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above all things, should be welcome to guilty mor tals, What think you ? - Are they not astonished to see our ingratitude and indifference?-To see in a Christian land the number of professing Christians so small? - To see the assemblies in Christ's house so thin?-To see so few gathering round his table ?-To hear our songs of praise to the Redeemer rise with so partial, and so faint a sound? If mere benevolence so deeply interested them in this great event, What must they think, when they see us, whose eternal salvation depends upon it, so indifferent to it-so negligent to secure to ourselves its infinite and everlasting benefits? Shail the air ring with angelick praises for man's redemption, and earth not catch the sound ?-The shepherds in the field heard the voice, and felt the devotion-Shall we, under advantages for superior knowledge and stronger faith, be dead to all sense of gratitude ?Shall we never learn the song of those who are redeemed from the earth ? - Shall the fields and cottages of Israel's shepherds be more vocal in the Redeemer's praise, than the churches of Christians ?

How pleasing to saints and angels; to the Redeemer and the Father of men, will be the sight, when sinners, with one heart, shall repair to the throne of grace, and humbly seek an interest in the salvation of the gospel; when the churches shall be thronged with devout and attentive worshippers, and the table of the Lord surrounded with thankful and admiring guests? - There is joy in the presence of the angels, when sinners repent: The Redeemer is satisfied when, in their conversion, he sees the travail of his soul: God is pleased, when they bow to the authority of his son, and he hears, with approbation, the songs in which they celebrate redeeming love.

Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive blessing and honour and power; for he hath redeemed us to God by his blood. To him be glory in the church, throughout all ages-Amen.

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Now there was leaning on Jesus's bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved.

OUR blessed Lord, having nearly finish.

ed his work on earth, and knowing that the time of his death was just at hand, expressed an earnest desire to celebrate the passover once more with his disciples. Preparation being made, according to his instructions, he sat down with them to the feast. This precious season he employed in such discourse as was adapted to their present circumstances. When the first meal was made ready, he, to teach them condescension and love, went round among them, and washed their feet; giving them notice, at the same time, that he should soon be delivered into the hands of his enemies, and be betrayed by one of them. This he knew would be surprising intelligence; he therefore communicated it with

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caution. When he had washed their feet, he said, Now ye are clean, but not all. An intimation this, that there was among them one who was not clean, and who had no part in him. He had reference to the traitor; but the disciples did not fully comprehend his meaning. He therefore, a little after, speaks more plainly. If ye know these things, which Ihave done, happy are ye, if ye do them. I speak not of you all; I know whom I have chosen : But that the scripture may be fulfilled, He that eateth bread with me, hath lift up his heel against me. tell you before it come, that when it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am he. This premonition put them on thinking. But that one of his own family should join his enemies, seemed so incredible, that they scarcely yet understood him. While he dwelt on the melancholy subject, his spirit was greatly troubled: But painful as it was, he at length speaks out the matter fully-Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me. Struck dumb with horror, the disciples sat, and looked on one another, doubting of whom he spake.

Now there was leaning on Jesus's bosom one of his disciples, whom he loved. This, as we learn from the last chapter in this gospel, was John himself. He is often called the beloved disciple. At supper he sat next to Jesus, and reclined on his bosom. Peter, seeing John in this attitude, beckoned to him, that he should ask Jesus, which was the disciple of whom he spake. John then lying on Jesus's breast, says to him, probably in a low voice, Lord, Who is it? Jesus, in the same manner, answered, It is he, to whom I shall give the sop, when I have dipped it.And he dipped the sop and gave it to Judas. That this conversation between Jesus and John was unheard by the other disciples, is evident; for they knew not that Judas was the traitor, until afterward, when Jesus pointed him out by his dipping his hand withhim in the dish.

The circumstance of John's leaning on his Lord's bosom at supper, is several times mentioned, and may be supposed to import something worthy of our notice. Surely it was not by accident that he sat in that posture, nor without design that it is so often marked in the history.

It will doubtless suggest to us some thoughts pertinent to the similar occasion now before us: And happy the disciple, who, at this supper, shall by faith and love, lean on the breast of his Redeem


1. Christ, by admitting this disciple to lean on his bosom, shewed a special and peculiar affection for him.

It is observed in the text, that he who leaned on his breast, was the one whom he loved. He loved the others; but this he loved with superiour affection. In the temper and behaviour of John, there was something which recommended him to his Lord's particular esteem, and entitled him to this endearing appellation, the disciple whom Jesus loved.

The writings of this Apostle shew him to have been a man of a warm and affectionate turn of mind. This sensibility of his heart, and his constancy and fidelity in duty, pointed him out as a person capable of the strictest and most endearing friendship. None of the sacred writers dwell so much on benevolence and brotherly love; introduce the subject so often, or urge the temper with so much earnestness. The argument from which he principally deduces our obligation to love one another, is the wonderful example of love exhibited by Jesus Christ, in giving himself for our sins. As this argument seems ever to be uppermost in his mind, we may conclude, that he felt it to an uncommon degree. None were more strongly affected with a sense of the love of Christ, or had more of the same mind which was in him. That benevolence which ope

rated so powerfully in his own breast, he wished to see transfused through the hearts of all.

As he was distinguished by a kind and friendly disposition, so he shared largely in the love of Christ, and was admitted to special intimacy with him. He was one of the three disciples, who accompanied Jesus, when he went to heal the ruler's daughterwhen he ascended into the mountain to display the glory of his transfiguration-when he retired to the garden for prayer, just before his crucifixion. This was the disciple to whom he, on the cross, committed the care of his aged mother. He placed particular confidence in John, as one who would faithfully execute the tender charge.

Every sincere Christian is an object of the Redeemer's love. But some are admitted nearer to him than others. His love is not, like human affection, arbitrary and capricious; it is guided by a clear discernment of the comparative degrees of holiness in his different disciples. As the graces of religion, especially the more amiable graces of humility, meekness, condescension, constancy, fidelity and benevolence, abound in them, they share more largely in his approbation and regard. We are often attached to persons by things foreign to their character; by the comeliness of their form, the dignity of their station, the politeness of their manners, the brilliancy of their wit, the pleasantness of their natural temper, or the elegance of their dress and appearance. But these are circumstances on which the love of Christ will never turn. It is real virtue and righteousness, rectitude of heart, and purity of life, which entitle us to his esteem. The more we have of that mind which was in him, the greater and stronger interest have we in his friendship and regard.

John was highly honoured in being the disciple whom Jesus loved. But let us remember, that the same temper which was so pleasing to Jesus in this

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