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The Jewish Woman. By Nahida Remy. Authorized
Translation by Louise Mannheimer. 12mo, pp. 263.
Cincinnati Published by the Author.

This work deserves attention as a study of Jewish womanhood made by a Christian woman and most cordially approved by Jewish teachers and authorities of both sexes. The present authorized English translation has been made by Louise Mannheimer. The preface was written by Dr. Lazarus, of Berlin, ho expresses the desire that the book be read especially by Jewish women. Much interest is imparted to the chapters treating of modern Jewesses and their various activities by the biographical and anecdotal material incorporated in the text. Much information, not easily accessible elsewhere, about individual Jewish women of prominence is embodied in these chapters. There is a frontispiece portrait of the author.

The Cause of Hard Times. By Uriel H. Crocker. 16mo, pp. 114. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. 50 cents.

A volume of brief essays intended to elucidate the author's thesis that the excess of production over demand accounts for the existence of "hard times." in the admission that "no professional economist has ever The author glories publicly recognized the validity of the theories and arguments set forth in this book."

England's Treasure by Forraign Trade. By Thomas Mun, 1664. 16mo, pp. 135. New York: Macmillan & Co. 75 cents.

The author chosen as the fourth in Macmillan's series of "Economic Classics," edited by Prof. W. J. Ashley, is perhaps less known to the present generation of economists than either of his predecessors in the series. Thomas Mun was the earliest exponent of the "mercantile system" in British trade policy. He died in 1641, but his treatise, though probably written about 1630, was first published, by his son, in 1664, The present publication is an exact reprint from a copy of this first edition in the library of Harvard University. The Story of Bohemia. By Frances Gregor. 12mo, pp. 486. New York: Hunt & Eaton.


It is believed that this is the first separate history of Bohemia and the Bohemian people to appear in the English langauge. It professes to be based on the works of Tomek and Palacky, the great authorities on Bohemian history. Much space is devoted to the period of the Hussite wars and the leading events of the Reformation. So far as Bohemia can be said to have a distinct history in modern times, the record is brought down to the present The book contains a dozen very good illustrations. The most obvious misdemeanor (in this instance amounting almost to a high crime) on the part of the publishers consists in the omission of an index.

The History of English Law before the Time of Edward I. By Sir Frederick Pollock, Bart., M.A., LL.D., and Frederic William Maitland, LL D. Two vols., octavo, pp 716-697. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. $9

There is good reason to doubt whether many American readers can be found for the 1,400 pages of elaborate text and notes on the early history of the law of England prepared by the able and industrious English scholars, Pollock and Maitland. American lawyers have never been greatly interested in the history of their science, and only recently have American universities given the subject merited recognition. It is to be hoped that the publication of this valuable treatise may prove a stimulus to better work by American students in the field of English legal history. The authors have supplied abundant foot-note references to enable verification of their work.

The Struggle in America Between England and France, 1697-1763. By Justin Winsor. Octavo, pp. 493. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. $4.

Mr. Winsor's qualities as an historian have become so widely known, while the spirit in which he does his work is so thoroughly appreciated by historical students, that every reader of Cartier to Frontenac," not to mention the author's earlier books, will understand the point of view from which his account of the long struggle between France and England for the control of the Mississippi Valley has been written. Mr. Winsor has long been a devoted student of early cartography, and the researches in this branch of his subject, begun in the preparation of the volume on "Cartier to Frontenac," have borne rich fruit in his present work. More than one hundred reproductions of contemporary maps serve to illustrate the text, and constitute a unique exhibit of the geographical information and misinformation possessed by the early explorers

and settlers; they also emphasize in a striking way the point
brought out by Mr. Winsor in his dedication to the president
of the Royal Geographical Society-namely, the importance of
physiographic influences as determining factors in history.
About one-fifth of the volume is devoted to an account of the
hostilities commonly known as the French and Indian War,
the preceding chapters being occupied with the explorations
and Indian fights which filled the first half of the eighteenth
century. On the shelf reserved for Western history, Winsor
should have a place between Parkman and Roosevelt.
The Relation of Religion to Civil Government in the
United States of America. By Isaac A. Cornelison.
12mo, pp. 404. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. $2.
The three divisions of this work treat, respectively, of
the historic, the actual, and the theoretical relations of
church and state in the United States By far the larger
portion of the book is devoted to the third part, which dis-
cusses, in detail, the question, What ought to be the relation
of the Christian religion to the civil go ernment? The author
has reviewed the judicial decisions on the subject with great
care, and ample extracts from the more important of these de-
cisions are included in the body of his treatise. The book as a
whole embodies the most thorough study of the question in its
various bearings that has yet been published.

