A POPULAR ACCOUNT OF THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS. REVISED AND ABRIDGED FROM HIS LARGER WORK, BY SIR J. GARDNER WILKINSON, D.C.L., F.R.S., &c. IN TWO VOLUMES.-VOL. II. Illustrated with Fibe. Hundred Wostruts LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET. 1854. CONTENTS OF VOL. II. The different classes of Egyptians - Third class :-The husbandmen Agriculture - Fourth class:-Artificers, tradesmen or shopkeepers, musicians, builders, carpenters, boatbuilders, masons, potters, public weighers The fifth class-Pastors, poulterers, shops, fowlers, fishermen, labourers, brickmakers, and common people-Jews-People giving an account of their mode of living-Laws - Judges-Crimes and punishments painting - Architecture Orders of architecture - Some devices copied from nature— - Too great symmetry avoided - Use of large |