not only in such parts of the mathematics as were immediately connected with his destined employment, but in every branch of that sci

ence, and at the same time furnished him with a complete knowledge of the writings of antiquity. At nineteen he went to be steward of the Earl of Scarborough, and soon after to the Duke of Somerset.About 1700 he was called to London, to manage a Lawsuit of consequence between the Duke and another nobleman; and during his attendance in town, contracted an acquaintance with Dr. Woodward, who was physician to the Duke his employer. Between 1702 and 1706 his business carried him into several parts of England and Wales, where he made many observations, which he published in a little pamphlet, entitled, "Observations made by J. H. mostly in the year 1706.”

During his travels, he employed himself in collect-ing fossils; and we are told, that the large and noble collection which Woodward bequeathed to the University of Cambridge, was actually made by him.

He is said to have put his collection into Woodward's hands, with observations on them, which Woodward was to digest and publish with farther observations of his own; but putting him off with excuses, when from time to time he solicited him about his work, he suggested to Hutchinson unfavorable notions of his intention. On this Hutchinson resolved to wait no longer, but to trust his own pen; and that he might be more at leisure to prosecute his studies, he begged leave of the Duke of Somerset to quit his service. The Duke not only granted his suit, bat made him his riding purveyor, being at that time master of the horse to George I. As there is a good house in the Mews belonging to the office of purveyor, and a fixed salary of 888 Dols per ann. Hutchinson's situation and circumstanccs were quite agreeable to his mind; and he gave himself up to a studious and sedentary life. In 1724, our author. published the first part of his "Moses's Principia;" and in 1727 the second part. From this time to his death, he continued publishing a volume every year,

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