Recollections of War Times: Reminiscences of Men and
Events in Washington, 1860-1865. By Albert Galla-
tin Riddle. Octavo, pp. 392. New York: G. P.
Putnam's Sons. $2.50.

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The title chosen for this volume fails to definitely suggest the author's main purpose, which is to present a memoir of the two great" War Congresses Thirty-eighth-of which he was a member. the Thirty-seventh and this task Mr. Riddle necessarily traverses ground already In attempting "covered" by various writers-notably by his contemporaries, Messrs. Blaine and Cox. As a contribution to the history of the period, in the conventional sense, the work may perhaps be deemed superfluous, but considered merely as a record of individual experience and impressions, when due allowance is made for the element of personal equation, it has a distinct place and value.



General Sheridan. By Gen Henry E. Davies.
Commanders" series. 12mo, pp. 340. New York:
D. Appleton & Co. $1.50.

The late General Davies, who completed this sketch of Sheridan for the "Great Commanders" series only a month before his death, in the fall of 1894, had participated in all the battles which rendered the name of the great cavalry commander so justly famous. The author makes no pretensions to originality in matter or manner of treatment. He has made faithful and judicious use of Sheridan's Memoirs, verifying all statements as to events connected with the Civil War by reference to the official records. The legend of "Sheridan's ride" of twenty miles is utterly discredited by General Davies, as indeed it had been by Sheridan himself. A portrait of Sheridan, engraved on steel, forms the frontispiece of the volume, and there are a half-dozen excellent inaps to illustrate military operations in Virginia.

A Short Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. By Ida M. Tarbell. Paper, octavo, pp 248. New York: S. S. McClure. 50 cents.

The first number of "
sists of Miss Tarbell's short biography of Napoleon, which
McClure's Magazine Library" con-
appeared originally in the Magazine, with illustrations made
from the Hon. Gardiner G. Hubbard's remarkable collection
of Napoleonic engravings and from portraits in the collections
of Prince Victor Napoleon, Prince Roland Bonaparte, Baron
Larrey and others. In several instances it was necessary to
make photographs of paintings in these collections which had
never been either etched or engraved, and these photographs
are now reproduced for the first time. Altogether, Mr. Mc-
Clure's unique publication contains two hundred and fifty of
these excellent and authentic illustrations.

The Decline and Fall of Napoleon. By Field-Marshal
Viscount Wolseley, K P. 12mo, pp. 205. Boston:
Roberts Brothers. $1.25.

The first volume in the "Pall Mall Magazine Library," like the initial number of a similar enterprise on this side of the Atlantic, is devoted to Napoleonic literature. It is made up of Viscount Wolseley's brilliant and successful articles which appeared in the Pall Mall Magazine under the caption, "Decline and Fall of Napoleon." The book contains

several illustrations, among them a strikingly unconventional portrait of Napoleon as he appeared at St. Helena, said to have been made from a contemporary drawing.

An Aide-de-Camp of Napoleon

Memoirs of Gen. Count Transde Ségur of the French Academy, 1800-1812. lated by H. A. Patchett-Martin. 12mo, pp. 466. New York: D. Appleton & Co. $2.

This work first appeared in French in 1873, after the author's death, as a portion of Count de Ségur's voluminous History, Memoirs and Miscellanea, which narrated the principal events of the Napoleonic era. The Count had been a private in the army of France as early as 1800, a General in 1812, and had served throughout the wars of the Empire on the staff of Napoleon, or at the head of picked troops. The present translation embodies the personal memoirs published for the first time in separate form, after revision by the author's grandson, Count Louis de Ségur.

Louis XIV and the Zenith of the French Monarchy. By Arthur Hassall, M.A. "Heroes of the Nations" series. 12mo, pp. 460. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. $1.50.

