The Expositor and Universalist Review, Volume 1 ;Volume 3George W. Bazin, 1834 |
Table des matières
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Expressions et termes fréquents
Achaia apostle appear atonement authority believe Bible called character Christians church circumstances communion connexion day of judgment dead destruction divine doctrine earth Egypt endless Epistle eternal everlasting evil expression faith Father fellowship flesh future Gehenna Gentiles give glory gospel Greek Hades hath heart heathen heaven Hebrew hell holy important interpretation Israel Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jewish Jews Josephus judge language literal Lord mankind Matt meaning ment mercy mind moral Moses Mount of Olives mystery nature object observed parable partakers passage Paul Pentateuch Pharisees preached preachers present prophets punishment quoted reference regard religion remarks rendered resurrection righteousness sacrifice Sadducees salvation Saviour says Scriptures sects sense Septuagint Sheol sinners sins Sodom Sodom and Gomorrah soul speak spirit sufferings supposed temple Testament thee things thou tion translation truth Universalism Universalists unto death verse whole wicked words writers