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5. John's leaning on Christ's bosom, expressed faith and confidence in him. Leaning on another is a posture of reliance. The bride, in the Canticles, is described, as coming up from the wilderness, leaning on her beloved.

This was a time of great anxiety and distress. The disciples were soon to see their Lord in the hands of his enemies. But John gives not up his hope. Still he rests on his Saviour's arm, casts his burden on him, and trusts that he will sustain him.

Here is the Chritians's refuge. Pressed with affliction, conscious of weakness, burdened with a sense of guilt, he repairs to the Saviour for pardon, consolation and support. In the sufferings of Christ, he sees the great evil of sin, and sees also ground of hope. The same blood, which displays the wrath of God against sinners, manifests also the mercy of God to pardon the believer. While he beholds the suffering Saviour, he reflects-If these things were done in the Green tree, What will be done in the dry? But at the same time, his soul gathers hope and confidence from this thoughtHe who spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, How shall he not with him also freely give us all things? - Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ who died. He glories in Christ Jesus, and has no confidence in the flesh.

6. The particular time, when John leaned on Jesus's bosom, deserves to be remarked. It was while he was sitting with him, at the paschal supper.

His attendance withhim, at this solemnity, awakened those sentiments of love, faith, gratitude and hope, which he expressed by leaning on his breast.

While he looked back to that great national salvation, which was represented in the passover, we may suppose, his thoughts reached forward to the spiritual salvation typified therein. He saw, at the table, the Lamb of God, who, by his blood, was to take away the sin of the world, and who was prefigured in the paschal lamb. While he ate at this table, his eyes, his faith, and his affection, were fixed on the Redeemer by his side, who was now giving his flesh to be meat indeed, and his blood to be drink indeed, for hungry and thirsty souls.

Such exercises were certainly proper in a disciple, who sat by his Saviour, and ate with him at the same table, in the evening before he gave himself a sacrifice for the sins of the world.

We see then with what meditations and affections we should approach this table now spread before us. This ordinance was instituted in the same evening, when Christ celebrated the last passover with his disciples. It was designed as a memorial of his sufferings. Herein we shew forth his death. We are to attend it in remembrance of him. He sat with his disciples in the first supper. He is now on his throne in the heavens; but his eyes look down on us; his ears are attentive to hear what we speak -what is the voice of our lips, and the language of our hearts. We may here view him as near us. When we take our seats at this table, let us consider, that our Saviour is by our side. Here is his spiritual and gracious presence. Let us sit down, leaning on his bosom. He admits the humble believer near to himself; allows him to speak in his ear -to whisper the complaints and desires of his soul. While we sit by him, let us converse with him, confess to him our sins, lament our unbelief and hardness of heart, seek the supports of his grace, and the pardoning efficacy of his blood. Let our souls go forth toward him in love of his divine excellencies, in thankfulness for his wonderful goodness, and in desires of a nearer conformity to him, and of a clearer interest in his salvation. Under a humble sense of our sins, and of the imperfection of our best works, let us lean on his bosom; for in him we have righteousness and strength. By thus leaning on him, let us gain a more familiar acquaintance with him, and grow in our preparation to be received into his bosom in heaven, and to eat bread with him in the kingdom of his Father.


The Spectators of the Crucifixion smiting their



LUKE xxiii. 48.

And all the people, that came together to that sight, beholding the things which were done, smote their breasts and returned.

How exceedingly changeable were the

affections and sentiments of the Jews with regard to Jesus of Nazareth! In the course of his ministry, they had expressed the highest esteem of him. They had followed him to the remotest corners of the country, to hear his doctrines and see his works. When he entered into Jerusalem on a publick ocсаsion, they received him with loud acclamations. There was a time, when they intended to take him by force and make him their king. But after they perceived, that his kingdom was not of this world, and that their earthly views were likely to be disappointed, their affection soon turned to resentment and hatred. Now they joined in the attempts to destroy him, and were instant with loud voices to have him crucified. When the governour declared him innocent, and proposed to release him, they spurned the proposal, and repeated their demand, Crucify him! Crucify him!

Their clamours prevail. He is sentenced to death, and carried to execution. As he hangs on the cross, they feast their eyes, for a time, with the dismal spectacle. They pass by him, wagging their heads, and saying, "Ah! Thou, who destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself, and come down from the cross." They cast on him a scornful eye, and say, “Не saved others; himself he cannot save. Let him save himself, if he is a king."

But soon the scene changes. The sun withdraws his beams, and the heavens, at noon day, are wrapt in darkness; the earth trembles; the rocks are rent asunder; the repositories of the dead are disclosed; and the insulted Saviour, commending his spirit to God, bows his head, and, in exclamations of anguish, expires. Look on the multitude now -see how they appear. They, who before had triumphed in his misery, are struck with deep astonishment. One says, "Surely this was a righteous man." Another says, "This is the Son of God." And all the people, who came together to that sight, seeing what had past, smote their breasts and returned. They came to the execution with eager haste, and bitter zeal. They retired slow, silent, and pensive, with downcast looks and labouring thoughts.

Their smiting their breasts indicated some painful sensations within.

1. It expressed their conviction of the innocence and divinity of this wonderful sufferer.

Whatever sentiments they had entertained in the morning, they had now seen enough to extort VOL. I.


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