To the France of the seventeenth century Louis XIV appeared not only as a great monarch, but pre-eminently as a national hero. It is entirely fitting that his biography should have a place in the series devoted to the "Heroes of the Nations." Mr. Hassall has written with a keen appreciation of those qualities which combined to make the French king successful to a remarkable degree amid the peculiar difficulties which beset his reign. The careful scholarship which has marked the work of previous contributors to this series is not wanting in the present volume, and while the writer's enthusiasm for his subject may at times betray him into extravagant statement, the book as a whole can only be regarded as a faithful narrative of events. The illustrations are numerous and good.

William the Silent, Prince of Orange. By Ruth Putnam. Two vols., octavo, pp. 413-500. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. $3.75.

In writing of William the Silent Miss Putnam's aim, as expressed in the sub-title of her book, has been to set forth "the story of his life as told from his own letters, from those of his friends and enemies, and from official documents." For no other man of his time could this service be so satisfactorily performed, perhaps, as for "the moderate man of the sixteenth century." Even since Motley's elaborate researches were published, a vast amount of documentary material has been printed. after careful editing, and it may now be said that the scholar is provided with all the "sources" necessary to an exhaustive study of the life and times of the Prince of Orange. This recent multiplication of materials. however, has increased rather than lessened the burdens of the conscientious biographer, since it calls for the exercise of discriminating judgment in the weighing of evidence. No writer can hope to perform such a task as this to the entire satisfaction of every reader, but Miss Putnam certainly has succeeded to an unusual degree in picturing her hero as he appears through the media of his own writings and those of his contemporaries. Miss Putnam does not ask us to accept her judgment on controverted points. Her purpose is rather to present the evidence, in an intelligible form, that the reader may draw conclusions of his own. The author's skill of discrimination is shown in the selection of materials and in the perspective of the story. Something more than mere literary cleverness is manifest here, and on the whole it is a cause of rejoicing that the requirements of a solid and interesting biography of William the Silent, in the English language, have been so adequately met. The portraits and other illus trations, especially the reproductions of old prints, are of uniform excellence in both volumes.


My Early Travels and Adventures in America and Asia. By Henry M. Stanley, D.C.L. Two vols., 12mo, pp. 320. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. $3. The popular imagination does not to-day associate Henry M. Stanley with Indian campaigns in our Far West, and yet it may be that Livingstone would never have been found, and "Darkest Africa" not yet penetrated by the intrepid journalist-traveler but for the letters which Mr. Stanley wrote in 1867 to certain American newspapers describing scenes and experiences on our Western frontier. These letters are now republished in an attractive volume, with a photogravure portrait. The letters are full of interesting allusions to conditions and phases of pioneer life in Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado. The second volume of the "Travels" is made up of newspaper letters written from Egypt, Jerusalem, Turkey,

and Persia during 1869-70, while the writer was serving his apprenticeship to the work of seeking out Livingstone in Africa, for which work he had been commissioned by Mr. Bennett, of the New York Herald.

Madagascar of To-day: A Sketch of the Islands

By the Rev W. E. Cousins, 16mo, pp. 159. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company. $1.

In this brief account of the land of the Hovas, most readers, we imagine, will find their chief interest attaching to the chapters which treat of the people, the government and the present political situation. The final outcome of French aggression in the island cannot, of course, be predicted, but it can hardly be doubted that better governinent wlll be insured. The information furnished by Mr. Cousins (a missionary of many years' residence in Madagascar) in this compact volume is important and helpful to an understanding of the basis of the French protectorate and the various interests involved. Your Will: How to Make It. By George F. Tucker. 12mo, pp. 115. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. $1.

The purpose of this little book is made clear by the book's title; the directions given are eminently practical, and one or two chapters are particularly addressed to those persons who are not fully persuaded as to the necessity of making wills in order to secure a fair distribution of property after death. The reasons given by the author for the exercise of unusual care in these matters are certainly sound, and deserying of consideration.


Friedrich Froebel's Pedagogics of the Kindergarten. Translated by Josephine Jarvis. 12mo, pp. 374. New York: D. Appleton & Co. $1.50.

This volume is a recent issue in the admirable and familiar "International Education Series," edited by the United States Commissioner of Education. It contains the translation of fifteen essays by Froebel, which formed the first important European contribution to the great modern study of the child. The style is thoughtful and evidences the German fondness for elaboration of simple materials. To both teachers and parents seriously interested in the subject-matter-the edu cation of the child through its play life-the volume will be of marked value. There is no index, but the translator has prepared a very thorough analysis of contents. Thirteen plates present helpful illustrations.

