FAC-SIMILE of DEUT. IV. 1, 2. From an antient Hebrew Manuscript of the Pentateuch. ועתה ישראל שמע אל החקיסואל המשפטים Brought from the Interior of Malayala by the late Rev. CLAUDIUS BUCHANAN, D.D. and now preserved in the PUBLIC LIBRARY of the UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. Rev. CLAUDIUS BUCHANAN, D. D. LATE VICE-PROVOST OF THE COLLEGE OF FORT-WILLIAM IN BENGAL. LONDON: Printed by G. SIDNEY, Northumberland-street ; FOR T. CADELL AND W. DAVIES, IN THE STRAND; AND J. DEIGHTON, CAMBRIDGE. 1811. Commencement Sermon, preached before the Univer- sity of Cambridge, on Sunday Morning, July 1, 1810. 1 Commencement Sermon, in the Afternoon of the 29 |