International Law Reports, Volume 121Elihu Lauterpacht, C. J. Greenwood, A. G. Oppenheimer Cambridge University Press, 18 juil. 2002 - 722 pages The International Law Reports is the only publication in the world wholly devoted to the regular and systematic reporting in English of decisions of international courts and arbitrators as well as judgments of national courts. Among the cases reported in volume 121 are two Malaysian High Court decisions and one ICJ decision, which all relate to the Cumaraswamy immunity case. Volume 121 also includes three important investment protection decisions, two of these under ICSID, and the full reporting of the S. D. Myers Inc. v. Canada (Partial Award (13 November 2000)) of NAFTA Arbitration Tribunal under the UNCITRAL Rules. A selection of both European and international human rights cases also feature, including the important ICTY torture case relating to Anton Furundzija. The remainder of the volume is taken up with national cases, mainly from the United States of America. |
Table des matières
I | vii |
II | ix |
III | xiii |
IV | xv |
V | xvii |
VI | xix |
VII | xxxi |
VIII | 4 |
XXVII | 85 |
XXVIII | 94 |
XXIX | 98 |
XXX | 105 |
XXXI | 110 |
XXXII | 114 |
XXXIV | 123 |
XXXV | 125 |
XXXVI | 129 |
130 | |
XXXVIII | 131 |
XXXIX | 135 |
XL | 141 |
XLI | 153 |
XLII | 175 |
XLIII | 178 |
XLIV | 182 |
XLV | 190 |
XLVI | 195 |
442 | |
XLVIII | 443 |
XLIX | 444 |
L | 445 |
LI | 448 |
LIII | 449 |
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
International Law Reports, Volume 121 Elihu Lauterpacht,C. J. Greenwood,A. G. Oppenheimer Aperçu limité - 2002 |
International Law Reports, Volume 121 Elihu Lauterpacht,C. J. Greenwood,A. G. Oppenheimer Aucun aperçu disponible - 2002 |
International Law Reports, Volume 121 Elihu Lauterpacht,C. J. Greenwood,A. G. Oppenheimer Aucun aperçu disponible - 2002 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
accused action acts Advisory Opinion Agreement alleged Appeals Chamber application Arbitral Tribunal award Banobras Basel Convention breach Canada Canadian Chapter 11 claim Claimants Commission concerning Concession Contract constitutional crimes against humanity criminal Cuban Air Force Cumaraswamy customary international law decision defendant defendant's diplomatic dispute Dubai embassy entitled environmental evidence export expropriation F.Supp fact filed Flatow foreign sovereign FSIA Furundžija Geneva Conventions Human Rights immunity from legal interest Interim Order international law investment investor issue Judge Judgment jurisdiction Malaysia measure ment Mexican mission motion NAFTA NAFTA Article Naucalpan obligations officials paragraph parties PCB waste person plaintiffs principle Privileges and Immunities proceedings prohibition Prosecution Prosecutor protection provides punitive damages pursuant question rape regulation relating Republic request responsibility rule S. D. Myers S.Ct SDMI Secretary-General Section sentence sovereign immunity Special Rapporteur speech statute submitted Tadić testimony tion torture trade treatment treaty Trial Chamber United Nations violation waiver