Papers and Addresses of Martin B. Anderson, LL.D. Two vols., 12mo, pp. 297-287. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society. $2.50.

These volumes contain papers and addresses on a variety of topics, prepared by President Anderson between the years 1850 and 1887. The first volume is entirely devoted to educational and religious discussions; the second is made up of six papers on philosophical and scientific subjects and six addresses on miscellaneous topics, ranging from "Alexander von Humboldt" to "Political Economy and Its Ethical Relations" and "Currency Legislation." All these writings are marked by the characteristics which the students of Rochester University during many years learned to appreciate-great breadth of view, clearness of insight, and power of direct and forcible statement.

History of the Plague in London. By Daniel Defoe. 12mo, pp. 253. New York: American Book Company. 40 cents.

This work of the great eighteenth century pamphleteer and novelist is issued in a series of "Eclectic English Classics." The success of Defoe's "History of the Plague" was largely due to that realistic method of enumerating and accurately describing details, which is an important element in the art of "Robinson Crusoe." The reader almost experiences personally the horrors of the great pestilence which swept London in 1720-21. This convenient edition of the "History" has an introduction, simple explanatory notes and two maps.

The Orations on Bunker Hill Monument, The Character of Washington, and the Landing at Plymouth By Daniel Webster. 12mo, pp. 101. New York: American Book Company. 20 cents.

An intelligent, not too brief, introduction, and a fair portrait of Webster are valuable accompaniments to the three great orations brought together in this booklet.

Webster's First Bunker Hill Oration, 1825. With notes by A. J. George, A. M. 16mo, pp. 51. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co. 20 cents.

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La Débâcle. By Émile Zola. Abridged and annotated by Benj. W. Wells, Ph.D. 12mo, pp. 292. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co. 80 cents.

Doctor Wells' preface makes the interesting statement that this abridgment of Zola's "Downfall " is prepared from the one hundred and eighty-second edition of that famous work- generally recognized in France as the best product of the Naturalistic School." Zola's name is familiar in every corner of the reading world, but his entrance into the college class room-in America, at least-is a novel and obviously significant event. Doctor Wells has omitted considerable matter which he deemed superfluous from the æsthetic standpoint. His notes, occupying about twenty-five pages, are largely suggestive, idiomatic renderings of passages in the text. The editor believes that "from La Débâcle there may be learned more of the spirit of the living French of to-day than from any course in the classics or romanticists, however extended."

Eugénie Grandet. By Honoré de Balzac. Edited, with notes, by Eugene Bergeron. 16mo, pp. 300. New York: Henry Holt & Co. 80 cents.

The editor of this volume states that it is the first American edition of Eugénie Grandet, frequently considered Balzac's masterpiece. The text of the novel is accompanied by forty pages of helpful notes, and is introduced by a brief account of the author by Professor Bergeron, and an extract (translated) from Taine's "Essay on Balzac." A portrait of Balzac is also given. Many lovers of the great realist, outside as well as inside the educational ranks, will be grateful for this attractive little edition of one of his finest stories. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. Vol. 5. Octavo, pp. 174. Boston: Ginn & Co. $1.50.

Seven papers in the domain of Latin and Greek philology are included in this volume. They are all of that scholarly, closely critical nature which earlier volumes in this series of "Studies" have led one to expect. The most extended paper -occupying half the pages-by Charles Burton Gulick, is "De Scholiis Aristophaneis Quæstiones Mythica" and is written entirely in Latin.

Desideri Erasmi Roterodami Convivia e Conloquiis Famil

iaribus Selecta. Edited, with notes, by Victor S. Clark, Lit. B. 16mo, pp. 110. Boston: Ginn & Co. 50 cents.

Like earlier issues in its series of "School Classics," Mr. Clark's work is "primarily intended to provide supplementary reading for Latin classes in secondary schools There are copious notes and a very extensive vocabulary as well as an arrangement of "word-groups."

M. Tulli Ciceronis Cato Major de Senectute. Edited,

with notes, by Frank Ernest Rockwood, A. M. 12mo, pp. 159. New York: American Book Company. 90 cents.

Professor Rockwood's introduction gives careful consideration to biographical and critical matters, and suggestive

lists of books of reference. There are forty pages of notes, mainly philological, and on the pages with the text much space is occupied by commentary along the lines of historical and literary study. The book is satisfactorily printed and bound.

Home Geography for Primary Grades. By C. C. Long, Ph.D. 12mo, pp. 142. New York: American Book Company. 25 cents.

A commendable little work for primary grades. It aims principally to interest the youngest scholars in the common geographical phenomena about them; to help them form the habit of intelligent observation. A considerable portion of the text is in the domain of physical geography. The language -both poetry and prose-is adapted to the purpose of the book, and the pages are freely furnished with good illustrations.

Old Mother Earth: Her Highways and Byways. By Josephine Simpson. Third edition. 16mo, pp. 89. New York: William Beverley Harrison.

The third edition of a work copyrighted in 1889. It contains a series of thirty-two "Talks," written in simple language and in a fanciful style, which personifies many of the forces of nature. In this pleasant way children readers may receive valuable instruction concerning the rudiments of geology, meteorology, etc.

In the Story Land: A series of original and instructive stories. By Harriett Lincoln Coolidge. 16mo, pp. 58. New York: William Beverley Harrison. 25 cents. This "Number One "of a series of three numbers contains a half-dozen very simply-told stories for little children in kindergarten, school, home and Sunday school. Several, not all, are written in the spirit of fairy lore, but all aim to combine the useful with the pleasing.

The Teaching of Handwriting. By John Jackson. 12mo, pp. 54. New York: William Beverley Harrison. 50


Some time ago Mr. Jackson's "Theory and Practice of Handwriting" was noticed in this department of the REVIEW. Mr. Jackson is an ardent believer in the "vertical" system of penmanship, and his latest volume is this small reference and guide-book for the daily use of teachers following his method. The suggestions are clear and practical.

The Advanced Fourth Music Reader. By James M. McLaughlin and George A. Veazie. Octavo, pp. 300. Boston: Ginn & Co.

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Another evidence of the great interest now taken in the educational value of music in our public schools. This volume has been prefaced by competent hands, and is especially adapted to the advanced grades of grammar schools and to high schools where three-part singing is desirable. In addition to an extensive selection of songs it contains much material in the form of preparatory two part and three-part studies, composed expressly for this work by W. W. Gilchrist, of Philadelphia. The typography and binding are attractive. Banjo Studies. By Grant Brower. Folio, pp. 22. In two parts. Brooklyn Grant Brower, 300 Fulton Street. 50 cents each part.


Mr. Brower is a well-known Brooklyn banjo player, and is a master of his favorite instrument. In his "Banjo Studies" he has made a radical departure from the methods of the ordinary instruction books. He insists that there is music in a banjo, but that it is not to be mastered without the same diligent study and practice that are necessary to make the accomplished performer on other instruments.


In the Saddle. By Oliver Optic. "Blue and Gray" series 12mo, pp. 451 Boston: Lee & Shepard. $1.50. Neighbor Jackwood. By J. T. Trowbridge. Revised Edition, with a Chapter of Autobiography. 12mo, pp. 459. Boston: Lee & Shepard. $1.50.

Dame Prism. A Story for Girls. By Margaret Harriet Matthews. 12mo, pp. 429. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company. $1.50.

A Girl's Life in Virginia Before the War. By Letitia M. Burwell 12mo, pp. 209. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company. $1.50.

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(From the latest numbers received.)

American Amateur Photographer.-New York. June.
Melrose Abbey, Abbotsford, and the Old Castle at Edinboro'.
Feginners Column. XX. Lines. John Clarke.
English Notes. George Davison.

The Stereo-Photochromoscope. F. E. Ives.
Photography. Leon Van Loo.

The American Monthly.-Washington. June.

The Massacre of Wyoming. Clara L. Bournan.
Immigration of the Huguenots to America. Mrs. M. B. Nash.
Journalism in Rhode Island During the Revolution. Mary W.

American Magazine of Civics.-New York. June.
Progressive Individualism. John R. Commons.
Woman's Part in Political Sins. Ella W. Winston.
Is Monopoly Always Victorious? Gilbert L. Eberhart.
The Coffee-House as a Rival of the Saloon. I. W. Howerth.
The Issue in Ninety-Six. A. J. Warner.

Why Municipal Reform is a Failure. Charles E. Burton. Presidential Possibilities: Hon. Joseph C. Sibley. H. M. Irwin. Jury Reform. Horace F. Cutter.

Indeterminate Sentences. George M. Buck.

Decennial of the American Institute of Civics. H. R. Waite.

American Naturalist.-Philadelphia. May.

The Birds of New Guinea. G. S. Mead.

Search for the Unknown Factors of Evolution. Henry F. Osborn.

Fluorine as a Test for the Fossilization of Animal Bones.


Is Dæmonelix a Burrow? Erwin H. Barbour.
Hermaphroditism in Animals. T. H. Montgomery, Jr.
Sponges, Recent and Fossil. Joseph F. James.

The Mouth-Parts of the Lepidoptera. Vernon L. Kellogg.

Art Amateur.-New York. June.

Drawing for Illustration. Boutet de Monvel.
Palettes for Painting Roses. F. V. Redmond.
China Painting.-I. C. E. Brady.
Talks on Embroidery.-XII. L. B. Wilson.

Art Interchange.-New York. June.

A Near View of Inness. J. A. S. Monks.
Old Door Ornaments. N. G. Greenlaw.
Beyond the Pyrenees.-IV: Notes of a Journey in Spain.
Posters in America. Henry McBride.

Art Instruction in the Public Schools.-I. Douglas Volk.

Atalanta.-London. June.

Nursing; an Occupation for Gentlewomen.
Animals that Give Light. A. W. Wilson.
The Romance of London. Continued. Edwin Oliver.
Solitary Bees. E. Carter.

New Serial Story: "The Mourning Bride," by Mrs. Parr.

Bankers' Magazine.-New York. June.

Canadian Bank Stocks as Investments. W. W. L. Chipman. The Precious Metals-Appreciation or Depreciation? E. Atkinson.

British Manufacturers and Oriental Competition.

Bankers' Magazine.-London. June.

Banking Turnover in the United States.
The Bimetallic Argument. Herman Schmidt.
Some Monometallic Arguments. H. Withers.
The Law as to Disappearance of Assured Lives.

The Biblical World.-Chicago. June.

James Robinson Boise. Ira M. Price.

The Interpretation of Matthew 12:39, 40. A Symposium.
The Teaching of Jesus.-VI. The Kingdom of God. G. B.

An Introduction to the Quran.-IV. Dr. Gustav Weil.
Introduction to the Gospel of Luke.-II. Shailer Mathews.

Bibliotheca Sacra.-Oberlin, Ohio. (Quarterly). July. Calvinism and Constitutional Liberties. Abraham Kuyper. Capital and Labor. Lucien ('. Warner. Future Life in the Pentateuch.

Thomas S. Potwin.

Paul's Phraseology and Roman Law. George F. Magoun.
What is Sociology? Z. S. Holbrook.

The Passing of Agnosticism. Adolf A Berle.
Studies in Christology. Frank H Foster.

Injunctions and Strikes. William H. Upson.

Blackwood's Magazine.-London.


"Tommyrotics" in Literature. Hugh E. M. Stutfield.

The Cottonian Library: Our National Collections of Manu


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Sir Samuel Baker and Sir Edward Braddon; Two Great Shikaris.

Other Thoughts on Imperial Defense. Lt. Col. Sir George S.
British West African Possessions. Capt. F. D. Lugard.

Board of Trade Journal.-London. May 15.

German Commercial Credit in Russia.
The Greek Currant Crop of 1894.

The United States Cotton Industry.
Proposed Tariff Changes in Belgium.

Bookman.-London. June.

Henry Kingsley. F. H Groome.
Principal Cairns. Prof. Marcus Dods.

W. J. Courthope's "History of English Poetry." G. Saints-
The First Published Writings of John Ruskin. Dr. W.
Robertson Nicoll.

Canadian Magazine.-Toronto. June.

Gladstone's Odes of Horace. E. A. Meredith.
Re-Armament of the Militia. Capt. Charles F. Winter.
A Member of Parliament for the University.

Rome Revisited. C. R. W. Biggar.

Yuba Dam Trout. A. M. R. Gordon.

The Story of Castle Frank, Toronto. H. Scadding.

The Labarum. Arthur Harvey.

Pythagorean Fancies. H. Arthur.


A Glimpse of Portland, Maine, and Its Environs. R. E. Noble.

Cassell's Family Magazine.-London. June.

The Art of Hand-Shaking. A. Cargill.

Boating on the Cam.

Alan St. Aubyn."

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